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After the Night of Illumination (which she was glad she didn't attend as there was a murder), things seemed to go back to normal. Jenny went to work and she taught high school English with a passion.

The young teacher was on her lunch break when the new student, Rebekah, walked into the classroom, "So I joined the cheerleading team; they all love me except that obnoxious blonde..."

Rebekah pulled a chair towards her desk while Jenny looked on, wide eyed. Rebekah sat down, "She only hates me cause I'm better than her."

Jenny wanted to ask why the girl wasn't ranting to one of her friends but then she realized the girl in front of her was just a lonely, teenage girl...

"Well," Rebekah crossed her arms. "You said I could talk to you; say something." ...and she was quite bossy apparently.

Jenny sighed before raising an eyebrow and smiling slightly, "Quite confident, aren't you?"

Rebekah smirked, "It's the truth."

Jenny hummed before Rebekah called, "Girls, come in!"

Jenny looked up in surprise before a line of girls walked in, all wearing dresses.

"I'm attending Homecoming and I need a dress," Rebekah said. "Which one should I wear?"

It took a moment for Jenny to compose herself from the shock, "Why don't you ask one of these girls for their opinion?"

"Because I'm asking you. Now, dress," Rebekah demanded.

Jenny sighed before analyzing all of them, "The red one."

"Excellent," Rebekah smiled. "Girls, you can go now."

Jenny shook her head. She never met anyone with as much flamboyant personality as Rebekah.


         A couple days passed and on each day, Rebekah occupied her lunch break with complaining mostly but she'd usually start their little meetings with small, seemingly insignificant questions like 'do you like this outfit?', or 'there's this cute boy, do you think I have a chance?'. Usually her answers would be followed by 'I did pick this outfit so it has to be spectacular' or 'of course I have a chance, he'd be lucky to have me'.

          Then Rebekah would drop the subject and move to a new one. It just made her realize that with all the confidence Rebekah exhumed, she was just a fragile girl who wanted to be loved.

          She had no idea why Rebekah chose her for reassurance that she could be. But the girl was growing on her.

         Then Rebekah didn't show up to school the day after Homecoming. The girl had been, although hiding it, excited about the event. Jenny had been wanting to ask how it went but the Original didn't show up to school again.


         It was the weekend and Jenny went up to the Mystic Grill to get takeout. She waved to Elena who was just saying goodbye to Bonnie.

          On her way out, she bumped into someone. She apologized before looking up to see someone with a smirk on his face.

           "Jenny, is it?" he questioned, already knowing that.

           "Yes, you are..."

            "Niklaus Mikaelson, love," he introduced himself.

           She furrowed her eyebrows in thought. Niklaus. Rebekah. They were all names in that book Elijah gave to her once. She didn't think this was a coincidence.

            "You're not related to a Rebekah by any chance, are you?"

             "She's my baby sister."

           "I've been worried about her," Jenny stated with a frown. "She hasn't been at school in a few days."

            "I'll be sure to pass that along to her," once he found her, of course. "She'll be thrilled, I imagine."

             His eyes drifted past her to Damon and Elena who were watching the interaction cautiously. It caused him to smirk.

          "Oh," her eyes followed his in confusion. "Okay."

            "I suppose...I'll see you around, I guess," she hesitated at the strange stare-off between him and Damon and Elena.

"Stay safe, Jenny," she heard him mutter softly as she left. She thought it was such an odd thing to say and she would've been concerned if not for the fact that it sounded so genuine.


Jenny was stunned when she found out Jeremy was moving to Denver to finish out school. She couldn't quite believe it.

"It'll be good for him," Elena stated.

Jenny ignored Elena, focusing her attention on Jeremy, "And this is what you want?"

"Yeah. It is," he said softly, almost afraid Jenny wouldn't agree. And she had no idea he had been compelled to want this.

"Alright, if it's what you want," she agreed. "Your parents and Jenna would've wanted you to be happy."

Jenny squeaked once Jeremy lifted her up to hug her, "Thanks, Aunt Jenny."

Aunt Jenny. She nearly cried on the spot. They had never called her that before even though the sentiment had always been there just saying her name. Perhaps it was because, with no family left, it was a reminder that she really was family.

"Right, okay," Jenny tried composing herself once Jeremy let her go as she took a deep breath and blinked many times to rid herself of the tears. "Well, behave yourself there and don't get into any trouble."

Jeremy and Elena shared a look before Elena spoke, teasing her brother, "He'll be fine and if he isn't, he knows both of us won't hesitate to drive all the way there."

Jeremy huffed and Jenny chuckled, "Yes, that is quite right, Elena."

"Now the both of you should be going before I start crying because no one wants that," Jenny sniffled. "You have your own goodbye to say Elena."

They shuffled to the door and before Elena exited, she turned and spoke smiling, "You know, you've always been our aunt in every way Jenna was."

Then Elena left and she really started crying. She didn't know why it surprised her so much. But she knew why deep down. Aunt had always been Jenna's title and she didn't like taking that. It just reminded her of how much she missed her best friend.


It had been a couple more days and since the start of school, her place at work had been slowly cracking. The teachers kept their distance and some students made inappropriate comments on their papers like 'I'll be your psycho'. After all, the public rumor was that she had a relationship with the student that tried to kill her.

And rumors destroy.

The school admin told her they were sympathetic but it didn't change anything. Apparently, parents complained they'd pull their kid out and put them in a different school if she stayed.

So she was fired.

AN: okay this chapter probably sucked but I'm just so excited for the next one. Elijah is coming back.

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