Chapter 1

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Hi guys. This is my first story on Wattpad.

It was inspired by my favourite band's (Within Temptation's) song called Jillian.

Hope you'll like it.


Somewhere in Divarah:

"Hahhhah. It was a very good game."

"Absolutely. Hey Jane! What about we play hide and seek? It would be fun."

"I'm in. Hahhhah."

"But you're the seeker first. Hahhah."

"Oh Jillian. You and your twisted mind. But it's ok. I'm gonna find you. Hahhhah"

"We'll see. Hahhah."

After some minutes...

I knew Jane wouldn't find me.

But...wait..what is this voice??? It's...It's Jane. But why is she shouting? And why do I hear a man's voice as well?

I guess something's wrong. I gotta check it out.  -Runs to where Jane is

"JANE!!! Are you alright? Why were you Who are these man Jane?? Wh.."

"Jane! Stay away! Go home!!!!"

"But...wait! I don't understand. Who are they? And why are you calling me Jane, you know I'm Jill..."

"Don't bother me Jane! It's none of your buisness. Go home!"

"But why???"

"We don't have time for your questions little girl. We gotta go. Paul! Take Jillian and let's go. -Soldier

"Wait! What are you talking about??? She's not Jillian. I'm.."

"Go home Jane. It's nothing what you have to know about!"

"Let's go" -Soldier




I woke up from my worst nightmare shouting as always.  Again I was dreaming about that day. That awful day when the soldiers had taken my best friend. 

I breathed heavily and I sat up in my bed. I stayed like that for a couple of minutes and that calmed me down a bit. I finally got up, went to the window and pulled aside the drapery on it. The sun was shining brightly and it was warming my face. It felt so good to be back in reality. Birds were flying everywhere. It was a hot summer morning although some of the leaves started to fall down. Autumn was coming but it didn't feel like that. I stood there lost in my thoughts. I always wondered why did the soldiers want Jillian? And why Jane said that she had been me?

I've never had the answer. This nightmare contained my worst memories. I always thought I put them beside me but they always kept haunting my mind.

A sweet aroma caught my nose and that put me off of my thoughts. It was my morning tea. My aunt probably brought it into my room. She was so mindful.

I went to my wardrobe and I started to dress up. After some minutes I was wearing a light-blue dress with my favourite boots. I combed my hair and I went to my desk to take a sip from my tea and an image in the mirror caught my eye. It was a pale, emotionless face with sparkling blue eyes. Those eyes!! Oh, they were like the ocean but behind them I could see the emptiness. And again I had to deal with the fact that I was the girl in the mirror. I looked like I had no aims in life but that wasn't true. My only aim was to find Jane and get my old life back.


"Jillian! Are you awake yet?"

"Yes I am. Come in!"

Elizabeth entered the room. She was my aunt and my only relative. My relatives and my parents were assasinated after my birth. Beth always said that there was a special reason behind it and when I asked her what was it, she said that she had no idea. She only knew the fact that my family was killed by the command of the king. I wonder why...

"Jillian! Are you ok? You look pale."  -She stared at me with her beautiful hazel eyes. In fact she was really beautiful. She was short but she looked cute especially with her brown, curly hair. She was wearing a light-pink dress with a white apron and a white headscarf. She was the kindest person I've ever known and she was very reliable. She was always there for me and I looked up to her like she was my mother. After all, she was the person who brought me up.

"I always look pale Beth. It's part of my appearance you know."

"But I'm so worried about you that you may be ill or something like that." -She said with a worried expression.

"You shouldn't be. You know I can take care of myself. And I will tell you if something is wrong with me. So don't worry so much, please!"  -I said as I sat down onto my bed. 

" Alright jillian. After all, you're already 20 years old. Oh, really. I guess you still remember your agreement with Clare a week ago!?"

"Yes of course. I have to help her with the party that she's organizing for the children. I also have to bring some bread from the bakery with myself."  -I said confidently

"And when is the party exactly??"  -Her questionned look made me remember the agreement and the date itself and I got to my feet.

"Oh God. It's today. The party is today. I have so many things to do. Beth! What time is it?"

"It's 10 o'clock."

"I have to hurry. If I'll be late, Clare would be angry with me. Bye Beth!"  -I told her and I ran out of my room.

"Bye Jillian! Take care!"  -I heard her shout after me.

I was running down the street and I reached the bridge of the village which led the way to Peter's bakery. I entered the shop and Peter greeted me.

"Good morning, my dear Jillian! How are you? What yould you like?"  -He asked me. His blue eyes were the most beautiful I had ever seen. He was a really good-looking man in his thirties. He stroked his dark hair and smiled at me. Beth always told me that he liked me more than a friend but I never had time to think over things like this.

"Good morning....Peter! I' a....rush. If I don't hurry......I will be late....from the party organizing.......with Clare. But....I need some bread."  -I said while I was trying to catch my breath.

"Oh my dear. I'll bring them to you in a minute. You shouldn't be late from a place where Clare is. She will be upset."  -He said as he walked to the shelf to bring some bread.

"Here. Take them and don't bother with paying now. You have to run, my dear!!"  -He said with a big smile on his face.

"Are you sure Peter?"

"Yes Jillian."  -He said still smiling

"Then thank you so much Peter! Beth will come in soon so don't forget to ask her for your payment. Now I have to go. Bye Peter and thank you again."

"You're welcome Jillian! Bye!"  -He said and I ran out of his bakery.

I was near the main street and from there, my destination was only a few corners away. Hartridge was a small village in the countryside of the Divarah Kingdom. It was a beautiful place surrounded by mountains and two rivers were flowing through it. People lived in small flats and there were many examples of more families living together. There was poverty everywhere in the Kingdom. Our King wielded the authority alone. We lived in a monarchy and every law he made was against the will of the people. We had to pay high taxes and we were threaten by his army, the Black Soldiers. They were cruel people who were kidnapped from their family and were taught how to kill and offend people.

I finally reached my destination after some minutes. I was panting but I saw Clare coming towards me and I wanted to speak but she did it first.

"You're finally here. I thought something bad happened to you. I was worried."  -Clare, Clare. My innocent Clare. She was a very kind and charitable person. She also cared a lot about me.

"You worry too much, Clare. I just overslept."

"Your nightmares again?"

"Memories...yes. But the main point is that I'm here."

"Alright. Then we should start to prepare for the party."

"Ok. Let's get started!"  -And we went to the tables to lay them.


To be continued...

If you have any kind of opinion about my story please write a comment. :)

Bye guys :)

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