Chapter 3

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Chiều cao dòng's chapter 3. Enjoy :)


Elizabeth's POV

I was running as fast as I could to the house of Clare. I knew the main 'leaders' of our village and more inportantly, Tom would be there.As I passed the Hart Bridge the memories of my first meeting with Tom filled my mind.

Jillian and I moved into Hartridge about six years ago. On our first week in the village I was walking home from the shops I had just found. I carried home a huge number of bags. That was a sunny day and children were playing in the gardens. Some of them played with a ball and when I reached the Hart Bridge, a child kicked the ball into my direction accidentally. The next thing I knew that my head had been hit by something and I was falling from the bridge. In the next instant I felt somebody was grabbing my my arm. All of my bags were already in the river flowing away with it but I was rescued by Tom. He was a very tall man with short black hair. His eyes were almost black. I invited him for dinner to thank him and so he could met Jillian. We learnt that he was a complete gentleman and also that he was a little bit shy but he was also a kind-hearted, gentle, and absolutely a loveable person. From that day we spent almost all of our days with each other and two years later he confessed his love for me. That was the best day of my life because I also loved him from the day we met. I knew that it was a little selfish from me to stay here and not to go with Jillian but I knew she wouldn't have needed me. 

A thunder brought me out of my thoughts. I looked up to the sky while I was running. Huge grey clouds were gathering together above Hartridge. I turned to Valley Street the wind started to blow strongly. I knew that an enormous strom was coming. Our Mother Earth probably wanted to warn us and turn our attention to the fate of our village. It was a sad forecast but it was true. The villagers always knew that one day they'll  have to bear the consequences of letting Jillian stay. It was a dangerous game that we played. The King wanted Jillian so desperately that he left no stone unturned. He spent his soldiers to search for her all over Divarah. It was obvious that the villagers won't say a word about Jillian's whereabouts but it was also a fact that the Black Soldiers won't accept it. I fear that the village will come to a bloody end. And about the girls in the village...I hope they'll be alright. 

14 years ago King Charles commanded to the Soldiers to collect every talented girl who was six years old at that time. He needed to find a queen to his son, James. All of the girls that were taken had to learn how to be a princess first. They taught them cruel ways to 'get to the top'. It was like a competition and only one could won and that was the most artful and vicious of them. The King raised a cruel princess to his son. Soon they will get married though we don't even know the name of the future queen. 

It doesn't matter now Elizabeth! - I have to concentrate on much more important things. - I reminded myself.

As I turned left I beheld a light-brown house with a white fence around it. That was my destination. I looked around the street to see if there was anybody out but I saw nobody. Everything was extinct... people left their belongings in the gardens. They probably hid away to their cellars. 

I finally reached the gate to Clare's home and when I entered I saw the white tables upside-down in the garden. All of the items in the garden were for the party which Jillian and Clare organized for the children. Everything was a big mess. The strom already reached the started to rain as I held my hand up to knock on the door. But before I could somebody opened it from the inside. I saw a terrified face in front of me.

"Beth...what are you doing here? The soldiers could be here in any moment. Come in...hurry! " - She looked around to see if everything was okay and she calmed down a bit when she saw that the Soldiers weren't here yet so she pulled me into her house. As we entered I looked at the pepole that were staring at me. I saw fear in their eyes...they thought I ran away with Jillian but now that they saw I was there they were afraid that it might ruin their chance of survive.

"Beth...why are you here? Is Jillian okay? Why aren't you with her?" - Clare asked as she led me to a chair and I sat down. Altough her house was enormous there were only the necessary furnitures in it...only a big brown table, a few chairs and some cupboards. She didn't settle in for a long time because as we knew she was in love with the wealthy nobleman, John. The house was a present from him because Clare lived with her parents and her eight siblings and he thought that Clare deserved a better place to live in as she was the eldest. Their relationship progressed as time passed by and John proposed to her a week ago so i guess she will move into his home.

"BETH!!!!!! I'M TALKING TO YOU BETH!!!!!!!! Tell me that Jillian escaped....tell me that she's okay. - She looked at me with tearful eyes. I remained silent because I had to calm myself down a bit.

"BETH..."- She raised her voice again but this time she was cut off.

"Clare! Let her be a little. She's just got here and I suppose that she was running. Look she can't even breath normally. - Tom told her and he sat down next to me.

"Elizabeth my dear. Are you alright? - I collected all my remained energy to answer their questions.

"Don't worry Tom. I'm alright. - I told him as I held his hand. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and then continued:
"Clare! Jilian has already left and she will be okay. Everybody knows how tough she can be. And I decided to stay here and help. And I would just have slowed her down. I'm a better ufe for her if I'm here. - Clare didn't say anything. 

Silence filled the room. I knew they were all thinking about our future and I guess they thought that the decision I had made was wrong. But I didn't care... I knew that it had to be this way. Everybody was deep in their thoughts when a low voice broke the silence.

"What will we do now?" - We looked to the direction of the voice and we saw that it was Flore. She was the mother of Emily. Her daughter looked just like her: They both had long black curly hair. Their eyes were brown and they both had extremely pale skin. As we looked at her she got confused and looked down.

"Will we have to fight against the Black Army? It is impossible." - Moe said and there was silence again.

"My friends! You shouldn't worry too much. Why would the Soldiers destroy us? They were searching all over was just a matter of time when they would come here to check. It's not like that they would know that Jillian had lived here. It's just a coincidence." - The voice came from the door. Clare ran into the direction of the voice and when he turned round I saw that he was John, her fiancé.

"You're wrong John. They do know that Jillian was here...that's why they come here." - Tom spoke

"How do you know it? Are you sure?" - Clare asked.

"I am. You know I was in Hattburg, the village nearby and I stayed at one of my friends. He told me that the fact that Jillian was here all along came to the Soldiers' notice. It was just a few hours ago and when he told me all of this I ran here to warn Jillian. The Soldiers were coming from the Capital, Naiad and when I returned to Hartridge they were only for an hour from here." - Tom explained.

"Oh my God...."

"Please God help..."

"So this is the end for us..."

Everybody was panicking. It was an awful situation.

"John. Do you have a plan how to stop them from destroying the village?" - I turned to him and asked.

"We can't do a thing. Against an Army...."

"We will die for sure..."


"How could be John? They will destroy us...this village is our life." - Paul faced John and there was silence again but only for a moment because John spoke:

"If they decide to destroy the village then we cannot stop them. But! We can do something." - John said

"What John?" - Moe asked

"Tell us John!" - They echoed

John looked at us with a sly smile and said:

" here's the plan...."

Jillian's POV:

I didn't stop for only a moment after I left Hartridge. I was terrified and my legs were moving without my permission. I knew that the fate of the village won't be good. I just hoped that everybody will be alright most importantly Beth. I wondered what would they do at that moment when I was running for my life.

A thunder frightened out of my witts and I looked around to see if the Army was there. Fortunately, there was nobody there so I stopped. My legs were aching and I came down to the ground. I embraced my legs with my arms and I started to cry. 

They will die because of me. Why wouldn't I just give myself up??? I....I....

Another thunder scared me but this time it started to rain as well. I was tired but I knew that there must have been a good reason for the King to chase after me. I had to know that reason. 

I have to find Anne. She will tell me the truth... After that I will decide what to do. Yes... that's what I have to do now.

I stood up and I looked around again. I saw a village on the right. I decided not to go to its direction... it would be dangerous and it was obvious that the Soldiers would search for me that way. So I ran to the other way. Minutes later I reached a thick forest and I didn't stop... I ran into it.

At Naiad

Meriem's POV:

I cannot let them find that girl. The King will select her to be Edward's princess. I cannot let it happen...

"Miss Meriem. King Charles wishes to see you." - My maid told me.

"Thank you Lia. Tell him that I will be there soon." 

"As you wish" - She left.

What would he want from me?

I went to throne room. He was sitting at his trone so proudly like he would have been the King of the world.

Don't be too comfortable. That throne will be mine soon.

"My dear king. You wished to see me."

"Yes Meriem. I have to discuss something with you."

"And what would that be milord?"

"Do you know about the chase of Jillian?"

"Yes sir, I know. But I'm afraid your Kingdom is against your plans." - I told him 

"I don't care about the people. I have to find her. And I need your help. When Jillian comes here you will be her teacher. You will have to brainwash her and teach her the rules."

"Me? Why me milord? Why don't you ask J..."

"She's busy with her things about her wedding. And I don't want them to meet until the right time comes."

What does he mean?


"You don't have to be bothered by these things. Just do what I told you to. Now you're dismissed. Go!" - I looked at him and he was smiling vixenly. I knew that he was planing something and that something was surely against my plans. 

I left the room without greetings. I went to my suite. I was very furious.

I can't believe he's planing to brainwash Jillian...that means that he wants her on his side. I have to do something to prevent these happenings.

At Adrastos

It was a hot summer day and my only task was to rode my horse to get to Anne's home. I had to tell her what I've seen. I turned left at the end of the street and I saw her house. I entered the gate and then burst the door but I didn't see her. She wasn't at home. Where could she be??? I can't believe such an important time.

"Amie! Are you looking for Anne? She's not at home. She had left just before you came here." - Shouted her neighbour, Allie

"Do you know where could she be?" - I asked her

"She didn't tell me but I guess she went to the cemetery. You is his anniversary."

It really was. His son died exactly fourteen years ago when he tried to save a girl from the Black Soldiers. Those cruel people killed him without thinking. Anne was totally depressed...well of course she was. She lost her only son...her only hope after her best friend died. 

"Thank you Allie. Bye." - I told her and I rode to the direction of the cemetery.

"Bye Amie." - I heard her shout after me.

I rode faster to arrive in time. I hoped that Anne wouldn't go anywhere else and that I would get her at the cemetery. I finnaly reached the gate of it and I ran in.

She was lying on his son's grave and I bet she was crying. 

"Anne. Can we speak a little?" - I asked with low voice. She stood up but before she turned round she wiped her tears off.

"Amie. I didn't expect you would be here." - She said as she turned to me. Her beautiful black hair now was in a complete mess and her eyes were red and swollen because of the crying. She wore a black dress which had holes in it.

"I'm here to tell you something important." - I told her

"Then tell me." - She said wearily

"I cannot tell you this here. What about we go to your house?"

"Is it that important?"

"Yes Anne. You should know about it." 

She took a deep breath and said:

"Then let's go"

We left the cemetery together and we went to her house.

At Hartridge

Emily's POV

"Mommy...where are we going?"

"Don't worry my dear. Everything's gonna be alright. Now we have to leave the village but soon we will come back. Now hurry...pack your bags." - My mommy told me. I didn't understand why would we have to leave  Hartridge but I obeyed her and I went upstairs to pack my bags. 

Is it about Jillian? Do we have to move because of her? I hope she's okay. But...where will we go now? What will we do there? - I thought as I packed my belongings to my bag.

Flore's POV

"Are you ready to leave?" - I turned round and saw John with Clare

"Yes, we are. Emily will be here in some minutes. She's getting ready." - I told him

"It is the best opportunity. You know we don't have other choice." - He told me with a guilty look

"I know John. Don't worry about us."

"I'm going to see if everybody's ready." - Clare told us

"Just go." - John replied.

Clare's POV

I went to the Hart Square. What I've seen was an awful scene. The square was full with people and with their pack and belongings. The plan was that those parents who had children had to move from Hartridge. The elders voted that they would stay here because they're too old to move.

Nobody blamed Jillian. It could have happened in each way: whether Jillian lived here or not the King would destroy this small village because it was against his plans. 

"Clare!" - I heard the children's voices.


"Where are we going Clare? Will you also come?" - Miana asked 

"I'm not going. I have to stay here and help. But don't worry you're going to a safe place." - I replied gently

"Is Jillian alright?" - Miana asked me sadly

"I'm sure she is. But from now on you shouldn't talk about her. Just with your mom when you're alone with her. Is it possible?"


I saw John comming to our way.

"Alrgiht. Now that everybody's here you can go. But be careful and good luck to you all. Bye"

"Bye John...Bye Clare." - They told as they left.

We remained silent with John and looked as most of the villagers left Hartridge.

"It won't be an easy game." - John said as he held my hand.

We just stood there hand-in hand and remained silent for a few moments. The wind started to blow awful strom was coming. Or maybe two of's not just the nature that we had to deal with. The Black Army was another strom for us...They will attack so sudden like the strom created by our Mother Earth. And it wasn't the only similarity. The Army won't ask if we want to play the game the way they play. Just like won't ask us if we wanted rain or strong storms coming. 

The sun was already descending and huge dark stormy clouds were gathering above Hartridge. I wondered if the nature or the Army would bring Hartridge to its end. 

It won't be an easy game. - John's words were echoing in my head. Everybody knew this. But what could we have done?

" I know it won't be easy...but we have to play it hard, John. For Hartridge...for Jillian."


To be continued... 

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