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"This essay is beautiful, Mark," Jenny complimented the student that stood in front of her desk.

"Thank you, Ms. Stevens," he smiled widely and he shuffled his feet nervously.

"I just wish you would apply yourself in your other classes the way you do in mine," she advised.

"But..." he scratched his head and his eye twitched as he glanced at her before staring at the paper in her hands. "...this is the only class I like."

"I understand," she smiled slightly as he glanced at her smile before lowering his head. "But it would be a shame if you didn't graduate."

She handed him back the graded paper, "Please, at least, try."

He took the paper eagerly without looking up at her, "I'll try."

She knew then as he shuffled out of the room that he lied to her. He was her best student in her class, a senior, but he did horribly in all of his other academics. She didn't know why he did it but she hoped he would improve himself. All she ever wanted to do was help kids achieve their highest potential; it was the reason she became a teacher.

She sighed as she went back to grading her papers. She would periodically glance at her doorway hoping that Elijah would be standing there visiting her as he occasionally did on her lunch break.

She'd left him dozens of calls and texts of which received no answer. But Jenny was a hopeful woman and she still arrived at the coffee shop in the morning after the dinner party believing that he might show like he always did. But he didn't and nothing hurt worse than having her hopes deflate like a balloon inside her chest leaving her with a painfully empty feeling she couldn't get rid of.

She didn't know why she grew so attached to Elijah in such little time but they had clicked right away. Something about them just being right. And even though it hurt that he left without a word she couldn't find it in herself to regret getting attached to him. She may have felt hurt now but that was just one negative feeling against all the good ones Elijah made her feel.


          After work, Jenny arrived at the Salvatore Boarding House. She felt awful about how she accused Damon of doing something to make Elijah leave so she planned to apologize.

          She knocked on the door and it opened almost immediately. Except who she was hoping for turned out to be Elena. At least, who she thought was Elena.

            "Elena," Jenny smiled widely before engulfing the teenage girl in a hug. Katherine clenched her jaw and hugged the woman back before pulling away, rolling her eyes as she did so.

"What are you doing here?" Elena asked.

"Is Damon here?" she asked.

"Yes, come in. He's in the living room," Katherine let her in and smirked as she followed after Jenny to the living room.

She'd heard about the ball of sunshine that had Damon, and not to mention an Original, wrapped around her finger. She didn't see what all the hype was about but she couldn't wait to see how Damon acted around the woman.

"Damon, Jenny is here," Katherine copied that whiny voice of her doppelgänger. "I'll be in the kitchen."

But really she'd just be lurking and watching the whole thing.

Damon had been laying down reading through one of journals that would tell them where the witch massacre was. He already found it but was making sure Katherine didn't know.

He immediately got up once he heard the name Jenny. He glared at the smirking Katherine as Jenny walked towards him. Jenny noticed and frowned in confusion.

"Jen," he smiled tightly, directing his eyesight to her. "This isn't really a good time."

"I know. I came over unannounced but I needed to," Jenny responded before hugging the raven-haired man. "I'm sorry, Damon."

"What?" Damon was floored.

Jenny pulled away and explained, "I accused you of having something to do with Elijah leaving so I'm sorry."

Damon felt this nagging feeling pinching his brain and he knew it was guilt. He smiled tightly again, "Jen, you don't have anything to be sorry for. I..."

His blue eyes locked onto hers and in that moment he wanted so badly to tell her the truth of what he was. He knew she wouldn't look at him the same, no longer looking at him like he was good, but it was better than lying to her.

But he was a selfish man.

"...I forgive you."

She smiled at his response, "Good, because you're one of my closest friends and I don't want to lose you."

This time, he did truly smile because even though she wasn't the girl that chose him over anyone else. She was the girl that cared about him and that meant everything.

His smile only lasted a moment before he smirked and took a step closer, "Yes, because I'm so irresistible."

"Damon," she rolled her eyes.

He leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on her cheek, whispering in a gentle voice, "Thank you."

He caught her eye as he leaned away, hoping she knew that he wasn't thankful for her being his friend but for being everything that she was as everything she was, was beautiful.


When Jenny got home after visiting Damon, another rose waited on her porch. She picked it up, still curious as ever, not knowing that so much danger could come from a rose.

AN: sorry it's taking so long to update. Jenny is a story that takes place outside the show a lot so I have to come up with so many scenes myself.

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