Pride (傲骨)

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Hi guys!

I'm baaaacccckkkk!!!

I'm REALLY REALLY SORRY for not updating sooner~~~ My midterms just killed me...I swear sometimes I'm not sure why I even took Chemistry...I feel like a masochist - getting hit and liking it lol. Aaanyway, after the midterms, I sorta had a me me me time and read a bunch of other yaoi stories ORZ ....

I'm back now, though, and I'll try to update my other 2 stories as well :) I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 3

It's been one whole month since His Young Highness Choi Seng Cheol first set his eyes on his concubine, Yoon Jeong Han.

Almost as if under a charm, every thing about his concubine brings his blood to a boil: from his beautiful slender hands that pluck away at the Guzheng, to his soft voice that feels like a caress on Seung Cheol's body. From his lithe, svelte gait that cinches at the hips, where Seung Cheol wants to leave marks the shape of his hands when he drives into Jeong Han, to the collar bone beneath that pale skin - so pale you can almost see the veins running under, Seung Cheol wants to bite, to suck, to mark the skin, to break the veins, to make sure that everyone who even so much as look at his concubine, fully realize that the male belongs to him and him alone.

But, as beautiful as Jeong Han is, his beauty alone is not what drives Seung Cheol up the wall in desire, the daegun has seen males more beautiful. It's his wisdom. His intelligence. His knowledge. His passion whenever he talks of reformation in Hojo, of lowering taxes and agricultural policies. His understanding of literature and Confucianism, every character written showing the years of hard work and the personality if their writer (*). This. All of this, just kills Seung Cheol. Here is a person that is not his inferior. Here is someone that understands him. Here is someone that will match him blow for blow, strike for strike. That exhilaration whenever they have a particularly heated debate on Foreign Policies, or any other topic, excites him, arouses him. His mind recognizes its equal, and rejoices in every spar of intelligence, and his body, the male species that it is, seeks to dominate, to subvert, to make the other male surrender. To mate.

For a month, every day without fail, the Grand Prince would visit the North Wing Pavilion. He would summon the concubine to mieumsang, he would stop by after the court sessions for afternoon meals, and he would have his eveningsura there, and stay long after, until the moon is high on the sky. But he would never stay for the night. He can sense that Han, his naegwan, is confused. Everyone in the residence is confused. If the Grand Prince is not bedding his concubine, then the male should be falling out of favour, but gifts keep coming every day, and except for no intercourse, His Young Highness spends most of his time with Jeong Han. To be able to discuss politics with your Lord Husband in a time where wives and concubines virtually has no saying outside of family business, is a sign of how favoured the concubine is. Yet no bedding.

Truthfully, even Seung Cheol himself is frustrated. He desperately desires Jeong Han. His whole body heats up whenever he thinks of having intercourse with the other male: to tease that slim body until it flushes pink from arousal, to sheath himself inside that wet, tight heat until they can't be told apart, to invade that beautiful mouth and make it moan out the sounds that only Seung Cheol can hear - his name. To be truthful, after every night, Seung Cheol and his hands has become best friends. That's how sexually frustrated he is.

He wants to brutally possess Jeong Han. He wants to act upon his fantasies, to taint the other male with his sexual carnality until his scent is painted on Jeong Han. But, there are times when they are together, when he envisions himself with a scroll in his hands and his head on Jeong Han's lap, and they do nothing but talk away, soft and quiet, or in the night, the concubine is in his arms, and they entwine each other, and do nothing but fall asleep to the other person' heartbeat. And that scares the daegun. That tendre. That his visions of life with Jeong Han fulfills him in a way even his carnal fantasies cannot. That he could feel this happy thinking about doing mundane things with someone. Because despite his seemingly friendly appearance, he has never developed any tenderness for any of his partners, regardless of how his partners may feel about him. Business is business. He pays them, and they give him his relief.

So the Grand Prince Choi Seung Cheol's hardy heart has finally fluttered for someone, which scares the hell out of him. No matter his attempt to flush out the feelings, every meeting has him ending up falling even deeper. There are times when he entertains the thought of just forcefully taking Jeong Han, but always gives at the last minute because he can see one thing in the other male's eyes: Pride. The pride of a male not wanting to submit to another male, the pride of an intellect who still agonizes over his lost opportunities to make a difference in his country, and the pride, broken, mixed with bitter acceptance, that knows he can never change a thing. Like a bird whose wings are crippled, Jeong Cheol awaits his fate every night, eyes filled with apprehension, and every night without fail, His Young Highness can't bring himself to act when he looks into those eyes. Seung Cheol knows that the male will submit if forced to, but whatever they have will always be tinged with this bitter forcefulness, and cannot blossom into the relationship that it can be.

And so he waits, waits until Jeong Cheol can be more comfortable with him, waits until his feelings are returned. Even though there are times when he is going insane from desire, and there are times when he is scared by the sheer scope of his feelings for the concubine, he waits. Because love is a battlefield, and victory will come to those who learn how to be patient.

Yoon Jeong Han knows the Grand Prince wants him.

His eyes that sometimes linger for too long on his lips, or his hands that sometimes caresses his nape, but most of all, his gaze that seems hell bent on unraveling Jeong Han, on tearing him apart and possessing him.

Because beneath that facade of cool calmness and tranquility and sharp intellect, is a man possessed, a parched traveller who sees an oasis in the middle of a desert. The animal that will devour him if given a chance.

But beneath that cool facade, is also a man who recognizes him as an equal, who respects him as an individual, and whose tender looks sometimes makes him feel like his face is on fire, that sends tingles through his spine, that makes him feel like his skin is too tight.

Choi Seung Cheol makes him feel like a life with another man could be a lot better than what he had envisioned for himself. A life not just as another pretty faceless thing inside a harem, but a life with someone who cherishes him as an equal and respects his opinion.

But he is scared.

Because even though sometimes he feels like he has accepted his lot in life, the intellect and the student in him rages against the cage, hurt and and angry. Hurt that his family, despite knowing his dreams of participating in the Gwageo, would sell their own son, sell his dreams, for a mere trading deal. Angry that his worth as a human, what's he been so proud of - his intelligence - is useless. What man needs a sharp-witted concubine? He is lost, because every thing that used to define him and his ideals, is crippled. The very quintessential part of his identity, is stripped away from him, and he is thrown into a strange world full of people who tell him he needs to give up the very part that made him who he was.

Because Yoon Jeong Han is lost. In this world he knows not how to please a man, or how to be coquettish, or how to only think of things that every one else seems to care: household work, the daegun's favour, clothings and ornaments. The man that he was barked at the mere thought of it, but the man that he is knows he can't only concern himself with worldly matters anymore. Time has changed, and he needs to adapt, or perish. Just a little while longer, he keeps telling himself, let me be who I want to be for the last time, just a little while longer. So despite how his heart sometimes flutters when he looks at the Grand Prince, mostly he is relieved every time the man left without staying the night. The apprehension that builds up every night, always turns into relief, and gratuity, and guilt. Jeong Han tries to be nicer to the Prince during other times, such as playing the Guzheng for him when he is asked to do so, and conversing with him sincerely during their talks. Day by day, it's easier, he thinks, to truly appreciate the man in front of him, whom he genuinely respects and admire. Sometimes, even the thoughts of physical touch is not so repulsive like when he first stepped foot inside the Residence anymore.

Sometimes, his heart skips just a beat when Choi Seung Cheol looks at him...

His Young Highness Choi Seung Cheol and the concubine Yoon Jeong Han is having their afternoon meal together at the Lotus Pavilion today.

Means together is always a simple affair for them. The Prince is not a fussy man, and prefers his meal simple, whereas due to his frail body, Jeong Han favours lightly seasoned, unelaborate dishes.

"Have some jeonbokjuk, my brother sent in some fresh abalones today. They are good for you" The Prince scoops some into Jeong Han's bowl.

"I heard that you have missed the taste of chwinamul kimchi, a fresh batch was fermented not too long ago. Take some back to your Pavilion"

"Thank you, Your Highness"

"None needed, as long as you are happy"

After the meal, they take a stroll together in the Garden. Almost shyly, halfway through, Jeong Han holds on to the sleeve of the daegun's hanbok. Smiling gently, the Grand Prince takes his concubine's hand and entwine their hands together, and keeps walking.

Just as they were crosssing the bridge over the Lotus pond to return to the Pavilion, Jeong Han says:

"Look, the white lotuses have bloomed"

And they have. White petals like the purest of milk surrounding a bud as golden as the Sun. They bloom on top of green leaves, amidst the pond, their scent, so elegant and delicate, floats in the air, awaking the senses.


Like Jeong Han, Seung Cheol thinks, and he replies:





(Rough translation - Guys I don't know Chinese, if I screw it up, please correct me. No flames please!

A plain flower, so overshadowed by other vibrant ones,

A flower so elegant, it should only belong to the Jade Pool.

Exiled to this ruthless mortal world, where its sorrows and longings go unseen,

With only the wilting moon and the early winds as companions when it perishes.

"White Lotus" by Lu Guimeng )

"I won't let you perish, Jeong Han. You will always have me"

Jeong Han's eyes have turned red during the poem, and when Seung Cheol turns around and notices he is on the verge of crying, the Grand Prince panics.

"Wa..wait, please don't cry. I am really horrible at comforting people. I thought you were supposed to appreciate the poem, not cry. Hell, my brother is going to pay for this"

It turns out that after an extensive consultation session with his brother, the King, Seung Cheol was advised to impress the concubine by showcasing his impressive poetry skills, which backfired on him because now he does not know where he went wrong.

"No, Your Highness, this concubine apologizes. This concubine was just very touched by your poem. Thank you, Your Highness"

Seung Cheol, breathing a big sigh of relief, he's not unhappy thank God, regains his composure and imperiously demands

"I give you the permission to call me by my name. Stop with all the 'Your Highness' "

"But, Your Higness, it is not proper"

"My word is the law here. Do not oppose. Do it" - in a "Princely" voice, Seung Cheol orders.

"Yes, Your..." Jeong Han is glared at "I mean, Seu..Seung Cheol"

"Excellent. I must get going. Go and rest, maybe take a nap. I know you are tired."

Then Jeong Han feels the slightest of touch upon his forehead. Eyes widening, he looks up to the dark eyes above him. His ears are red. My face feels hot. He just...kissed me?

Seung Cheol looks down to the mocha eyes below. His face is red. My ears feel hot. His cheeks are so flushed. How would it feel to kiss...ARGH Stop it you!

Dark eyes shy away. Coughing furiously, the Grand Prince turns around and leaves, but not before taking off his outer robe and putting it on the concubine.

"It is chilly outside, stay warm."

Then he leaves, ears as red as Jeong Han's face. The servants giggling behind his back.

Unbeknownst to any of them, malicious eyes were watching their every move. Eyes burning in jealousy. The individual is dressed in ornate clothings befitting of a concubine. Long embellished fingernails almost tearing the silk handkerchief apart - clamping it so tightly.

"Yoon Jeong Han, you whore. Just you wait, your happy days will not last. One way or another, I am going to end your miserable existence..."


1. (*): During this AU Joseon Dynasty, Hanja is used as the primary intellectual language, with most of books and scrolls written in this form. As you know, Chinese are character-based, and they say that after a long period of practicing penmanship, one's handwriting (character strokes) showcases their personality as an individuals. This is also why great Chinese men's handwriting is so coveted. With many different writing style, even a character can be a work of art unto themselves.

2. Joseon Wangjo Gungjung yori (Korean royal court cuisine): was the style of cookery withing Korean cuisine traditionally consumed at the court of the Joseon Dynasty. Food was very important, with various positions within the Six Ministries (Yukjo) and within the servant caste created to cater to the Royal family cuisine. In general, there were 5 meals a day: a mieumsang (an early breakfast with simple dishes such as juk (rice porridge) and side dishes like kimchi), two sura (main meals of the day - breakfast at around 10 and dinner at around 6 or 7 - served very elaborately with two types of rice, two types of soup, two types of stew (jjigae), one dish of meat stew (jjim), onw dish of jeongol (meat or vegetable casserole), three types of kimchi, three types of jang and twelve side dishes (cheop)) and an afternoon and after dinner meal consisting of lighter fares.

3. Jeonbokjuk: a variety of juk (rice porridge), made with abalones and white rice. Abalones were a high quality ingredient in Korean cuisine and were often presented as gifts for the King (in here the King gave Seung Cheol some). The porridge is a delicacy and very nutritious, good for digestive system, especially for the elders and the ill.


(By by ~Nisa at Flickr -, CC BY-SA 2.0, 

4. Chwinamul kimchi (취나물 김치): kimchi made from Chwinamul, a Korean leaf vegetable, leaves of various wild flowering species, mostly found on the mountains. The leaves carry a distinctive scent and their consumption is believed to be healthful since they contain proteins, calcium, vitamins B1, B2, niacin and iron. Sometimes used for medicinal purposes.

 5. White Lotus (白莲) (Bailian) is a poem written by Lu Guimeng. Bailian alludes to people who are marginalized by feudal society, and can only be buried in obscurity.

6. Lu Guimeng (陆龟蒙) (? - AD 881): a recluse Chinese poet of the Tang dynasty, who lived in reclusion at Puli. Along with his friend and fellow poet Pi Rixiu, they created a new style of matching rhyme poetry where one would compose a poem and the other would reply with a new poem using the same rhyming scheme.

7. Jade Pool (瑶池): the mythical pool on the Kunlun mountain.

Extra long chapter as an apology for abandoning you guys T.T

In here we're finally getting a glimpse of Jeong Han's inner thoughts. He's thawing, awwwww!!!!

Plus some PDA between the two. I really wanted to show the depth of the feelings Seung Cheol has for his concubine. It's not just carnal lust. It's the fluttering feeling you have when you fall in love for the first time.

Ooooh, and cliffhanger!!! Any suggestions for female names? I still haven't decided :)

Enough said, please comment on how you thought of it. Your comments keep me motivated <3

Thanks for reading!

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