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     A week had passed and Jenny Stevens was the talk of the town; well, more specifically, her rendezvous with a newcomer every morning. Everyone was curious about the relationship and they wanted it to thrive because, after all, it was Jenny.

     Jenny was the unofficial town mascot. If anyone asked what it was like to live in the town of Mystic Falls, they'd point out Jenny. She was the happiest human being alive and, therefore, the town must be a very happy place. Jenny was an idol to the town that everyone aspired to live up to. So, her relationship with Elijah Smith was something for the whole town to talk about.

      And it wasn't hard to notice.

      Jenny walked with Elijah down the sidewalk to the parking lot where her car was parked. Her arm was linked with his. She noticed all the eyes of them and small whispers as people passed them. And she noticed the small smirk that Elijah wore as if he knew what they were saying.

     "I'd say we're getting quite a lot of attention," Jenny announced. "I can't imagine the rumors."

     "Perhaps, we should give them another," Elijah suggesting, flirting. "Something to really talk about."

     Jenny bit her lip with a smile and her eyes twinkled with mischief, "What do you have in mind?"

     Jenny looked up at him as they came to halt next to her car. He looked down at her with adoration in his eyes. He'd like to believe that he was still a free man, but looking down at her in that moment, he knew he wasn't. He was irrevocably chained to her from the moment he laid eyes on her and her smile that was so full of life and beauty it took his breath away. It still took his breath away, even now.

He didn't know where his brain went in her presence. His brain was null and void while his heart took the reins. He wasn't a man to believe in love, let alone love at first sight, but he was starting to understand how such things were possible.

      Some things were too beautiful to comprehend and love became an automatic response. Jenny was too beautiful to comprehend.

     Elijah leaned down towards her and laid a kiss on her cheek. Anyone at a distance would have believed they were kissing. Jenny had her breath taken away. His lips were soft and lingered a little too long, causing her face to heat up and her heart beat like a drum. She closed her eyes to the feeling, the way her heart tightened as it filled with joy, but Elijah pulled away and she opened her eyes, a sigh leaving her lips.

    The air was charged around them and they were both in their own little bubble with each other to notice anything else. She gave him a toothed smile and pulled her arm away from him as she said what they always ended with, "Tomorrow."

     "Tomorrow," Elijah smiled along with her.

    The two of them never said goodbye to each other. Their endings were always filled with the promise of more beginnings. They always kept the belief that there was another day. It was something that would never change.


It was the next day after she had met Elijah for coffee that morning. She had gone home to find a single rose on her porch. There was no note or anything and she didn't think anything of it. She just set it inside her house.

Later in the day, she went over to the Gilbert house after having checked the mail. She along with Jenna still got their mail mixed up. She knocked on the door and waited.

"How many times must I say just to come in?" Jenna asked as she swung the door open.

"I can't help it," Jenny admitted as she stepped through the door. "It's a habit. You know that."

"I picked this up for you," she handed the some of the mail over to Jenna.

"You're a lifesaver. Thanks, I keep forgetting," Jenna said, looking through her mail.

"Elijah is here," Jenna smiled like the Grinch making her eyes widen. "I'm gonna go get those historical records; why don't you want go keep our guest company?"

          Jenny shook her head with a smile but happily walked to the kitchen where Elijah was waiting. He looked up in surprise when she entered.

          "Hey," she smiled shyly even though they met each other every day.

           "Jenny," he uttered causing her heartbeat to pick its pace as she leaned against the counter in front of him. "I should've known I'd see you here. You two really are attached at the hip."

          "We're sisters even if not by blood," Jenny stated before her memory recalled something. "Hey, did you send me a rose?"

            "No," Elijah furrowed his eyebrows as he stuck his hands in his pockets. "I didn't realize you had other admirers."

           She could sense the bitterness in his tone; he was jealous. A small smile spread across her lips, "Does that mean you're one?"

            His eyes focused on her, away from the thoughts of her with another man, "You know I am."

           "I don't know," she teased. "This mysterious competition might be winning me over."

            He shook his head at her and he was surprised when she kissed his cheek ever so softly before pulling away slightly, quietly speaking, "You're the only admirer I care about, Elijah."

            Elijah smiled down at her adoringly before Jenna interrupted them holding a large box, "Okay, here are all the historical records you wanted."

"Thank you, Jenna," he smiled politely, his eyes still on Jenny before he tore them away.

"So you're welcome to stay here and rummage through this stuff or Jenny and I could help you load it into your car," Jenna offered.

"Or I can get someone to pick it up tomorrow," Elijah suggested.

"Also a good plan," Jenna agreed.

A gasp was heard and they turned to see Elena had come down the stairs, she was staring at Elijah in surprise but her eyes quickly moved to Jenna, "What's going on?"

"These are your mom's files from the Historical Society," Jenna put the large box on the counter. "I got roped into helping Mrs. Lockwood and by roped, I mean very excited to participate."

"Hey, I'm Elijah," he gave Elena a fake smile and he moved closer to her, holding out his hand. "It's a pleasure."

They shook hands but Jenny noticed how nervous Elena looked. She bit her lip in thought about it.

"Elijah's in town doing research on Mystic Falls," Jenna explained. "And I think he might actually get Jenny to like history."

Jenny blushed and Elijah was amused, "I'll certainly try."

"Wait, Jenny knows Elijah?" Elena questioned, worried for the person who was like a second aunt.

"Yeah, for about a week now," Jenna informed causing Elijah to tightly smile, he knew his relationship with Jenny would cause problems.

"I don't wish to intrude any further. Thank you so much for inviting me into your home, Jenna; and Elena..." Elijah looked at the young girl. "I hope to see you again sometime soon."

His words felt like a double meaning to Jenny; it was another one of those times where it felt like he held so many secrets.

Elijah turned his attention to her and she smiled at him. Elena didn't miss the adoration Elijah held in his eyes as he looked at Jenny.

He kissed her cheek for the second day in a row causing another blush to form and her to miss Elena's jaw drop.

"I'll see you tomorrow," and just like that, he left.

"Elena, you'll catch flies," Jenna stated and Elena gained her composure.

"So, are you...seeing Elijah, Jenny?" Elena questioned.

"I meet him for coffee."

"But she will be seeing him," Jenna commented.

Jenny chuckled, "Why do you ask?"

Elena shook her head, "Just curious. I'll, uh, be upstairs."

"She's acting odd," Jenna noticed. "I'll have to ask her about it."

"Now," Jenna put her hands on her hips. "Why aren't you and Elijah dating yet? You two were totally adorable."

"Jenna, we're just friends," Jenny denied. "I don't think Elijah wants a relationship."

"Why do you say that?" Jenna asked.

"I don't know. He's just so closed off all the time," Jenny explained. "Maybe I'm just reading into things too much."

"You've always had killer instincts so I believe you," Jenna supported her. "But do you want a relationship?"

Jenny tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and sighed, "I've only known him for a week."

Jenny didn't want to admit how much she had already become attached to Elijah. But everything between them flowed so easily and she adored him so much already.

"So? That doesn't answer the question."

"I think so," Jenny answered.

"But he's always so careful and guarded. It's like he keeps one foot in the door and one foot out the door, you know," Jenny explained. "Like he's ready to bolt the moment danger comes around the corner."

"Do you think he might leave?" Jenna asked, worried that her friend might be abandoned.

"I hope not," Jenny admitted. "I want him to stay."

I want him to stay. Her words rung in his ears as if he were right next to her. He couldn't help but eavesdrop on the conversation while he negotiated with Elena.

He knew he shouldn't get attached to someone. Now that he wasn't in her direct presence, all the yield signs were going off in his head. He should let her go. She would move on and find someone else. She wouldn't be in danger but he found himself ignoring all the alarm bells the moment she said she wanted him to stay.

He was already the happiest he'd ever been in her presence. Maybe he would be allowed happiness just this once, with her. It was a naive thought and one he shouldn't have listened to, but he did anyways.

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