Help Me Sleep...

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He fell again.

This was the fifth time in an hour that this has happened, and he was tired of the constant struggle of staying awake during the day.

Jin Aizawa hardly sleeps at night. He wants to, but his mind keeps him up all night. His best friend knows about his everyday struggle, and tries to help with the situation.

Naoki typed away on his computer, desperate to help his best, and only, friend. There had to be something he could do to help the smaller blader. He cares about him and his well-being. He loves him.

His tablet suddenly went off, causing him to jump slightly then sigh, sliding the answer icon to the right.
        "Hello?" He answered, continuing to type away on his computer. It was silent at first, but then a soft voice spoke.
       "... Hey Naoki..." Jin said quietly, making the scientist smile slightly.
       "Hi Jin. What's up?" The older male asked.
       "Just wondering... Wanna hang out...?" The taller male could hear his footsteps echo, curiosity crossing his thoughts.
       "I don't see why not. Are you coming over here?" Naoki said, his fingers ghosting the keys as he pulled his hands back. Once more, the line went silent, worry filling the young scientist. "Jin?" He looked at his tablet, seeing that he was still on the call with his best friend. He looked back at his computer, then his tablet again.

      "Hey Jin, are you still the-" he stopped when he thought he heard a door open and close, making him raise an eyebrow. The call suddenly ended, causing Naoki to grab his tablet to look at it, making a move to call him back.

A small figure crept up behind him, a toothy grin and a spark in their tired eyes. Hands raised, the figure draped their arms around the young scientist and held tightly to him, causing him to cry out in surprise. Naoki spun around, ripping himself away from the arms to look at them, a breath of relief escaping his lips when he found it to be his best friend.

Jin laughed, causing Naoki to flush and bring his hands up to cover his face.
       "Oh god Jin, why?" He asked, his voice slightly muffled. Jin continued to laugh, stumbling over to pull Naoki's hands off his face.
       "I thought it would be funny, I was already walking here when I called you..." The smaller blader's soft voice made the older male's heart melt, his orange eyes staring into Jin's tired bright green ones. He sighed and gave him a smile, his hands still in the grasp as he stood.
        "Whatever you say." He said, taking back and bringing his hand up to fix his glasses. Jin smiled back, displaying his pointed teeth before he yawned, stumbling again before he tripped and fell forward.

He fell right into his best friend's arms, a slight blush crossing his cheeks and his hands gripped his shoulders tightly. Naoki looked down at him with concern, his own hands tightly around the smaller male's waist, gripping the fabric of his blue hoodie. "Are you ok?" He asked, his face flushing even more than before.

Jin moved slightly, tightening his grip before looking up to meet his eyes.
       "Yeah... I think so... Thanks..." He said quietly, attempting to push himself off his best friend to stand on his own. Unfortunately, his legs didn't cooperate and he fell again, this time bringing Naoki down to the floor with him. The taller male landed with a grunt, his eyes shut from the fall. They opened, coming face to face with the eyes of his best friend(and secret crush.)

They were practically entangled with each other, Jin pressed against him, their legs intertwined, and their faces so close that they could feel the warmth of each other's breath on their lips. The smaller male was flushed, the look in his eyes telling Naoki that he was both terrified and embarrassed.

Nothing was said for a good minute, the two not moving since they ended up on the ground. Now was his chance, Naoki thought to himself. So, mustering up all the courage he could and hoping like hell this goes good, the young scientist leaned upward and pressed his lips to Jin's, taking him by surprise.

It took the smaller blader a second to register what was happening, and when he did, he finally kissed him back, pushing one of his hands into the young scientist's hair. They moved together, Naoki sitting up and grabbing Jin's waist to pull him closer. Sadly, oxygen became a problem after a while, and the two males pulling away with a gasp, panting slightly. Naoki fixed his glasses once more, giving Jin a soft smile with half-lidded eyes.
        "W-wow..." He said softly, that being the only word that could describe what had just happened.
        "I-I..." Jin stopped himself, his throat suddenly feeling dry. The taller male hugged him close, taking off Jin's hat to press his forehead to his own.
        "N-Naoki...?" A soft voice cut through the silence, making the scientist pull back to look at him.
        "Yeah?" He replied. Jin fumbled over his words, nervous to ask. Considering what they had just done, it shouldn't be this hard to say it.
        "Does that mean...?" He couldn't bring himself to finish the sentence, trailing off. Naoki chuckled softly, sitting up all the way and bringing his hands up to cradle the smaller male's face.
        "Only if you want to. I was hoping to be more that best friends with you..." He said, leaning upward to press a kiss to his forehead. Jin's cheeks burned darker in embarrassment, adjusting his legs around Naoki's waist and his hands gripping the fabric of his lab coat around his neck.
         "I-I love you Naoki..." He said softly, his quiet voice making the the taller male's heart skip a beat. Naoki hugged him tighter, his face nuzzled into his neck.
         "I love you too Jin..." He placed a soft kiss on his neck, making the boy he's holding gasp softly. Jin shivered, suddenly feeling cold and tightened his grip, pressing himself more into the embrace.
        "Are you ok?" Naoki asked, pulling back slightly to look at him.
        "Y-yeah... Just... Just cold..." Jin said, another shiver ripping through him. The young scientist moved all of a sudden, picking Jin and himself off the floor. The smaller male felt he was going to rip his best friend's lab coat because of how tight he was holding to it. He felt Naoki move forward, watching him as he walked over to the bed in the room.

        "Naoki?" Jin asked, causing orange eyes to look into his tired green ones. He unwrapped his legs from the young scientist's waist, moving to place his feet on the floor. "It's fine... I'm fine..." He reassured, pressing his hands to Naoki's cheeks.
        "Jin, your hands are freezing. You must be cold." The older male said as he took Jin's hands into his own. The green-eyed male blushed slightly, tearing his gaze from Naoki and directing it to the floor. "Jin." He heard him say suddenly, looking up at him again.

Lips pressed against his once more, hands tightening around his own in a gentle grip. He kissed him back without much hesitation this time, his mind suddenly going blank as he did.

Everything was a blur after that. The last thing he remembered was falling onto the bed, Naoki's taller body above him.


Morning rolled around, the sun shining outside closed curtains. Naoki stirred slightly in bed, feeling oddly warm. He pressed his face into something soft and smooth, it being the source of the warmth. It moved suddenly, making the teenage scientist's eyes snap open.

Everything was blurry considering he wasn't wearing his glasses. He reached over to his bedside table and grabbed them, sliding them on and taking a look around. The first thing he realized was the clothes that were strewn about on the floor.

He groaned, rubbing his eyes to rid them of sleep. Something suddenly moved beside him again, causing him to gasp and look over. There, curled up next to him with marks across the skin of his neck, was Jin. Naoki froze, memories from last night crossing his thoughts, causing him to flush.

He moved out from under the blankets and got up, getting dressed. The teenage scientist walked into the bathroom and took a good look at himself in the mirror. His hair was disaster and, from the looks of it, he had bite marks. He undid some of the buttons to his shirt, moving the fabric off his shoulders and down his arms slightly, getting a better look of what was on his neck.

It was a mess. There were claw marks all over his shoulders, upper arms, and, when he turned around, his back too. Bite marks were among the claw marks. Considering the fact that Jin has sharp, pointed teeth, it made them stand out more and look quite painful.

Jin stirred in the bed, his eyes twitching slightly before them opened. He blinked, adjusting to waking up, and sat up, stretching out his arms. He yawned, rubbing at his arms that suddenly felt a bit cold. He stopped, realizing he wasn't in his room and that he wasn't wearing a shirt. Or anything for that matter.

Naoki walked out of the bathroom buttoning up his shirt once more, a deep blush staining his cheeks as he did. He looked up, finding Jin staring at him with wide eyes.
        "U-uh... Good morning." The orange-eyed male said, chuckling nervously as he brought a hand up to rub the back of his neck awkwardly. Jin blinked, his breath caught in his throat as he stared at the taller male, bringing a hand up to run it through his messy black hair.
        "G-good morning..." He said quietly, rubbing at his arm as he tore away from the gaze. Naoki took in a breath, blinking and moving towards the green-eyed male.
        "Listen... About last night? I'm sorry... For everything. I guess I just lost myself." He paused, sitting on the bed. "I understand if you- if you don't want to be around me anymore... I just... I just love you too much to want to lose you..."

All was silent after that was said, neither males moving for a minute. Tears filled Jin's eyes, moving suddenly to grab onto Naoki. He took the older male by surprise, turning to wrap his arms around his waist.
        "Jin?" He spoke softly, feeling tears dripping on his shoulder.
        "I-I love you too... I could never leave you..." Jin cried softly, tightening his grip. He pulled back and looked at Naoki with tears streaming down his cheeks, making the young scientist's heart ache.
        "Oh Jin..." The older male said softly, moving his hands up to rub away the tears running down his best friend's cheeks. He kissed his forehead, then his cheek before moving down and kissing his lips, the smaller male kissing back in a heartbeat.

Lips moved in sync, tongues pressing against each other in hunger. They pulled away, Naoki kissing down his jaw, throat, and neck; biting at the skin softly. He heard Jin gasp softly, the smaller male biting at his lip to hold in a moan.

The orange-eyed male left a couple more marks on his neck and collarbone, pulling back and licking his lips.
         "D-damn it Naoki..." Jin started with a huff. "I already have to cover these up... Do you have to leave more...?" He asked, crossing his arms.
         "Of course. Think of it as a reminder that you're mine..." Naoki said, quite a bit seductive. He grabbed onto Jin, pulling him close and pressing up against him. The smaller male tried to push him away, feeling his lips on his neck once more.
         "Naoki... Let me get dressed first..." He pleaded, closing his eyes as he continued to push. He smiled when he heard him groan softly against his neck, pulling back and letting him go.
         "Fine..." Naoki stood, walking over to the remaining clothes that lay on the floor, picking them up and handing them to Jin. He sat on the bed and turned away, giving the green-eyed male some privacy to change. He closed his eyes, drumming his fingers on the bed as he waited, thinking about anything.

Memories of last night flashed through his mind again, making him freeze and tense up. He never thought he could do something so... inappropriate to his best friend. He felt awful. But Jin doesn't seem upset with him... Maybe there's nothing he should be worried abo-

Arms suddenly wrapped around his chest, a head resting on his shoulder.
        "What are you thinking about...?" Jin asked softly, his arms sliding down his sides to his legs.
        "Just about last night... I can't believe I did something like that to you... I can't help but feel guilty." Naoki said quietly, his hands gripping the sheets tightly. Jin moved, moving around Naoki's body to sit himself on his lap.   

Green stared into orange, small hands reaching up to cup the taller male's cheeks.
        "Don't be guilty... Last night was probably the best night ever... Not to mention I actually got to sleep last night... The first night in a long time... You said you always wanted to help me sleep better, and you did... You are that answer you have been looking for for over a month..." He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his lips before pulling back. "I love you, and nothing could ever change that..."

Naoki was speechless. Was he really helping him? Is he really the answer? He smiled softly, taking in a breath and moving his hands to grip Jin's hips.
         "I had no idea that I was actually helping you. It makes me happy that you'll be getting more sleep when you're with me." Jin smiled back him, rubbing his thumbs on his best friend's soft skin.
         "I think I know my answer now..." He said, confusing the orange-eyes male.
         "Answer to what?" Naoki asked, tilting his head slightly.
         "To being more than just best friends..."
         "And what would that be? Am I being demoted?" Jin laughed at his question, shaking his head slightly.
         "No... If anything, it's a promotion... I want to start dating..." Naoki chuckled, giving a toothy smile.
         "Alright. Jin, would you go out with me?" He asked, looking into Jin's bright green eyes.
         "Of course Naoki... I'd love to..." Jin said as he moved off of his lap, standing and stretching once more.

Naoki smiled, standing and lifting Jin up in his arms, spinning him around. He lowered him back down and captured his lips once more, happy that he could have someone like Jin.

He's glad they met. Forever grateful to have him in life...

NightBear15 signing off...

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