Jinxy Sketch

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My friend challenged me to draw the best dragon ever. XD This is not the best dragon. I tried expressions.

Story time!

That same friend—let's call her Shelly—told me I was the best artist ever. I sent her some of ____'s and _____'s drawings. They're from Wattpad and I don't want to hurt them in anyway.

As I was saying, one was a beautiful digital drawing. Her exact words: "Because yours looks like it was drawn and hers looks like it was colored in on an app."

Uh, no.

Digital artwork isn't "colored in on an app." Yeah, that got me mad.

Then, I sent her a super amazing sketch. Her response: "They both look sloppy even your rough copies look better than that."

No. Just no.

Then I went all off. This girl was the best artist ever, and a great friend. I exploded. Yep. That's it.


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