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      All the local news talked about was what happened with her near death experience. Although, they were spinning the truth and alluding to a claim that she had a relationship with this student. It didn't make for good publicity which is why, since it was nearly the summer, the school put her on a leave of absence.

          Jenna had come back from Whitmore once she heard the news. Once Jenny saw her best friend on her doorstep in the morning, she broke down all over again.

           "What did I do wrong?" Jenny cried. She'd thought and thought that she had done something wrong as a teacher or just simply as a human being.

            "Hey, it's okay," Jenna patted her back as they hugged. "It's not your fault that some people are psychos."

Jenna pulled away and looked at the purple bruises that had formed on her best friend's neck. She gained a steely, angry gaze, "And if Damon didn't kill him, I would have."

Jenny smiled slightly, "I don't doubt it."


Jenna stayed with her that day and through the night. It was like they were young and having a slumber party except there was no pillow fight. Instead, there was wine and trashy comedies. But it got Jenny to laugh a little bit and that accomplished the goal of her best friend.

Jenna left in the morning to go next door. She was going to come back in the evening.

Jenny then took a shower and she felt refreshed. She studied herself in the mirror and her fingers ghosted over the horrible purple bruises in the shape of handprints on her neck. She never thought being a teacher would prove to be dangerous.

She was startled when there was a knock on the door. She figured Jenna forgot something and she went to answer it, swinging open the door.

Her breath caught in her throat and her lips parted at the well-dressed man behind the door, "Elijah."

Elijah stood with his hands in his pockets as he studied her. She was wearing sweatpants and a rather large t-shirt. Her hair was damp and slightly messy. There was no makeup on her face and she wasn't at all presentable but, still, she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.

His eyes lingered on the bruises and he was irritated at Damon Salvatore for not keeping her safe in his absence. His jaw clenched in anger for a moment.

He sighed as he breathed out, "Jenny." He would always love just simply saying her name because just saying it signified she was alive in the world.

"You were gone," she uttered as her heart thundered in her chest.

"I didn't want to be," he smiled sadly as his eyes connected with hers. "I understand if you're ang..."

He didn't get to finish his sentence before she moved out the door and hugged him. She didn't have it in her to be angry at him.

"I don't care," she mumbled as he wrapped his arms around her and he held her gently; an embrace she melted in. "I missed you."

He pulled away slightly and he ran his fingers over the bruises ever so delicately as she stared into his eyes. His brown eyes that just by looking at them made her feel warmth and at home.

She thought he'd ask about the bruises and make her think about that nightmare all over again. But he didn't. Instead his fingers crawled to her cheek before he pulled her back into his embrace and she felt okay.


They spent nearly the whole day together. She told him everything she would have told him on those coffee dates he missed and he listened so very thoughtfully like he was breathing her words into his being. And everything flowed between them so easily just like it always had.

Currently, they were lounging on the couch. Elijah had taken his jacket off and she was nearly snuggled into his side while his arm was wrapped around her. He was reading from a historical nonfiction book she never picked up to read and pointing out every fact that was wrong. She loved listening to the sound of his smooth voice and it lulled her into a sense of safety.

She didn't want him to go but that was what happened. She stood in her doorway again except this time instead of greeting him, she was saying goodbye.

He was holding her hand and his thumb caressed the top of it. He looked into her eyes to see all her fears. "I promise I will come back to you," he put his other hand on her cheek before he stepped over to her and laid a lingering kiss on her forehead and she closed her eyes trying to believe in that promise.

Then he pulled away from her and started to walk away. But the last few days reminded her of how short life was and she didn't want to have any regrets if he couldn't keep that promise.

"Elijah..." she called and he stopped, turning around, waiting for her to say something.

But she didn't. Instead she walked out of her doorway and put her hands on his cheeks before she kissed him.

He responded quickly and his hands tangled in her hair. The kiss was slow and delicate but it felt like the Earth faded away.

It was just the two of them in their own bubble. Jenny, the human who was optimistic a lot but only truly happy whenever she saw him. Elijah, the Original who only found true happiness in the form of his Jenny.

But then the bubble popped when she pulled away to breathe and stare into his brown eyes that she drowned in. He was smiling widely at her and she blushed.

"Jenny..." he caressed her cheek.

She stopped him from saying anything as she left a chaste kiss on his cheek, "Tomorrow."

And he uttered their promise they had started still with a smile on his face before he left. Even if she'd have to wait a hundred tomorrow's before they got to theirs.

AN: okay elijah is back but only for this chapter. He won't be back for awhile. I'm gonna warn you now, the next chapter is the end of season 2 and heartbreak.

Also I want thank you all for the love you've given the last chapter. It really motivated me. I don't update a lot and I figured all of you just would've left the story by now. So thank you.

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