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The figure crept in the shadows and whatever it was, it was as fast as light. She ran faster hoping she'd get away from the house and into her daddy's arms.

Mr Wren happily walked into his street and then he heard a little child's cry for help but it wasn't just a little child, it was his own daughter.

'What was she doing in the woods at this time' he thought as he ran towards the echoing cries. He was close enough for her to make a giant leap and land right into his arms but before that could happen, she was stabbed by the creeping figure right in front of his eyes.

"Melissa! Melissa! No" He leaned towards her carcase with heavy eyes.

* * *

From your left, Talon, Clarisse, Orion, Jade, Xander, Caitlin and Carlos. They had it going all smooth but.....

"What's up people?" The tall, spoilt Blondie walked into a gathering and slammed the door behind her.

"Clarisse you know you shouldn't have come at this time."

"Yeah, Carlos is right." Said Jade, the bookworm but also very vivacious.

"Look Jade, I know you organized this reading club stuff for our own good and we do it in your house but that doesn't mean you're the boss of me." She replied.

"Really?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, I can come whenever I want after all its not like its so helpful to me."

"Okay enough of this, Clarisse settle down and let's continue." Orion said with an impatient countenance after the two girls argued for a while. He was enjoying the story and couldn't wait for Talon to get back to it.

"Yeah right. Like I care." She replied nonchalantly.

"Are you guys kidding me?"

"What is it again this time." Answered a frustrated Jade.

"Y'all wanna stay here listening to this ancient boring story? Why, let's go out and enjoy ourselves."

"You've only been here for five minutes and you complain, what then should the rest of us do?"

"Look Jade, that is your problem."

"Interesting! Where do you think we should go."

"Caitlin, you too?" Jade asked surprised.


"You're supporting her?"

"A little fun wouldn't hurt."

"I think we should have a photoshoot, we cute friends taking a lovely picture together." Clarisse suggested after everyone agreed on an outing.

"Good idea! What are we waiting for? Let's go." Said Carlos.

The group sat in a circle under the moonlight after a tiring day.

"Today has been a very tiring but interesting day."

"Yeah, we should play a game."Said Caitlin. She wasn't a girl of many words.

"I know of a game we could play, Suggested Xavier, its called Jinxed."

"What's that?" Orion asked helping himself to a plate of roasted marshmallows.

"Its just like T or D but older and less cool." Answered Jade.

"Yeah, you choose a partner and so one of you would choose a word the other partner would use the last letter of the word chosen to start another word and the other one would use the last letter of the last word chosen to start another word and it goes on." He explained.

"Interesting! So how is it like T or D?" Asked Caitlin.

"Whoever repeats a word already said, is slow at throwing another word or throws a word that doesn't exist, looses and the other partner gets to give the loser something like a dare or can get the loser to do what he or she wants."

"Let's just choose the one right next to us as partners."

"Not so fast! We have to summon the Jinx master first." He said.

"I am no sorceress." Replied Jade.

"Not to worry, I will do that for y'all."

"Now can we start?" Clarisse who was getting sick of the whole idea.

"Yes, I am done."


"I hear some people playing Jinx."

"Oh my God. Who said that?" Asked Jade

In the twinkle of an eye, they were faced with the most scary thing they had ever seen in their lives, a ghost.

"Hey little girl what's up with the pranks." Only Jade had the bravery to say after minutes of screaming their lungs out.

"I hear you're all playing Jinx, I am the master of Jinx and we will all play it...together."

"It wasn't until she disappeared that they all finally believed she was a ghost."

"What just happened here, I just saw a ghost. Today is the best day of my life."

"Jade, are you kidding me?" Orion asked

"No, I have always wanted to see one all my life."

"Wow, you are weird."

She pouted her lips at that.

"Let's get back to our game." Clarisse suggested after a while.

"I choose to partner with all of you and we shall play till any one of you defeat me."

"Its the ghost again."

They all tried to run but they seemed to be on the same spot.

"We're not moving!" Carlos exclaimed breathlessly.

"I am still too young to die."

"Let's try harder, we can do it."

"Xander, why did you summon the Jinx master?" Asked Caitlin.

"It was all just fables, just for fun, only to intensify the moment. I never knew it really works."

"Well you should have known, now you have brought us into this mess."

"Instead of blaming one another, we should find a solution to this."

"Easy for you to say, you love ghosts."

"I have still not gone on all the outings in my list." Trust Clarisse to say a thing like that.

"This game was a terrible idea."

Dust was beginning to rise around them and they all passed out."

"The game has just begun!"

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