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"Oh my, this is terrible." Said Xander for the fifth time. They discussed about the issue again when they heard about Talon.

"But why would this ghost chase us? It's not like we're the first set of people to play jinx in the world." Caitlin went towards the fridge and brought refreshing orange juice for everyone.

It had been a week since Talon was in the hospital and his condition was deteriorating. Since the note, all six of them were frightened by the littlest sound.

"That's it! An idea." Said Jade snapping her fingers in the air with a giant smile on her face. "Do y'all remember Joe, the  man always sitting at the library."

"Yeah, he could help us. He has lots of ancient books, I've seen them."

"But he's a weirdo."

"Whether he's a weirdo or not doesn't matter. What matters is he's gonna help us out of this terrible situation."

"I guess that'll do. I can't die yet, I've not become a diva yet and the places on my list are still waiting for me."

"Classic Clarisse." She said under her breath.

They all agreed and went to Joe's usual spot at the library. Luckily, they came just in time, he was about leaving.

"Hi Joe, you've got to help us." Said Jade, the spokesperson. She was out of breath from running miles. They all were.

"Calm down kid, what's the problem?" He said in his awesome British accent. He put his huge hands on her shoulders to calm her down.

"I'm calm." She chanted for a while and explained everything to him afterwards.

"So what can I do for  you?"

"We need that book you told us about. The one we claimed we wouldn't need." Said Xander while Jade was still trying to get a hold of herself. He adjusted his glasses trying to give Joe the impression he was a genius.

"Oh that one. I doubt if I can find it now." He replied running his hands through his chestnut brown hair which was also the color of Caitlin's hair and so they  teased her with that. He wouldn't like to disappoint them.

He went into the corner he rented at the  library, it was in shambles. He searched through the books for a while.

"Hey Joe, you got some romance novels over there?" Asked Clarisse.

"No, only spell books and ancient books are here but I have a book about two lovers that ended up in the devils belly."

"Any romance there?"

"No, the book started where they ended up in the devil's belly then the rest of the book explains how. You want 'em."

"No thanks, I'm good." She replied immediately. "How'd I read that? Weirdo." She muttered under her breath.

"Ah." He sighed like he just gulped down a cup of refreshing chilled red wine on a hot day. "Found it."

"That's great!"

He opened it randomly and found some writings but that wasn't what he was looking for. He opened a few pages and found pictures of some people.

"Here it is." He waited for a reaction but they gave none. They were all holding their breaths waiting for him to tell them stuff so he explained. "These are other people who played that game and there was only one survivor"

"How old are these pictures?" Asked Carlos surging forward.

"About sixty years. It tells of a little girl who killed her nanny that cared for her after her mother's death but then her father wanted to protect his little daughter from the law so he took her and they eloped from the country but nemesis caught up with her when the nanny's ghost started to haunt her. She was later killed in the woods by the ghost." He said all at once but the eager children heard every word.

"Well that explains things but why does she kill people with the game?"

"It was her favourite game, I guess. Any other questions?"

"How do we get rid of her?" Asked Clarisse who was barely listening to what he was saying earlier.

"That...I don't know." He said and she grunted.

"Well, I think that's it." Said Caitlin

After thanking him, they left.

"I don't still understand something. Why would the little girl kill people with her favourite game? There's still a missing puzzle somewhere."

"Yeah. She's a terrible little girl, fancy killing her nanny."

"We've gotta find out all what this is about."

   *                              *                             *

The six friends gathered at Jade's. They were going on a vacation to the fields and best of all, their parents weren't following them but an adult had to be there to keep watch. They chose Joe because he knew a lot about ghosts and just in case they had an encounter, he would be there to help. Only Clarisse wasn't happy about the idea but she had no choice.

"We're here. There are barns around and places where we could get food and other stuff." He said grinning from ear to ear with his cheeks as red as a beetroot. There was a bungalow and they guessed that's where they were going to stay, well they were right.

They got into the house and settled down. When the stars began to appear, they sat on the soft grass and enjoyed the cool breeze making their hair wild.

"This is quite a lovely view." Said Clarisse

"Yeah." Jade replied and surprisingly Clarisse gave no comments.

"Come on in now, its late! Don't want you sleepwalking tomorrow." He said and laughed at his own joke. They grumbled and went inside. He insisted they get in sleeping bags although they complained, he didn't listen.

"Goodnight kids."

"Goodnight Joe." They all said.

They all woke up to a chilled morning.

"We are going to the barn to see how things are faring over there."

"But....why?" Said Jade. She had an with expression on her face that said 'like seriously?'

"You could also learn stuff like milking the cows, feeding the poultry, cleaning out the bird cages..."

They started to talk among themselves and left him ranting on.

"This is terrible!" Said Carlos.

"It could've been worse if our parents were here remember."

"Yeah, right."

After the barn, they returned home exhausted. They decided to explore the hill at the far end of the fields but Joe wouldn't let them and so they snuck out.

"I wish Talon was here. He loves stuff like this." Said Orion crouching into his coat and pushing his hands into the side pocket as the cold breeze blew majestically.

They stopped when they got to the top of the hill. It wasn't so steep so it was quite easy for a bunch of teenagers to climb. They sat the bottom of the hill chattering between themselves and munching on some wafers.

"Oh my..." Jade screamed.

"What is it Jade?" Asked Carlos.

"I wonder why she had to scream into my ears." Said Clarisse. She was sitting right next to Jade and regretted it the moment she screamed and made her fling her waffles out of fear.

"Look to the left." They all turned to the  left and terror gripped them. They screamed and held themselves tight.

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