♣Chapter 7♣

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We walked into the Great Hall a few minutes later. "Bye! See you at Charms!" I said walking away and waving. "Bye!" They chorused.

I walked towards the Slitherin table. I saw Ari and E sitting somewhere halfway at the table. "Hey Ari! Eeteeweetee!" I shouted once I was close to them. I heard a few people laughing, muffled because they tried to hide it. "Hey, Jen!" Ari said. Ethan only scowled. "Someone is in a bad mood," I said. "I hope I didn't do that?" I said, innocent, with my hands at my chest. Ari and I bursted into fits of laughter and soon enough E joined us. "You are so weird it's unbelievable." He laughed. "And I'm proud of it!" I replied in 'after-giggles'. "Let's go to class little idiots." Ari said once we were done laughing.

"What do we have?" I asked. "History of magic with the Ravenclaws." E said. "Ulgh! Not Proffesor Binns! Why does the world hate me!?!" I said/shouted dramatically. "Because, dear sister, you are over dramatic." I heard two voices say behind me. "FRED! GEORGE! I missed you! I haven't seen you in forever!" I shouted turning around and hugging them. "That's what we mean-" George said.

"-you saw us at dinner yesterday, that's twelve hours ago,-" Fred went on. "-AND YOU'VE SLEPT ALL THAT TIME!" They finished in unison. "I really don't want to interrupt this, but we have classes." Ari said. "Comin'!" I said. "See you in free period?!" I asked Forge. "Yup!" Fred answered.


I walked to class with Ari and E, thinking to myself. We entered the class and sat at the back. Ari and E sat together so I sat in front of Ari. Someone sat down next to me. "Hey, Jen." I heard the voice of Loïs say. "Oh, hey, Lo!" I replied smiling. The lesson started and I zoned out. I heard him say something about a Goblin war or something. "You should take notes! This is probably going to be in the test!" Loïs said, being the smart Ravenclaw she is.

"I have a photographic memory, as long as I don't fall asleep, I'll remember it." I said to her. "But how can you not remember your parents then?" Ari asked from behind. "I don't know..." I said. Thinking about it it was really weird. "I heard there was a spell to wipe memories... Obivate, something like that." Ethan told us. "Obliviate! That's it! I went to a muggle school, they taught Latin to the smarter kids. Obliviate, it means forget." (A/N I follow Latin myself, and in actual Latin it is obliviscatur, but this works best for my storyline.) Loïs told us. "Are you a muggle-born?" E asked. "Because you went to a muggle school.."

"Oh, uhm, no, I'm a half-blood, but my mother, who was muggle-born, thought it was important to learn some muggle skills." She answered shyly. "She was right. Well, I will ask Proffesor Flitwick in Charms." I said, tuning out again.


After the talk in History of Magic the Slytherins and I were walking towards Herbology.

"Goodmorning class!" Professor Sprout bellowed. "Goodmorning Professor Sprout!" We chanted like schoolchildren typically would. (Ya know?) "Today's lesson is about the Sopophorous plant. Though this may be a bit beyond your level, I thought it woould be a fun starter." Professor Sprout explained. I zoned out, today was going to be a theory lesson.

How am I going to ask Flitwick? I'll just stay a little longer after class... I think.

"Okay class, that's it, you can go." Sprout told us. I looked at my watch. Yes, 15 minutes early. I thought. I left the classroom in a hurry, but one corridor later I bumped into a pair of redheaded twins and fell down. "Watch out where you're going Jen." They said in unison. "Sorry I was in a bit of a hurry. Are you pranking? Can't seem to remember you having a free period this hour." I replied. "Yeah,-" "-wanna join us?" They said finishing each others (A/N sandwiches!) sentences.

"Of course I wanna join you, you nitwits." I laughed. "What are we doing?" I questioned them. "Painting the Slytherin common red and silver." Fred said. "Now that you are here..." George said. "No, not alone! Filch is creepy!" I exclaimed. Then they did something I hoped they wouldn't do.

They looked at me with puppy-dog eyes! "Okay.... Ulgh you guys are jerks. You know I can't resist that!" I whined. "That's why we did it!" George said. "I suppose you need all the possible hands painting the common room." I muttered. "Thanks Jen you're the best!" Fred told me. "My dungbombs are in my dorm, can you give me some of yours?" I asked. "Here you go." Fred said while giving me four. "You better get Filch out of his office once you're done." I said pointing at the twins.


While walking I was just thinking in myself. Had I looked in a window, however, I would've noticed the orange colour of my eyes.*

At Filch's office I looked around for Filch or his devilish cat, Mrs. Norris. As they were nowhere insight I threw 3 dungbombs into Filch's office. But, to my luck, as I was walking away Filch came rounding down the corner. "Ah man!" I muttered. "Oh dear, we are in trouble.." He said creepily. "What is your name?" He asked. "Amanda Rose." I lied. "Well, Miss. Rose. You are going to clean my office and then we will sort the rest out." He said and he walked away, searching for his next victom.

When he was away I did a simple spell to clean the office and walked towards the drawers. "What do we have here..." I whispered. "An empty parchment, huh? What is the need to confiscate that Filch? Oh well, if he needs to confiscate it I'll take it..." I muttered. Then I sneaked out of the office.

I walked hastily towards the Gryffindor common room, where I was supposed to meet Fred and George. I said the password "Wiggle-legs. Some times I really don't get Dumbledore..." I said. "Me neither, girl, me neither." The fat lady said, shaking her head and swinging open. I climbed through the portrait hole and saw two redheads sitting on the couch. "Hey, you didn't save me!" I scolded them. "Sorry Jen, but we- wow..." Fred began but his mouth dropped as he saw me. "Wow, what?!?" I asked. "You.... your...." George told me. "What are you talking about?" I asked, a bit scared now. "Well....."


So, what do you think happened? Leave it in the comments. Don't forget to vote if you liked the chapter!



Word count: 1106🌹

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