last night

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so last night my friend turned 21

so we took him to a concert

its was an awesome night 

we also camped out in tents..... tents!!!

im not a tent person

so i froze my ass off last night

yes r.i.p my nonexistent ass we are sorry that you froze to death

the pic is from this morning

we are headed out to go have fun in vegas now. its gunna be a long.....long.....long......fucking......long trip

but we are all going to have some fun..... wait what do i mean we are going to have a shit ton of fun!!!!!!

can't wait to get there sneak into some clubs and just god it fucking vegas!!!!!!!

im so EXCITEDDDDDD!!!!!!!!



welp i shouldn't have said that to Nika *rubs cheek* 

i was apparently to jumpy and happy so she smacked me

pooey now i have to calm down

otay's bye bye for now mofo's im on my way to vegas!!!!!!!!

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