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You hesitantly dared to push yourself onto his lap, but didn't let your full weight rest on him. Jin only managed to get you to lean against him when you pushed hard.

Your legs wrapped around his torso while he broke away from your lips, gasping for air, to place kisses on your neck. He was gentle, but also noticeably desperate to feel you, to be touched by you.

Your hands came to rest on his shoulders. A soft sigh escaped you as he nibbled at the sensitive skin behind your ear. His breath burned like fire.

"Don't...", you forced out with an effort. "You're still injured..."

A moan caught in your throat. Like a hungry animal, Jin paused. His body trembled and he couldn't take his eyes off your lips. He kissed you again, this time with a little pressure.

You complied with his lead and slowly let yourself fall backwards, out of his lap and onto the floor. He immediately found a spot between your legs, grabbed your face with both hands and kissed every nook and cranny he could find.

The gold of the flames reflected in his clouded eyes. At that moment, he really wasn't a samurai of honour and discipline. All you could see above you was a man who had escaped death and feared having to relive it.

Alone. He didn't want to die without someone with him.

You carefully put a hand on his cheek. Stubble and rough scar tissue pressed into your palm. Exhaling softly, his eyes closed. He leaned into the touch.

"I'm just a man...", he whispered again and kissed the palm of your hand.

Breathing heavily, you lay beneath him. The last layers of fabric had slipped so far that your upper body was almost completely exposed.

With heavy breaths, your body rose and fell. The glow of the fire seemed to capture every curve of your body, kissing your skin and making (S/C) shimmer like precious stones.

Spellbound by the sight of you, Jin sat between your legs, not so far away that there was an excuse but not so close that your footsteps touched. He was strangely close and yet so far away.

His breath was as heavy as yours. Black strands fell stray into his face. All at once it dawned on you what had just happened. Your saliva was still shimmering on his lips.

As if on command, he licked his tongue over it as if he wanted to savour your taste one last time. Inhaling deeply, you closed your eyes and collected all the thoughts that were filling your head.

"Does the man desire me?", you finally asked.

He swallowed hard, his eyes closed. He couldn't think clearly when you were lying in front of him, half naked in the glow of the fire.

"Amaterasu.", he whispered again. "Yes... The man is a fool for you."

Something in his face changed. You opened your eyes to look at him.

"And the samurai?", you asked.

Lust and shame fought for the upper hand inside you. You wanted him. At the end of the day, you were only human. But at the same time, he was a stranger and you had no interest in him using you and then throwing you away.

That had happened too often. Too often you had been used like a stupid child.

"The samurai doesn't want to dishonour you.", Jin finally said and withdrew.

As he slid out from between your legs, you could clearly see a bulge in his trousers. Almost casually, he sat down a little further away from you, his legs crossed so that it wasn't quite so obvious.

Coldness enveloped your body. Something seemed to be missing at that moment. Taking a deep breath, you straightened your clothes.

"I'm not someone to be honoured.", you weren't quite sure why you said that, but you wanted him to know.

Lost in thought, he was silent for a moment. His gaze was fixed on the flames.

"You saved my life.", he finally said, his eyebrows drawn tightly together. "You deserve my respect. And I refuse to use you just because I can't control my emotions."

That made you laugh softly. Tired, you lay down by the fire and rested your head on one arm. As you lay on your side, the fabric slipped a little and again one could see the curve of your chest from the side.

As so often before, he couldn't resist and his eyes travelled along the curves, trying to follow the light into every corner. You smiled.

"Honourable.", you breathed.

He immediately averted his eyes.

"I'm just a man.", he repeated, taking a bite of the stew that had long since cooled.

Sighing softly, you close your eyes.

"We're only human.", you smiled. "Don't be ashamed."

He shook his head.

"I'm not.", he slowly looked at you out of the corner of his eye. "I am... disappointed."

"From what?"

He took a deep breath.

"Even if I wasn't a samurai and wasn't in your debt, women deserve to be treated properly."

You frowned.

"That sounds...", you had to think for a moment. "Strangely complicated."

"It sounds right."

You tilt your head thoughtfully.

"What do you do when your body overcomes your mind and the flesh calls?", you asked.

His eyes widened. Then he had to think.

"Sometimes you have to control yourself.", he said.

You smiled.

"Like a little, trained dog.", you shook your head. "Humans are wolves, Jin. And if they want to hunt, let them hunt."

"That would mean you were the prey."

You flinched at his words. Your whole body froze. A soft laugh caught in your throat.

"I've been prey all my life.", you said to yourself. "One or two more times is not important."

Shadows danced across his face. It seemed so gentle. So thoughtful. The spoon floated in the bowl, he was no longer holding it.

"I don't want you as my prey.", this time he looked directly at you, your eyes met. "If I am a trained dog, then I want to be a loyal companion. Not a beast."

Something in your chest broke. And at the same moment it healed again. In one piece, with a very visible scar. Like the one on your cheek.

Nevertheless. Something was healed.

You were free. Never prey again.

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