Desire (欲望)

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His Young Highess Choi Seung Cheol is a Grand Prince that has lacked for nothing during his 23 years. Born to one of the highest positions in the whole nation, he is an indifferent man who disdains the trivial cat fight between women and men vying for his attention. One day, out of boredom, the Grand Prince decides to spend his night at the North Wing Pavilion with Yoon Jeong Han, one of the male concubines gifted by the Buwongun. What started out as mere curiosity soon became very serious when Seung Cheol finds himself enraptured by the sheer beauty of the male in front of him.

"Stand and be seated" The Grand Prince murmurs, his eyes fixated the concubine.

"Thank you, Your Highness" Jeong Han replies. After both are seated, there are servants who immediately prepare fresh tea, then, following the Naegwan's cue, immediately bow out, leaving the couple alone inside the sitting area.

"Yoon Jeong Han, is it? Why are you here?" The Prince asks, interested. The male in front of him does not seem like the Gisaeng type, people whose every breath is imbued with vicissitudes of life in the Red Light district. No, Jeong Han exudes the air and poise of a well-educated and knowledgeable individual. Which makes it very strange for him to be a concubine.

To this, Jeong Han has not a clue how to answer without offending the Prince. The man sitting in front of him is everything he wanted to be: someone who can contribute to his Emperor and can walk on the street with his head held up high. Being the second son of a merchant with his mistress, Jeong Han has no right to inherit the family business, not when his father has 2 sons with his wife, whom he deems very business-minded. Yoon Hae Sung, who is a successful salt merchant under the wing of Hojo's Panseo, has no need of an unfavoured mistress' son whose only interest lies in Four Books and Five Classics. When asked by the Panseo about any eligible male or female in the family as a concubine, he was only too glad to offer his own son that is of no value to him, leaving his beautiful, precious daughter whom he believes will marry well and bring back powerful alliances for the family. And so he offered his son, not knowing, or maybe not caring, that he is killing off his son's only dream: to be able to take part in the Gwageo (State Official Examination), and to be recognized by his father.

Yoon Jeong Han could still remember the feeling when he was told of the decision. It felt as if something shattered within him. The tiny corner in his heart that still stubbornly clinged to the belief that his father cared about him, if only a little bit, died then. The child in him that still stubbornly clinged to the hope that his father will one day acknowledge him, if only a little bit...that child grew up. It was a moment of truth, then. To face the reality that his mother can do nothing for him, and his father will do nothing for him. Yoon Jeong Han was on his own. The last vestige of his innocence was shed gradually during the past 6 months he was in the Residence. So whereas the Yoon Jeong Han six months ago may have offered his real thoughts, the Yoon Jeong Han tonight is careful with what he can say.

"My father is one of the Panseo's subordinates, Your Highness. I was one of the...candidates, and was chosen" The male replied a little hesitantly, which doesn't go unnoticed by Seung Cheol. To the Prince, it was obvious that Jeong Han had not wanted to be a concubine, and that he probably had his own dreams and ambition which he wanted to fulfill.

Sensing that the topic was a sensitive one that the male might not want to elaborate, the Grand Prince moves on. Remembering the beautiful guzheng sounds before he came in, Seung Cheol asks:

"Will you play the guzheng for me again? You are a very talented musician"

Relieved that the Prince has steered the conversation away from the uncomfortable topic, the concubine voices his assent.

"It is my honour, Your Highness. Please forgive me if my playing is sub-par"

They say that a person is most beautiful when they are concentrating. And so beautiful is Jeong Han, that the Prince cannot take his eyes away from the elegant figure next to the instrument. Marveling at the image in front of him, Seung Cheol suddenly wonders how those chocolate-coloured eyes would look at him when aroused? Those slim fingers plucking away on the Guzheng, how would they feel on his body? That voice, so soft and poised, how would it sound whispering his name? And God, that white skin, Seung Cheol wants to leave marks on that skin, like rose petals on snow, like cherry blossoms blooming on the concubine's body. He wants. He WANTS.

And so, perhaps for the first time, the Grand Prince Choi Seung Cheol, the same man who is indifferent, even to his own sexual needs, finds himself viscerally desiring someone. Like floodgates that are opened, like a dam that has cracked, like curtains that are unveiled, now that he has felt it, there's no going back.

"Your Highness" No response.

"Your Highness" Jeong Han tries again, very nonplussed. The male has no idea why the Prince isn't responding to him...

"Your Highness!!" The Prince's body jolts, and the man shoots up from his chair.

"Uh...Great musicianship...Jeong was...beautiful...uh..moving...uh....Han! Award the concubine! IjustrememberedIhavesomethingtodosogoodnight! Han! Return to the Master Pavilion!" Then His Highness proceeds to stride (coughruncough) out of the room, ears suspiciously red, leaving the male concubine very confused, and somewhat relieved.

"I thought he was going to spend the night..."

After "striding" like his life depends on it, the Prince was back at his own master chamber. He slumps down on a chair, head in hands.

"Oh God, oh God, you stupid! What were you doing, behaving like that? Now Jeong Han is going to think you're an idiot! Oh God, how did this happen?"

"He was so close to me, though. His lips were very red. I wonder how it might feel to...STOP STOP STOP!!! Am I sick or something? Urgh, maybe I'm better off just going to bed. The stupid fight with the Chamui today must have taken its toll on me..."

And so, that is how His Young Highness and his male concubine passes the first night. The Prince, who spent what seems like a lifetime daydreaming about his concubine, will dream a very "vivid" dream tonight, while the person in his dreams, is completely oblivious to our Prince's "beastly" thoughts...

Author's Note:

How was it, guys? I'm really sorry if this feels a bit filler-ish, but I wanted to establish the dynamic between the two protagonists.

The Prince is a gentlemanly, albeit a bit indifferent, man, and for him to have such fantasy, and such strong desire for someone, especially at the first meeting, is something that he has never experienced before XD Of course he couldn't remember a single thing from the performance, he was too busy fantasizing XD That flustered him, and so our man fled the "crime scene" in a reall funny, unbecoming manner.

The Prince isn't going to be a jerk or anything, I love Seung Cheol too much to make him a jerk. Guaranteed there's no angst in this one, and no vapid, mean females getting between them like in K-dramas, as in, the Prince will NOT leave our Jeong Han for another woman.

As for Jeong Han, please understand that he is in a transitional state, going from dreaming to be a gentleman in court, to accepting that his life is now basically dependent of a man, so he may seem a bit stand-offish at first, but you will see how he changes one he's in love.

Please leave comments on what you think of the chapter, I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

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