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It was morning and they were strolling through the woods to the place where the light of the eclipse would shine. Damon is in a great mood as he whistles while playing with a stick he's holding.

"You're in a good mood for the first time this decade," Bonnie teased which made Damon poke her with the stick. "Stop that."

"Because I'm gonna see my brother. Because I'm going home."

"Yeah, assuming Kai's telling the truth. And assuming I can do the spell, which I won't know...until I see it."

"You know, from what Damon has told me, you're an extremely powerful witch," Jenny said. "I'm pretty sure there's no spell you can't do."

"Thanks," Bonnie smiled before she looked at Damon. "You talk about me?"

Damon shook his head with a little smirk, "In your dreams."

Bonnie rolled her eyes before she got back to the subject at hand, "Look, I want to go home more than anything but Kai's a sociopath, who's to say he won't screw us over?"

"He won't," Jenny stated.

"How do you know?"

"Because I'm pretty sure Damon will just kill him," Jenny said.

Bonnie looked at Damon and he nodded, "What she said."

Kai appeared out of nowhere carrying an ax, "I heard my name. All good I hope."

He also had the Ascendant in his hand and he used it as he looked up and blocked the sun from his face with it. "The eclipse will happen directly overhead," Kai looked at Damon and Bonnie who are shooting him glares. "In perfect alignment with the Gemini constellation."

Kai looked toward Damon, "You need to dig into the tunnels below us."

"Why?" Bonnie asked.

Kai paused for a second and spoke to her slowly as if she were a young child, "Have you never portal-jumped through an eclipse before?"

"Come on, Kai, why?" Jenny said, crossing her arms. Kai looked at her and caved.

"Okay look, the light of the eclipse will shine down and activate the Ascendant, you spout a little witchy woo and then poof!" He gestured an explosion with his hands and Bonnie raised her eyebrows. "Anyone standing in the circle of light holding the Ascendant goes home."

"By 'witchy woo', I assume you mean the spell?" Bonnie said and Kai nodded. "Let me see it."

"When the time comes," Kai stepped forward and pushed past them.

"Where are you going?" Damon asked.

"Into town, I need to... gather some important supplies," Kai said before looking at Jenny. "You want to come with me?"

"I'll stay," Jenny answered which made Kai pout like a child before stalking off.

Damon grabbed the ax before attacking the ground with it, "What is up with every psycho having a thing for you?"


Damon had dug up the ground, and he's standing in the place he'd dug up. Damon continues attacking the inside of the hole with the ax while Bonnie sits on the ground away from the hole. Jenny was just kind of hovering nearby.

"You know there's a very probable chance you're digging your own grave, and... not bothered?" Bonnie said.

Damon picked at the ground with the ax again, ignoring Bonnie and finally an opening appears down there, "Ha."

Kai appeared, coming from the woods with a backpack, "Looks like I got back just in time."

Kai nearly sets down his backpack when Damon vamp sped forward and snatched the pack before tearing it open. "Zima, grunge, every Alex Rodriguez rookie card known to man, and a pager. Really?" Damon dropped the bag on the ground.

"555-Hiya-Kai, no way I'm giving those digits up."

"These are the important supplies you needed to get?" Damon said.

Bonnie and Jenny were suspiciously watching the two from where they were at.

"Look. The future sounds great, all right? I'm super excited about the Internet, but 1994 has been my home for most of my life. I'd hate to get homesick. So let's get down there..." Kai said before getting cut off.

"No," Bonnie walked forward, pushing Damon out of the way, who attempted to stop her. "We are not going anywhere until you show me the spell."

"Okay," Kai stood still.

"Are we literally not going anywhere?" Damon said.

"Fine, you don't want to show me the spell? Then you can do it yourself," Bonnie said which made Kai smile suspiciously. "You... want my magic. Take it."

Bonnie held out her arm.

"Uh-oh, she's being brave," Kai singsongs to Damon.

"I'm serious Kai!" Bonnie said. "This was your big threat, wasn't it? That you could take some magic, leave us for dead, and do the spell yourself. So go ahead. Take all of it."

Damon and Jenny both looked worried, and Kai looks down at Bonnie before he smirked, "Don't mind if I do."

He slapped both hands on her shoulders and Bonnie yelped in pain, nearly going limp in his arms.

"Bonnie?" Damon and Jenny both said at the same time.

"It's okay, he won't kill me."

"Doesn't look like that from here," Damon responded.

After a few tense moments, Kai released Bonnie with a mischievous smile. Bonnie realized something as she regained her composure.

"He doesn't know the spell. Which means, we don't need him," Bonnie raised her hand. "Motus."

The ax Damon was using to attack the ground soared through the air before burying itself into Kai's chest, whose eyes widen as he fell to the ground. Jenny's jaw dropped.

"Great work, Bonnie," Damon said sarcastically.


Bonnie is now sitting atop the dirt, except now she has the ascendant in her hand and a grimiore in front of her. Damon is slumped against a tree, chugging Kai's bottle of Zima.

He chugged it loudly and Jenny shook her head.

"Can you...stop. Let me concentrate?" Bonnie said.

"On the bright side, this stuff's not so bad. It's fruity, and fizzy."

"Damon, I'm working on something..."

Damon continued, "On the not-so-bright side, is your intelligence, because you took the only chance of us getting out of here and turned him into a giant... douche-kebab."

"Think about it, Damon. What prison gives an inmate a key?"

"True," Jenny agreed.

"Is that a trick question? Or is this stuff actually starting to kick in..."

"I think the Gemini coven used a Bennett spell to create this place, what if that's why my Grams sent me here?" Bonnie said. "You know the last thing my Grams said to me... was to stay strong. What if that was her way of telling me I have the power to get out? I have the ascendant, a massive celestial event to draw from, plus a burning desire to get away from you."

Damon smiled but it didn't reach his eyes, and Bonnie held up the Ascendant before shutting her eyes and chanting. Damon's face became serious when Bonnie said the spell. The claws on the ascendant pull free and twist. Bonnie looks up at Damon as she stumbles to her feet, excited.

"That's why Kai wouldn't kill me. He needed a Bennett... I was his only way out of here," Bonnie said before turning and began to walk.

"Whoa, where are you going?" Damon questioned.

"Home. You coming?" she smiled at him and Damon followed.

"Guys, wait," Jenny called and the two stopped. "I don't think he's dead."

"How could he not be dead, Jen? He has an ax in his chest," Damon responded.

"I don't know but I'm a ghost and I'm not getting, you know...a ghostly feeling."

Damon looked at Bonnie who crossed her arms, "Don't look at me. I trust the ghost."

"Then what do you suggest we do?" Damon looked at Jenny.

Jenny thought for a moment before her eyes lit up, "Hold on. I'll be back."

Jenny disappeared for a moment and then reappeared with chains in her arms.

"Where did you get chains so quickly?" he asked.

"Your basement," Jenny answered. "Now you want to come help me tie him up?"


The sky above is still darkening from the eclipse. Damon sat on a rock, and the hole Damon dug is directly under the eclipse so the light will pool through. Damon stared at Bonnie who is standing directly under the light. Bonnie used the Ascendant to slice into her wrist and she then drips the blood onto the Ascendant.

"Okay," Bonnie looked up at Damon, who's still staring. She breathed hard and looked up at the blue eclipse light. She shut her eyes and began to chant. And just like before, the ascendant clicks and opens. Damon and Bonnie stare hopefully at each other.

"It's time, guys," Bonnie said.

"Alright," He walked over to Bonnie, under the direct light of the eclipse. "Let's get awkward."

They're both smiling widely. Damon placed his hands under Bonnie's. Then Damon looked at Jenny, "Come on, Jen."

"I don't think it'll work with me," she hesitated.

"Jen, get over here," Damon demanded.

She sighed and walked over to them, she placed her hands under his. But the moment she did, she felt a strain on herself and she felt a liquid run down her nose. She wiped it away to find blood.

"Jen," Damon said worriedly before Bonnie gasped.

"I hear them," Bonnie said.

"Hear who?"

"The ancestors," Bonnie explained. "They don't want her to come back."

"We're not leaving her here," Damon said.

The eclipse light got brighter and the pain got worse before her hands were shoved down by a venomous wind.

"No!" Damon shouted as he grabbed her hand. The eclipse light bathed them in white that blinded them completely. She could feel a force trying to break their hands apart as the light started to carry them away but Damon held on tight and didn't let go.

AN: the next chapter will wrap up part 3. Then we'll be onto part 4 and the final part of this story. And yes sorry but Kai is staying trapped in the prison world.

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