Mother's Day Heartbreak

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Jin sat in the living room with his babies, him and the twins drawing and watching tv. Naoki watched with a timid smile as his children colored with their mother, thankful to have such a sweet little family. Jin looked up and seen Naoki watching them, smiling and waving slightly.
      "You look like you three are having fun." The taller male commented, Jin giggling softly as Jack and Natalya nodded happily.
      "We love drawing with mommy!" Their daughter started with a smile.
      "It's a lot of fun daddy!" Jack finished, Jin placing a hand over his heart.
      "They spoil me Naoki..." He said dramatically, Naoki laughing softly as he walked over and leaned down, giving his husband a small kiss. The act made the kids squeal in distaste, the two looking at them with raised eyebrows.
       "Ew, cooties!"
       "Daddy has cooties!" The twins exclaimed, they huddling close to each other. Naoki playfully rolled his eyes, his hands on his hips.
       "Now kids, you've seen mommy and I kiss plenty of times before." He stated, Jin laughing at the standoff.
       "It's still gross!"

Jin continued laughing and stood, grabbing  Naoki's lab coat and pulling him into a fiery kiss, making the twins scream and run off to their shared bedroom. The smaller blader pulled away with a breath and a satisfied smile, looking up at his nerdy husband.
       "You're terrible." Naoki commented, pulling him into a hug.
       "I know..." Jin smiled, hugging him back. Naoki kissed his head then looked at the table, seeing the drawings their children were making.
       "Jin, we have the best kids..." Naoki said, grabbing the papers. He showed them to him and Jin smiled softly, tears filling his eyes.
       "Yeah, we really do..."

Naoki pecked his lips softly and set the drawings down again, both of them having the colorful words of 'Happy Mother's Day' at the top. Orange eyes scanned them slightly, looking into his husband's bright green eyes.
       "Happy Mother's Day baby." He smiled. Jin giggled, pushing him slightly.
       "You already told me that..."
       "You deserve to hear it."
       "Yeah yeah, whatever..." Jin laughed, sitting in the couch. Naoki chuckled and adjusted his glasses, his smile faltering slightly.
       "Hey, have you heard anything from Night yet today?" He asked, making Jin frown slightly.
       "I tried calling her earlier, but it went straight to voicemail... I'm starting to get worried..."
       "Well, maybe her and Hartz are busy today. They've had their hands pretty full lately with finishing getting everything together."

Jin nodded softly and rubbed his eyes, leaning into his hand slightly.
       "You're right... But I can't help but be nervous..."
       "You have every right to be worried honey, but I say push the thought aside and be happy. It's your day after all." Naoki smiled, kissing his head softly. Jin giggled softly, swatting at him playfully.
       "Shut up..." He said, a blush staining his cheeks. Naoki laughed, walking toward the kitchen.
       "I'm gonna start dinner baby, if you need anything, just holler." He said, disappearing from the doorway. Jin smiled softly and let out a quiet sigh, closing his eyes for a second. Little footsteps filled his ears and, before he could react, felt two little bodies jump onto him unexpectedly.

The small blader let out an 'oof' and opened his eyes, looking down at the twins.
       "You two are gonna be the death of me..." He giggled, grabbing onto them and making them laugh.
       "You know you love us!" Natalya smiled, kissing his cheek.
       "Do I know that...?" Jin asked playfully, smiling. "Yes, yes I do..."
       "And we love you too mommy!" Jack giggled, him and his sister hugging their mother tightly. Jin smiled and held them close, rocking them softly as he closed his eyes again.
       "Your dad and I are lucky to have two amazing kids like you..."

They smiled as they both cuddled into their mother. The soft ring of Jin's phone suddenly filled the air as he sighed softly, taking out his phone and answering it.
       "Hello...?" He said, listening as the one on the other end frantically started explaining something. Jin felt all the color drain from his face as he listened to the situation, tears filling his eyes. "Yeah, we'll be there as fast as we can..." He said quickly, ending the conversation and setting his phone down. The twins looked worried as they looked at their mother.
       "Mommy, what's the matter?" Natalya asked softly.
       "Who was that?" Jack had asked after. Tears fell from his eyes as he looked at his children.
       "T-that was grandpa Hartz kids... N-Naoki, Night's in the hospital...!" Jin called, helping the kids up. A crash came from the kitchen followed by a string of curse words as Naoki emerged in the doorway.
        "Cone on kids, get your shoes on, we was to go." Naoki ushered, helping his kids with their shoes. Jin quickly slipped his boots on, throwing his blue hat on as he and his family left the house.


Hartz met them in the lobby of the hospital, looking at the family with sad eyes.
        "I'm really sorry for the sudden call, but Night insisted that I call you." He started, leading them down a hallway. "She just got out of surgery so she's gonna be quite out of it, just a quick warning."
        "W-what happened...?" Jin asked softly, holding Jack in his arms as they all stepped into an elevator. Hartz pushed the number of the floor they need to go, looking at him sadly.
        "Jin, she went into labor earlier..." The lavander-haired male said, heartbreak in his voice.
        "She was only, what, six and a half months along? How did it happen?" Naoki asked, Natalya cuddled up in his arms.
        "It just happened. There were some complications during the delivery that made her need a c-section, so she's in a lot of pain right now."
        "A-and the baby...?"
        "She's alive, but barely... She's incredibly early and incredibly small, so doctors have her in the NICU."

The five of them stepped off the elevator and walked down the hall, Hartz opening a door softly as they all stepped in. Night laid hooked up to many machines, her eyes puffy and her cheeks tear-stricken. She looked up when she heard the door open, and the moment she seen her son, she broke down once more.
       "I-I'm so sorry..." She sobbed as Jin walked over, tears steaming his cheeks. He leaned down and hugged her gently, crying softly into her shoulder.
       "I-it's not your fault..." Jin said softly, looking at her. "T-things like this happen..."

Jack and Natalya ran up to their grandma with tears in their eyes as they hugged her, Night still crying but smiling as she hugged her grandchildren as tight as she could.
        "I-it's okay my babies, I'm okay..." She said softly, kissing their heads softly. "A-any new news about our baby Hartz?"
        "None yet. Shouldn't be too much longer dear." Hartz said softly, sitting next to his wife. Naoki helped the kids onto Night's hospital bed carefully, watching as they laid and cuddled her softly. He smiled softly and took out his phone, deciding to take a quick picture.
        "You better send that to me..." Night said softly, a playful glare in her puffy, red eyes.
        "Count on it."


A few hours later and two kids sleeping and cuddling their grandmother, who was also sleeping, a doctor knocked on the door gently, alreating the three adults that were still awake.
        "A quick update with the baby, we have her in stable condition. It's going to take a while, but we have her on the right path to growth and recovery." The doctor explained, making the three males sigh in relief.
        "Thank you so much. When can we see her?" Hartz asked, gently holding his sleeping wife's hand.
        "We'll be able to move her from the NICU to this room in a bit, so expect to see her in about an hour or two." The doctor said, nodding to them before exiting the room.
        "Well that's a big breath of relief..." Jin said softly, leaning into his husband's side gently.
        "You have no idea... I kept thinking I was going to lose them both seeing the state Night was in earlier... Its going to haunt me forever..." Hartz sighed, pushing his bangs back.
        "I'm thankful that the both of them ate going to be alright..." Naoki said, petting Jin's head softly.

Hartz nodded, glancing at Night and the twins before he felt a small smile grace his lips.
        "Shes going to make an amazing mother..." He said, kissing her hand softly. The sentence made Jin smile, nodding in agreement.
        "She already is..."

NightBear15 signing off...

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