Jewish for You

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A/N Greatly inspired by the video. I do want to say I know noting about Judaism, so If I get something wrong just tell me so I can fix it. 


Kyle grunted as Kenny dragged him to the gym. He didn't know why exactly, but he had a feeling this was to do with Cartman. When He reached the gym the seats were filled, other than a break in the first  row where Butters held a sign that read "Kahl's Seat." The red head groaned while Kenny pushed him in the seat and Stan threw up some confetti. 

"Stan, what the fuck is this?" Kyle deadpanned to his friend. Stan just gave a guilty grin as the lights all shut off, except for a spotlight that fell on, you guessed it, Eric Cartman. Token started playing the piano and the band started playing.

I should have known when I met you
By the Orthodox synagogue

Kyle decided to listen, after all, it's not like Eric had too horrible of a voice. But the son word's triggered a memory, of when he met Cartman. Cartman was walking out of Church, Kyle out of Synagogue.

I should have known when I saw you
Buying extra lox at the bagel shop

Kyle furrowed his brows, attention 100% locked on Cartman. 'Is this going to be him complaining about Jews again?' He thought.

I should have known
You're not to blame
I should have seen
We're not the same

Kyle's blood started to boil. If the song was going where he thought it was going Eric was going to get one hell of a bitch slap.

Doesn't take an Einstein
You've got the nose
You've got the name
The name is Steinstein

Everyone giggled, except Kyle who glared, a pout on his pale pink lips. Even Butters laughed at the dumb song, and joke.

I'm not sure what you want me to do
But I think this worth working through
And I know it's a little bit out of the blue
But I might as well try
I think I could be Jewish for you

The gym was suddenly quiet, other than the band. Kyle's bright emerald eyes were wide, and his face was heated up in a blush. "What is he doing?!" Kyle whispered. No one answered him.

Like on holidays
I'll stop baking gingerbread
Start baking challah

Cartman pointed to a picture of the braided bread. He set up a small presentation board to show what he was talking about.  He was serious about this.

When Hanukkah comes
I can light the mandala

Keith shook his head and Cartman corrected himself.

Excuse me

Cartman sweated, correcting his words before continuing the song.

If you could just choose me
I'll sing eidel deidel not fa la

The line got a few giggles and a few 'awes'. Kyle gulped and chewed on his lips, his arms loosing their defensive fold,

Yeah, as far as the culture
I might need a clue
But I'll give it a shot
Cuz I've got to be Jewish for you

Kyle tried not to smile. Yeah, Cartman really would need a clue, seeing as he was almost the exact opposite of a Jew.

I'll go with you to Temple
I'll try to learn Yiddish
I'll start eating kosher
I'll even play Quidditch

Kyle pouted again. "That's not a Jew thing!" He yelled out, getting a few laughs from the gym.

Well, show me some new things
I won't be the slightest bit skittish

Cartman grinned and walked towards the stands where Kyle sat. Now everyone was even more sure the song was really for the Ginger Jersey Jew.

I'll do it by rote
Till it feels like it's true
And till I'm ver clempt
I'll attempt to be Jewish for you

Cartman's grin melted into a small, sweet smile. A serious look was in his chocolate brown eyes, it sent a small shiver down Kyle's spine.

I would be Irish or Russian or French or—
No, Chinese is a bit of a stretch

Cartman shook his head at the idea of going Chinese for anyone. He may love Kyle, but not quite that much. A few Chinese students frowned at that line, but he didn't care. Kyle held in a chuckle.

Just wait even your rabbi will
Call me a mensch
Did I mention I've been practicing my kvetch?

Kyle watched as Cartman puffed out his chest proudly, and Kyle could tell. He didn't know who helped, probably Ike, but he could still tell.

Oh, I will adapt where the average girl freezes
Cuz if I have to have the "just friends" talk
I'll do it with Jesus

A second spotlight opened up near the presentation board. "Oh my god." The Cartman group, subtract Cartman, all chuckled at the fact that Cartman actually got Jesus to come.

"Sorry Jesus, You're just not my type." Cartman said, doing finger guns at the confused son of God. Honestly he looked offended.

Whatever they are
I could learn to like latkes
And if we have sons
Then they'll all have bar matzvahs
Bar mitzvahs!I'm joking
I promise I know things!

While everyone else laughed Kyle was confused. They were both men. How could they possibly have sons? Well there was adoption-Wait, was he actually thinking about that?! His face burned in a red blush.

Enough not to ruin chbotkas
If that's what it takes
Then that's what I'll do

Kyle stood up and went to leave, but a hand stopped him. Cartman grabbed his hand, and held on. A small bit of hurt was on his face.

Please don't run away
And one day I'll be Jewish for you

Kyle glance back, his face red. His lip was almost bleeding from biting it.  Cartman spun Kyle around to meet his eyes.

Tell me you've never questioned one holy command
Tell me don't you think love's more romantic unplanned?

Just tell me you're nervous
We'll start with a service
Just tell me where you stand!

Cartman rubbed a small circle on Keith's hand. he looked at him, hopefully. Like he was expecting something. The audience was watching with bated breath.

Tell me I need you
Tell me in Hebrew

Kyle looked downs as Eric sang more. He couldn't bring himself to speak. Eric looked close to tears almost.

Teach me l'chaim and horcrux and oi!
Just tell me why

Taking Kyle's silence as rejection Eric almost sobbed as he sang. It was painful to watch.

Instead of hi
I'll say shalom

Till my hovel feels like home
But I won't say goodbye

Kyle's breath hitched. He looked at Cartman with wide green eyes. His heart tightened as Cartman pulled him into a comfortable, warm hug.

So here's what I propose

I'll read through the Torah from cover to cover
Till even Moses can see we were meant for each other

You know I adore you
So let me fight for you

Together we'll take on your mother

Kyle cracked a smile at the words, Eric probably would take on his mother.  The red head nuzzled into his shoulder.

It might be a prayer but
A prayer can come true

I dare you to dare me
I swear I'll come through

Kyle pulled away and cupped Cartman's face while the brunette finished the song. They were both smiling softly the memories of everything they'd been through together flashed through their minds.

When I'm with you there isn't
A thing I can't do

So if you're inclined 

I won't mind being
Jewish for you

"You're an idiot fat ass." Kyle mumbled, no fire behind his words.

"So are you Jew." Cartman grinned and pulled him in for a kiss.


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