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this chapter is where I get to fangirl about what I like in a guy

so first of all appearance..... you can look however you want to and I will still like you if you have a good personality but this is basically my dream guy

he has colored eyes like blue or green

he gives side ways smirks all the time

he has tattoos.... god I fucking love tattoos they are the best

he has good style

hes taller than me

he hugs me around the waist

gives me kisses all the time..... anywhere

he lets me put my hands up his shirt to warm them up

he holds my hand even if we are with his friends

he can joke around with me

can pick me up

wants to talk to me all the time

loves me

can't stop touching me

cuddles with me all the time

whispers sweet nothings to me

doesn't mind if I give him a hickey...or two....or three well you get the idea

and a lot more but for now that's it :) peace

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