Chapter 2

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When Lillybet opened her eyes they were standing in front of wrought iron gates. 'Treetops Orphan Home' stood in big bold letter on the gates.

"A children's home?"

"Yes! I love these children and spend every Christmas eve with them. Not always the same children. Some always leave because they are adopted and new children came during the year. I grew up in this orphanage. I hope you don't mind me bringing you here."

"This is great, Jingle Bells. No, of course I don't mind."

"Before I forget. My real name is Rimon. I only use my elf name in troubling situations, mostly to calm crying children."

One brow curled up, and her mouth opened into a perfect 'o'. But before she could speak, the gates opened. They met the housemother at the doors.

"Rimon! You made it back in time for our play and hot chocolate."

He introduced Lillybet to Mother Marion. Their arrival in the playroom was met with shrieks of joy and sweet, quiet voices whispering about the girl at Rimon's side. Some of the children couldn't keep their eyes off of her.

Lillybet was amazed at the amount of children in the home. She gave up trying to count them, they were running around the room and she couldn't keep up. There must be more than fifty children.

Rimon was good with the children. They loved him and couldn't keep away from him. She could understand them being attracted to him like that. That fateful night she immediately trusted him, she felt safe with him. A warmth radiated from him. For years she wished and prayed for him to come back her. If she only knew about the bells. But she guessed she hadn't needed him, she would have beckoned him because she had been selfish.

"You seem deep in thought, Miss Lillybet,” Mother Marion spoke next to her.

"I'm amazed at Rimon's love for the children."

"Yes, he does love them very much. He comes every year, bringing toys for each and every child. Even food, sweets and clothing. One year he brought some friends and they painted the whole building. Inside and out. I find it strange that he comes only once a year. He must be a busy man. But I'm sure glad he has finally found a girl he can share this with. He always seemed so lonely. I can see a big difference in his attitude tonight. He must be in love. Real joy glistens in his eyes."

"I'm sorry, but we..." Lillybet was interrupted when a little girl with red hair and blue eyes tugged at her shirt. With a freckled face she grinned showing a perfect set of white teeth.

She got pulled into the game some of the girls were playing and she forgot about Mother Marion's misconception. Playing with the kids gave her so much joy, and for the first time in years she understood the reason for the season.

The children's eyes each told a different story. A story of loss and despair. Each set of eyes reflected a haunted little soul beneath. At times she saw herself in their eyes.

Her decision to leave Chicago might just change. Maybe there could be something to keep her here. She didn’t have to take the promotion at her work and leave.

The night turned out to be so much fun. She felt wanted and needed. The way the children eagerly reached out to touch her, her arms and legs, craving affection. She never felt fulfilled like this. A burning desire inside her wanted their love. The gratitude they felt for small things was almost unbearable for her. At times she had to calm herself to stop the tears, other times it rolled down her cheeks before she could stop them.

The grand finale the children performed the Christmas Nativity and danced to a few songs for them. The children became quiet as hot chocolate was handed out, a sign that it was time for them to go to bed.

Would you like me to take you home straight away, or can we take a walk?"

"A walk would be nice."

Rimon hooked his arm in Lillybet's and together they walked in the direction of her house. She could feel the heat radiate off his body in this cold.

'Frosty the Snowman' lyrics were stuck in her head as they walked in silence. Snowmen stood scattered on sidewalks. Fat bodies with carrot noses. Upon some  heads sat top hats and canes resting in their stick hands. Others had umbrellas and top hats. Her favorite was those with long wooly scarves and pom-pom hats.

"You did well with the kids in there, Lillybet."

"Thank you. I loved being with them. They reminded me of my sad self. I would love to fill that void within them. I would love to work with children like that."

"Yeah, they're such innocent and fragile beings. They need a lot of understanding, patients and most of all love."

"I never thought of working with kids until tonight. But I thought I was too young and didn't have time. Because of my work, you know. You seem not to have aged. You look like you did twenty years ago, Jingle Bells... Mmmm Rimon."

"We elves don't age."

"Really? How old are you?"

"Forever twenty eight. That's the age I was when I decided I wanted to be an elf. My true age is eighty three."

"Wow, I must say, you look good for eighty three." She mocked. "Can I become an elf as well?"

"It’s not as easy as you think, Lillybet. You can't just become an elf."

"Well, tell me what I have to do to become an elf."

"You'll have to go to the North Pole. Father Christmas and his board will interview you. And then you go on a year waiting list. They will interview you a year later to see if you still feel the same."

"A year!? Isn't that a bit long?"

"That's the procedure, Lillybet."

"So, will you help me?

Rimon turned to her, taking her face in his gloved hands, looking deep into her eyes, "Are you sure about this? You will never be able to live in the normal world again."

"I'm sure,” she whispered.

Rimon had been gone for almost two hours. Lillybet marched up and down her apartment, hoping and praying that he hadn't left her again. This time she wouldn't be able to live without him. In just one night he had become more than just a part of her past. She wanted and needed him in her future.

Still in thought a bright flash brought her back to reality.

"Rimon! You came back!"

"Did you think I would lie to you?" he asked with sincere hurt in his eyes.

"I'm sorry. It's just…"

Rimon cut her off, "The board has agreed to see you. But we have to leave now. You must return before Christmas."

"Christmas is only two hours away." Concern was visible on her face.

"Then we must hasten!" He walked up to her and took her hands in his. He leaned in a little closer so that she could look into his eyes. His lips brushed hers. "Lillybet," he whispered slowly, "Do you believe in love at first sight?"

"I never believed in love until tonight,” she said with a raspy voice.

"I'm in love with you,” he said softly.

She smiled, her heart fluttering at his voice as he clasped his hands on either side of her face. He kissed her. It was slow and soft. His hand lingered below her ear, his thumb brushing her cheek as their breaths intertwined. She ran her fingers through his hair, pulling him closer until there was no space left between them. They could feel the beating of their hearts against their chests.

"Close your eyes. When you open them again, we'll be there."

Standing in the City Centre of Santa's town in the North Pole, which was powered by the magic of holiday happiness around the world,  was a huge pine tree from which the smell glided to where Lillybet and Rimon stood. The silver flash of tinsel glittered on the tree with a shining star on the top.

Lillybet had never seen a more spectacular view than this. Rimon guided her on a crackling carpet of snow into one of the many beautifully lit houses. From the window sills frost-spikes hung down like a fingers.

When they stepped inside, the heat welcomed them. The flames from the fireplace curled and swayed, flicking this way and that, crackling as they burned the dry wood. Lillybet held her gloved hands out to the heat them, thinking how good it felt to feel warmth at last. They both watched in hypnotized joy, holding hands as they waited for Lillybet to be beckoned inside for the interview.

An elf dressed in the traditional green and red with a pointy hat with bells jingling from it, stepped out of a room and invited Lillybet in with a warm smile. Rimon took her in his arms once again kissed her softly on her head.

"Good luck,” he whispered into her ear before letting her go.

"Will I be able to live without you for a year? I have waited for you all my life. I can't stand losing you again,” Lillybet said crying.

"This is the big test, Lillybet. If you can survive a year and still want to become an elf, we can be together. I will be the one to come and get you. I have to go, there's only a minute left."

While looking into her sad eyes, his hand drifted to her hip. He pulled her closer and she inhaled with a gasp. She was against his warm chest. He began nuzzling her jaw with delicate kisses, their breaths quickening. His lips came closer and closer to her mouth. Their breaths mingled. Her heart fluttered inside her chest while tears streamed down her cheeks. Then his arms encircled her and he kissed her with a passion she had never experienced before.

He pushed her away and wiped at her tears with his thumbs, "Goodbye, Lillybet." And then he was gone!

The End!
For now!

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