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        It felt like falling.

          It had been one month without Elijah and it felt like the moment just before one gave a public speech; the jitteriness, the anxiousness that bubbled up that made time move quicker but it never moved quite quick enough. It felt like a pit in her chest that made her wish time away so she could get back...to Elijah.

               It was the end goal, after all. To be with him again was the one thing she most wanted but she had to be ready first.

            She had made progress. She started to feel things again instead of the numbness that enveloped her when Elijah was gone. It was only a inkling of a feeling, though, like a ghost to remind her it was there but it wasn't quite complete and real.

                She started to heal from the wounds that death gave her. She started to heal from the ghost that she became. But she was still afraid of the dark.

                 She started to train again...with the new Regent of New Orleans, Davina Claire. The witches still very much desired to learn about her even if she was a vampire now and the young regent wanted to gain their favor by making her an ally. So she visited the young witch once a week to learn more about herself...and visit the dark place.

              It wasn't something she wanted to do but she had to learn to conquer her fear. Jenny would practice by laying on the floor because it felt a bit like falling.

               She would feel that creeping darkness like shadows looming around her. She would clench her eyes shut tightly as she felt it suffocate her before she let herself fall into it like falling into a cloud. Then she'd disappear.

              She would enter her realm of the dead and be laying on the black glass as she stared into nothing but darkness. It would terrify her and she'd quickly wish herself back into the real world.

                   Jenny would appear again startled and crying. This was the first feeling to return to her without Elijah: fear.

               "What's wrong? What happened?" Davina asked in alarm.

                "I'm okay, I'm okay," Jenny waved off before wiping her tears away even as more took their place on her cheeks. "I shouldn't be crying in front of you."

                  "It's just crying," Davina knelt down and handed her a tissue box. "Everyone does that."

                   Jenny chuckled, "Yes, they do."

              But she didn't use to.

             Davina questioned hesitantly, "What's...so scary about it? Over there?"

                 "What's scarier than death? Each time I go there, it feels like dying again," Jenny sniffled. "But that's my trauma."

                "I'm sorry," Davina said sympathetically. "You know we don't have to do this? If the witches want an ally, they can get someone else."

               "But I have to do this, Davina," Jenny advised.


                "Because I can't be afraid of the dark."


Jenny started to read again. She started to get lost in other worlds. She started to marvel and wonder and dream.

Currently, she was on a bench at night under a streetlamp as the city came to life around her. She thought it would be good to be outside and watch as people smiled and partied knowing that life wasn't always so hard.

She was out at night, though, because she hadn't gotten a daylight ring yet. She could easily have Davina (or even Bonnie back at Mystic Falls) make one but she wasn't quite sure how well her tolerance was to blood. But she started to learn that she had a craving for only one thing and it certainly wasn't blood.

Jenny tried not to think about him to make these coming months easier on herself. But it seemed to be something she couldn't avoid, especially, when the brother of that man paid her a visit.

"I heard you've gotten rather close with the young witch," Klaus announced as he sat beside her on the bench.

Jenny paused as she studied the man beside her and she slowly closed her book. Truthfully, she wasn't mad about what he did to her but anger seemed to be the one emotion she was lacking.

"Yes, I'm sure you have," Jenny pointed out with a sigh. After all, she got Davina to break the curse on Hayley and her wolves that Dahlia had placed so the hybrid was able to be back with her daughter. "What do you want, Niklaus?"

Klaus placed his hands together as he gathered his words, "I've come to ask you to take my brother back. He's pouting across the river still and has yet to even so much as speak to me. I'm guessing he blames me for the break you two are currently on."

Klaus thought Jenny broke up with Elijah because of his anger that caused him to turn her. He thought Jenny was done with putting up with the Mikaelson family and her going back to Elijah would fix everything.

She blinked in astonishment before she sighed and stood up, "Klaus, you turning me had nothing to do with the break we are on. If you want your brother back, apologize."

Klaus rolled his eyes, "Apologize for making you immortal?"

Jenny shook her head in disappointment, "You can tell him that I've forgiven if you would like but chances are it won't do anything. But you know what you need to do and I have nothing to do with it. Now, goodnight."

She started to walk away but Klaus' words stopped her, "Have you forgiven me?"

Jenny turned to look at him in consideration, "I don't care that you turned me. Being a vampire was inevitable. But making him watch me die and not knowing I'd come back, well...that's probably one of the worst things you've done to him. But...Yes, I forgive you."

"I'm trying to be zen or whatever," she clutched her book to her chest with a little smile.

Klaus smiled softly as he stood, "My family does not deserve you, Jenny."

"Elijah and I..." she said before taking a breath as she said his name for the first time in a month; just saying his name made her heart race. "...are on a break. Doesn't that kind of exclude me from being called family?"

Klaus tilted his head in confusion, "My brother loves you unconditionally, Jenny. You will always be family."

Her lips parted in surprise before she pushed at his shoulder, "Well, then give him an apology. It's weird that you talk to me more than your own brother."

"Perhaps, I will," he rolled his eyes.

Jenny shook her head before she turned and left, "Sorry is one little word, Niklaus. It won't kill you."

AN: okay, so yeah Elijah actually hasn't spoken to Klaus or even seen Klaus for a month unlike the show
Anyways, we're going to have a couple chapters without Elijah

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