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Everything was dark.

It was like she stepped into a black hole. The ground beneath her feet was like black glass that gave off her reflection except her reflection wasn't what she expected. Her reflection was that of a character in a black-and-white movie.

The houses she could barely recognize as her own neighborhood as they were made out of black shadows. Everything was dark, and so was Jenny.

She was confused and quite scared. There were absolutely no lights but somehow she could see through the murthy darkness; it was like she gained night vision. Like somehow her soul fit in with all the dark things when it was once bright.

She walked and walked. It took her ages to find the house where she saw the black floating figure as everything looked the same. She approached the house slowly and took a deep breath before going inside.

The door was shadowy but became black wood once she reached for the door handle. She walked in carefully. She noticed there was no furniture in sight. But she knew in the plane of the living that there was; she visited the abandoned house when she was a teenager with Jenna. It was spooky then (something had even creaked) and it was even spookier now.

It didn't take her long to find the black floating figure except it was no longer like a shadow anymore. It was lady that looked like she was in a black-and-white movie like herself.

She didn't recognize the lady at all. The lone woman was looking out the window (although there was no glass or anything, it was just blank) and staring out into darkness. She didn't even seem to notice that Jenny had entered the house. She just kept muttering. Jenny got closer to pick up what she was saying and she froze once she heard it.

"Daniel. Daniel. Daniel," the woman just kept repeating.

Jenny backed up quickly towards the door as tears gathered in her eyes. She finally realized what this place was. A place for the lonely and lost. A place that was just as dark and empty as the souls here felt inside.

And she was one of them.


Jenny eventually went back to keeping the lone woman company. She had nothing else to do once she visited her house, the Gilbert residence, and the Salvatore Boarding House finding them just as dark and empty as any other house.

"What if he's thinking about me?" Jenny asked the older woman. "Do you think he is?"


"Do you think anyone is?"


"Oh, I hate you," Jenny muttered. "You're awful company."

Suddenly something happened. The living room they were in came to life. Literally.

The black glass beneath her became the old wooden floorboards. The withered furniture popped up and she could see the dusty cobwebs. There was also a bright, shining light aimed right at her face but it didn't hurt her eyes at all. Suddenly the light moved to the crumpling wall and she could see three young boys entering the home.

"Do you think it's really haunted?" one of them said.

Jenny started shouting at them but none of them heard her. And when they moved through the living room, one of them went right through her. She clutched at her chest in shock.

As the three boys were almost through the living room, the front door and the walls next to it that once came to life, turned back to its shadowy form. She looked from the door to the three boys and the part of the living room that was still alive. It was like looking through a wormhole.

The older woman who was also a spirit, (and still black and white) sat down in the old rocking chair. She looked content and muttered with a smile, "Daniel."

She started rocking back and forth in the chair which formed creaks which Jenny heard. But she was surprised when the three boys whipped around, "What was that?"

Their faces went ashen white when their flashlight aimed at the chair that was clearly moving. They all screamed and ran out the door.

Everything that was once lively went back to darkness. The chair disappeared and the old lady kind of floated down to the ground where she sat there. She looked up at Jenny and muttered sadly, "Daniel."

Jenny was still reeling from what just happened and how it happened. But she ran her fingers through her hair and muttered back the only language the lady seemed to understand, "Yeah. Daniel."


Jenny came up with the only logical conclusion. The kids were thinking about ghosts and therefore it allowed Jenny (and the old lady), an actual ghost, a view into the living plane. It allowed the lost to be found if only for a couple moments.

             Those couple moments were all she had until she felt a pull. It felt like a physical tug on her form and then suddenly the surroundings of the house turned into an open plane and there were shadowy tombstones sticking out of the ground. She was in a cemetery.

              She felt another tug and she turned around, looking into a wormhole again. Everything was lively and she could see grass and trees. Sunlight. But then she saw people in front of her. Her people.

              Elena was crying along with Jeremy. Stefan was holding Elena. Damon was there with a flask. They were looking down at a tombstone.

            She walked closer to the scene and saw the name engraved on it: Jenny Stevens. Her name. It felt all too surreal watching her own funeral.

              Everyone eventually left to go the reception but Damon stayed. He stayed there for awhile.

            "I guess I should've told you to stay," Damon took another sip from the flask after she saw a lone tear fall down his face.

             She knew exactly what he was feeling; he was one of her best friends after all. It was guilt.

              "Damon, don't," she stated like he'd somehow hear her. "It's not your fault."

               "I'm sorry, Jen," and he walked away and as he did, she was left once again, in darkness.

AN: I've mostly been switching between Elijah and Jenny pov's but it's gonna stay with Jenny now. I'm warning you now that the next few chapters will be really rough for Jenny.

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