"anxiety and rosemary"

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intentional lowercase
jasmines pov-
Alrighty, all i gotta do is get through this crowd of people. a crowd of people who are probably judging as i walk around with another girl like some lesbian and a short dress on. no problem what so ever. wait, should i let go of her hand. shit, if i do then she might get lost. but she's a holy knight, they're strong. no, that would be mean, i think. but jeez, her hand is soft. it's like you don't wanna let them go! back to the topic. i can practically feel everyone push closer together. all we have to do is find a shop with rosemary, get it and go. man, i can feel these guys checking me out. i accidentally look around instead of keeping my eyes down. a pool of people clambered around like one big school of fish. my breathing hitches as i continued walking with jericho. everything around me just seemed loud while everyone pushed together. i continue walking while picking up the pace. my eyes dart around in fear and anxiousness, looking for a greenery shop. not one in sight yet. the air coming in and out my lungs stop completely. fuck, okay- i spot a shop at the corner of my eye and take a sharp turn to it. i open the door with one hand while jericho was in the other. hearing the stores bell ring calmed my nerves while i let the smell of fresh grass and sage fill my nose. hm, smells like my house. a smile creeps to my face as i let out an anxious gasp for air, so did jericho. sweat was running down her cheek as we were already inside. was i making her run?
"im sorry, Jericho," i let go of her hand with much dismay while messing with my brown hair.
" i hope i wasn't making you fun." i felt tears start to form in the corner of my eyes. i wipe them quickly before she notices. why was i crying now like a baby? she flashes me a smile. of course, i blush and return a smile myself.
"n-no,it's fine! a l-little running never hurt!" i notice her tiny stutters and attempt to, once again, remove that one piece of hair out her face and place it behind her ear. i feel her jolt up a bit making me regret my actions.
"s-sorry," i let my own self stutter as my hands flew to the straps on my bag. she only says it was fine before i turn myself to look for what i need. rosemary.

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