5. Best of best friends

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Note: I have always wanted to write a story about a couple with one being a clean freak and the other being messy. Since Jeongyeon honey is famous for her cleaning passion (she said on "Hello Counselor" that she even carries a portable washing machine, like WHO does that anyway???), I'm making my little mochi into the lazy and untidy character lol. I swear to God this oneshot is going to be fluff and fluff only (a small 'hot' scene added wouldn't hurt right 😝).

I didn't thoroughly proofread this one so if you see any mistakes, please tell me and I will fix them.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Jimin exclaimed with an loud gasp of astonishment in his voice.

He had just returned home from work and his exhausted self badly wanted to be free from all the bullshit burden now. Well Park Jimin currently owned a dance studio and he and Hoseok, one of his longtime friends, had set up a private school that taught different types of people contemporary dance. He expected to be welcomed by his dear sofa and some tasty snacks while flopping down in front of his television, however the only thought occupying his mind as he stepped into his apartment was: He didn't open the wrong door, right?

It was almost midnight, oh scratch that it was past twelve already. Jimin looked at the clock hanging on the white wall before letting out a sigh. To his knowledge, the number of people who had access and was capable of barging in his house this late was only one.


Of course. Why did he even give her a spare key in the first place?

The said short-haired girl was rummaging through all the cushions of his beloved sofa, looking for any trash to throw away.

"Cleaning your filthy pigsty." She didn't bother to raise her head, still absorbed in her own activity, meaning ransacking his furniture. She very much resembled his mom at that moment.

"Pigsty? Wow, I'm offended."

"Good thing you can feel offended. I can't believe I'm friends with a pig."

Haha funny. "But why Jeongyeon? You are not planning to stay here, aren't you?"

The floor that was previously filled with random clothing had become a shiny and very clear surface without a hint of dust. Yep, surely she must have mopped the floor.

–Wait a minute.

Oh my God. "Jeongyeon please tell me you did not do the laundry for me."

Finally she lifted her head to meet his gaze. "Yes I did. Come on don't be shy. It's not the first time I've seen your dirty underwear." She smirked sarcastically as Jimin's face immediately heated up at her sentence.

Remind him to murder her later. "So you are going to live here." He didn't ask her the same question for a second time but just straight-up answered himself. They knew each other too well, sometimes it was an advantage.

"Uh huh." She nodded nonchalantly.

Not again. The last time she came over his whole lifestyle was turned upside down.

"Hey, I've got rid of your old cleaning tools and replace them with new and better ones." Emphasizing the "better" part, Jeongyeon stood up and brushed all the crumbs off her outfit. "You ate cereals on your sofa? Tsk typical Jimin."

Noticing her direction, he rushed over to steal the hand vacuum before she could lay her fingers on it.

"I will tidy up my sofa." He caught a skeptical glint in her eyes. "I don't often use it not because I can't but because I'm lazy if you're doubting my ability to operate this device." He side-eyed her.

"Fine." She shrugged clearly not buying his excuse. "Better clean it well. I don't want to see any dirt left okay."

"Yeah yeah stop acting like it's your apartment. In case you forgot, I am the owner here." Jimin pouted slightly annoyed at her while Jeongyeon just laughed cheekily in response.

"Oh do you still have the black and yellow checked shirt I gave you?" She suddenly asked him, her hands smoothing and tucking the wild strands of hair behind her ears.

"Yes but I forgot it back at Taehyung's house after I dropped by. Why- Ah nevermind. You must have given it to me so you could have something to wear when you decide to visit me."

"Eyy don't be mad. You wouldn't let me borrow your clean clothes right?"

Who said that? Jimin bitterly spoke in his head. He would do anything if it was for the girl.

Too bad little Jeongyeon didn't know. She could be so sensitive but also dense as fuq at the same time.

"–Oops I forgot. You hardly have any clean clothes left." Jeongyeon teased him.

Urg somebody please stop me from triggering. Jimin sighed, he should have guessed it. The girl was born a joker, she didn't take him serious for most of the time they spent together.

"So are you planning to go around my apartment naked?" Jimin raised his eyebrows. See, he could be a tease too.

Jeongyeon scooted back grimacing at his unnecessary remark. "NO! Damn you Park. That was out of line." She knew he was joking, but it wasn't funny. Despite being super close, she is still a girl and he is still a boy. And damn was she attracted by his charms.

"Sorry sorry." Jeongyeon threw her slipper at him, because clearly he didn't apologize sincerely enough.

"Ouch!" Jimin successfully dogded it. "It's not the first time I've seen your body." He said copying her sentence a while ago.

"THAT was an ACCIDENT!!! And we were just thirteen!"

"Only partly an accident, and we were almost fifteen FYI."

"Shut up before I smack you in the face, stupid mochi!" Cheeks reddening due to embarrassment, Jeongyeon quickly ran to Jimin's bedroom to steal some white oversized T-shirt and a random pair of shorts before going in the bathroom for a refreshing cleanse.

Jimin chuckled at the sweet nickname she addressed him as. Jeongyeon didn't call him like that often, barely could add up to once per day but she would hide her face saying "stupid mochi" whenever she got embarrassed by him.

It had always been like that between the both of them. They would go to each other's house if there had been problems with their own. Sometimes it was the lighting system in Jimin's house that was broken so he came over to the girl's house to stay for the night. Sometimes it could be the water systems that didn't work properly, or sometimes it could even be the annoying neighbors blasting loud music and surely none could have slept with that horrible noise ripping their ears.

Despite her reserved character,Jeongyeon was the one starting this habit of having spare keys and sleeping at the other's house. At first Jimin found it rather odd. The girl had a gang of best friends (Nayeon, Jihyo, Momo, just to name a few) and none of them would mind even if she lived there with them, but she always showed up at his house in the middle of the night, flashing her big adorable grin (he thought she was the cutest girl by the way) and bringing delicious food for them both to dig in.

When he asked her about it,Jeongyeon just shrugged and reasoned that his flat was closer to where she worked compared with her girl best friends' accommodation. (Jeongyeon owned a quite famous bakery and she worked there from morning till late after dawn.)

She didn't completely lie though...

Half of Jeongyeon chose Jimin's house as a backup because it was indeed within walking distance of her bakery. The other half, however... was because she wanted to spend more time with him.

Like best friends of course.

Or not exactly but whatever, even she herself didn't know why, they were still best friends anyway.

Jeongyeon shook her head to clear all the deep thoughts. She was exhausted from all the work back at the bakery and after cleaning Jimin's spacious apartment, she was too tired to comprehend anything else. She'd better finish bathing and rest so that she could recharge her energy for the next busy day.

Jimin heard the opening and closing sound of a door which indicated that the younger was done showering.

"Hey, you've eaten already?" He asked a bit loud to attract her attention.

"Yeah, I ate with the employees at the bakery, I thought you would have figured it out considering it's basically what I always do." Jeongyeon looked at him weirdly, she could see where it was going.

" I ran out of instant noodles, and I don't think there are any stores open at this kind of hour. Can you make me something for dinner? Please."

"Fine. But I'm not a chef, nor a cook so I'm not guaranteeing your ingredients won't be a waste." She meekly agreed, since Jimin would definitely succeed in persuading either way.

He internally jumped in delight. It was not like you could have something delicious made by your crush everyday. "But aren't you a baker, Jeongyeon. I'm anticipating."

"Uh huh, you yourself just said I'm a baker. I can bake, but cooking is different." The blonde crossed her arms over her chest while slowly walking to the fridge. She checked all the ingredients available and noted that since it was so late, probably almost 2 AM, she would only heat the haft-eaten tteokbokki and make a quick bibimbap (korean rice bowl).

Jimin's eyes followed her movements as she started taking out a non-stick pan (which he wasn't aware of its existence). Jeongyeon pursed her lips (didn't she know what it did to men?), concentrating on spreading quite a lot of rice and small-chopped vegetables onto the pan and adjusting the seasoning to taste.

She was so pretty with no makeup. Her short hair was slightly damp, holding up in a low ponytail. The eye bags resulting from the lack of sleep somehow accentuated the natural beauty of her striking yet soft facial features. He couldn't find a better word to describe that beautiful image other than serenity. He couldn't help taking out his phone for a photo, it was absolutely a sight he didn't want to forget.

Jeongyeon was one of a kind, she really was.

Jimin secretly crept into the cooking zone then suddenly embraced Jeongyeon from behind in a clingy hug. The latter yelped, she almost burnt herself.

"What are you doing!" Jeongyeon grumbled as she turn her head to look at Jimin, who was stubbornly attached to her back. "Let go, I can't cook with you like this."

He ignored the girl's complaint (because she was the cutest whining), resting his chin on her shoulder and out of the blue said. "You smell good, Jeong."

Jeongyeon blushed at the unexpected confession. "Don't talk weird, Jimin."

"I don't remember buying any female shower gel though."

"I didn't use any..."

"You didn't?"

"I didn't."

Shocked, mouth agape in surprise. That was his expression right now. How could she smell so freaking heavenly without any fragrance products!

God, he thought he might have just fallen more for her.

"Hello, Earth to Jimin. Are you listening to me?" Jeongyeon's voice shook him from his reverie. "You should really let go of me, it's done."

Jimin looked over her shoulder and found that the bibimbap was ready.

"Ah." He realized that he should pull back and to be honest, he didn't want to stop being in such close proximity to Jeongyeon, but Jimin was also too hungry to ignore the gurgling growl deep in the pit of his stomach.

"I read somewhere that eating after 10 PM is bad for your health though..." Jeongyeon murmured softly.

"You prepared all those rice and now you're saying this to me. Wow, such a smart move. And I'm starving, I might faint if you don't allow me to eat."

"Alright alright. Chill, Park. It's not like I will throw it away." Jeongyeon playfully slapped Jimin's arm, urging him to try the dish.

As soon as he had put a spoonful of the bibimbap in his mouth, Jeongyeon excitedly asked. "Is it good?"

"Hmm, I would say decent." Jimin answered in a calm manner but he actually took very big scoops. There were unique flavor and texture combinations in every bite despite the fact that Jeongyeon only made do of the month-old rice and leftovers. Basically, it was an one-bowl wonder of steamed rice, sautéed vegetables and a fried egg, all mixed up together.

Jeongyeon pouted in annoyance. "I'm never cooking for you again, ungrateful mochi."

Jimin just chuckled seeing her cute expression.

"Hey, wanna watch a movie?" Jeongyeon said looking at him from the sofa when Jimin had finished washing the dishes. They made it as a deal between themselves, Jeongyeon was the one cooking so Jimin had to do the cleaning (which he was surprisingly good at) because the girl would never tolerate disorder while she was staying here.

"Suddenly?" He cocked an eyebrow at her, genuinely confused.


"Isn't it like..." He looked over to the clock hanging on the wall. "...2:30 AM? And don't you have to started preparing the baking dough at 6:30 tomorr-I mean today?"

"Just because..."

"What kind of answers is that??"

Jeongyeon shrugged as she turned on the television and opened Netflix to choose a classic film.

Jimin sat down next to her, sinking in the warm pile of pillows and blankets she had created. There was a short silence following by the slow music of the movie Jeongyeon chose. A movie with the romance genre of course, she was a softie after all.

"You're closing the bakery today?" Jimin couldn't help but to ask her again. The whole thing was so weird. She had never offered to watch a movie this late. They were both night owls and at the same time lark sleepers, however they still made sure to rest for at least five hours. But watching a film would definitely have them staying up all night.

"No. And shut up, the movie is playing."

The girl quickly shushed him, making Jimin curious about what movie they were watching because she seemed excited so he leaned on the sofa and moved his gaze back at the TV screen.

Its title was "The Notebook", their favorite. Jimin was actually more into anime but Miss best friend here had managed to make him watch this movie over and over again, resulting in the change of his movie preference.

They had seen it for five times together already. And Jeongyeon cried every single time when the protagonists had to part ways.

Maybe it was the tears that made Jeongyeon feel more sleepy.

The sobbing sounds gradually subsided and when Jimin finally took a glance, Jeongyeon had been sitting still with both eyes closed, cheeks and nose flushing cutely from crying, head positioned on her forearms and knees.

Gosh this girl is so confusing. She made him watch a movie with her but fell asleep? Well not surprised.

Jimin contemplated for a while before deciding to cradle her. He would never have the heart to leave her sleeping there on the stiff sofa in such an uncomfortable pose.

"Sleep tight." He murmured softly after placing her as quietly as possible onto the bed. Satisfied with the girl's steady breathing, Jimin picked up some clean blankets and tucked her in.

He smiled at Jeongyeon's angelic face for one last time then went out of his own bedroom. He could sleep on the sofa today.

"I love you Jeongyeonie. Hurry up and realize my feelings."

Note: Well, this ends in a kinda unfinished way but as I said, I can't write cute stuffs. I was planning to add a bit smut at the last part but it just became somewhat too long for me so I was like nevermind I'm too lazy for this shit. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy and please comment what you think. I would love to hear your thoughts about what you want to happen next and I might continue writing this one accordingly to your ideas. 😁

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