Part 3: Class

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    Y/n P.O.V

The sun's light hit my face disturbing my beauty sleep...
I turned around facing my back toward the window..
Hitting someone's hard chest..
'Oh , yeah... Jungkook stayed over'
I thought for a moment... Half sleeping
'He came over... That's yesterday..'

I opened up my eyes and the first thing I did was I look for the clock
I took my phone and switched it on and it read at the lock screen...
'How long have I slept??'
'Never mind that! Let's get yourself done Y/n!!'
I thought while grabbing my towel and went to the bathroom

I came out of the bathroom and looked over at Jungkook
   "Gosh... He's still sleeping??"
   "He's hibernating or what??"
I ask myself
I went to my closet and pick the outfit..

   "Let's just be simple today"
I mumbled
   "Nice view"
Suddenly he speak
I turn to him and seeing him eyeing me
Then I look at myself , I'm wearing my short and a black bra....????
No wonder!!!!???
   "Yahhh!!!! You pervert!!!"
I said covering my chest
   "Is it wrong?? Being a pervert toward your own girlfriend??"
He ask lifting up his eyebrow
   "It's inappropriate!"
I replied
   "But I've already seen it all"
He said hiding his smirk with a poker face
   "Just shut up!"
I said sliding down my shirt
He chuckled
I go toward him
   "Don't you have a class tod -??
He cutted my words..
By pulling and cuddle with me on the bed
He answered
   "Jungkook!! I have a class to attend!"
I yelled at his face
   "No! You're staying here with me!"
He protested like a kid
   "I'm late Jungkook!!!"

'Guess what??'

   "Mr Jeon?? What are you doing in my class??"
The lecturer asked him
   "I'm accompanying my girlfriend sir"
He answered confidently
   "................ Okay"
He continued the lectures
   "Do you really have to follow me just because you're lonely???"
I asked him in confusion
He answered simply
'Let's just wait till the class ends'

   "Class dismissed"
Mr Kim said before leaving the hall
I said sighing in boredom
   "That was actually pretty fun"
He said in shock
   "You think??"
I asked him
   "Yeahh it was kinda interesting to me"
He said getting up from the seat
   "For m -"
Againnn... I was cutted off but not by him..
By Sana
   "Oppa!! You came here just to accompany Y/n?? Awwww how sweet of you"
She said acting cute in front of him
   "Yeahhh aren't I??"
'I think I'm gonna puke'
My friend came...
Mochi to the rescue...
   "Oppa! I thought you had left??"
I said lifting my eyebrow
   "I was about to till I saw you with a little problem"
He said pointing at Sana secretly
   "Oh! She?? Problem?? Nahh.. She isn't even worth it to be one of my problems"
I said giggling
   "Good , I like seeing you're thinking positive"
He said with a warm smile
I said with a smile
   "I'll be going , see ya!!"
He said waving at me
I waved back

Then I looked beside me..
Seeing Jungkook still talking with that Sana...
I thought
'Wait! I guess I've seen him at the entrance'
'He must not be far from here'
I made my way out of the hall
And fortunately Jungkook didn't notice..

After minutes of searching him..
'Found him!!'
   "Seokjin Oppa!!"
I yelled
He turned toward me
He said half yelling
I went toward him
   "Oppaaaa I'm bored!"
I whined
   "What makes you bored my dear??"
He said looking at me
   "It's Jungkook..."
I said pinning myself on the wall
   "That's normal"
He said crossing his arms
   "It is normal but fvcking annoying"
I said rolling my eyes
   "Language dear"
He said chuckling
   "I know mommy"
I said in annoyance
   "Kids this generation , doesn't even knew how to respect elders"
He shook his head
'Aigoo this mommy Jin'    =_="
What a long... 
Especially hearing his lectures


   Hello guys!!!
Sorry for updating late
I've a reason though...
I've been facing an exams this whole week



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