for the girls and the boys

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to the girls/boys who have doubted themselves, who have puked up their meals, who don't fit society's description of pretty or hot, to the girls/boys.

fuck what society has to say, you are gorgeous no matter what they want you to look like. you may not be a size zero with a C bra size. you may not have a flat tummy, your thighs may move when you walk. but who cares? who cares if you're not perfect, if you have flaws and scars. if you wear glasses or have pimples. you are gorgeous in your own way! fuck the levels of beauty and if your a ten or a five, you don't have to meet the standards of other people. just meet your own. you may think i'm prettier than you or i'm skinnier then you, but i see myself just as beautiful and gorgeous as you are. we are all equal, we are all amazing. fuck the make-up and the bra sizes and the clothes you buy to make yourself look skinnier or more available or prettier or whatever the fuck you are going for. no matter what you do, no matter what you wear or how you look, be proud of who you are. look in the mirror and like the person that you see, don't look at someone else and wish you could be them or have their body. like who you are. i used to never look in the mirror because i hated what it reflected. i hated the scars, the face, the body. i hated myself, i couldn't stand the thought of going out in public for people to see me. i thought i was some kind of monster or screw up because all of these girls around me met society's standard of pretty. and i felt i didn't. but the truth is, who needs to meet society's standards? no one is the answer. you need to be happy with yourself, look at yourself and say "i am fucking beautiful, i'm amazing, and no one, NO ONE can take that feeling away from me" why be someone else when you can be you? don't go changing yourself for anyone, ever! because in the end that person will leave you, and then you will look at yourself in the mirror and not even recognize who you are anymore. trust me, i know. and it's hard to get back to who you used to be. that perfect, amazing, not fake person. it doesn't matter if you're gay, or bi, or straight or anything else. it matters that you are you, and if there are people who are out there that want to criticize you and tear you down, which there will be, just smile and walk away. because inside that person is dying from jealousy. they are jealous that you can walk around and be the person you want to be while they are still stuck trying to make society happy. which will never happen!! society changes it's standards all the fucking time. which means you would have to change all the fucking time. society sucks don't listen to it.

and this goes for boys to. i don't know what problems you face, cuz i'm not a guy, but be you. be what you think is awesome and amazing, don't listen to what other people say about you. and i know there are girls out there who will make you feel like shit. but fuck them! (not literally children) you don't need a bitch like that in your life. what you need is a real ass girl who can laugh with you and make dirty jokes and not get butt hurt so easily. and if your gay or bi and you get criticized for it ignore it. it isn't worth your time to sit and listen to that bullshit. be who you want to be. that's the bottom line.

never change for someone, you'll find that someone who fits you perfectly. friends come and go but true friends are like family and family never leaves. surround yourself with the people you love and that love you back. live life care free and love yourself.

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