New Year's Surprise...

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Jin sat on the couch at his mother's house, watching as Naoki helped Night decorate for the New Year's Eve party. His bright green eyes held a sad look, looking down and rubbing his very pregnant stomach with a sigh.
           "Hey Jin." Night said suddenly, glancing back at him as she stepped off a stool.
           "Yeah...?" The small black-haired male asked, tapping on his stomach slightly.
           "Don't be so worried about helping. You're so close to your due date that we don't want you to hurt yourself."
           "Your mother figure is right babe. Not to mention, there are twins in there." Naoki said after, sitting next to him on the couch and putting his hand on his stomach.
           "But... I don't like just sitting around... I want to be able to help you guys..."
           "I know sweetheart, but don't worry!" Night kissed his forehead gently, smiling at him. "Everything is already handled."

Jin sighed softly as the bubbly blonde female walked toward the stairs, most likely to get herself ready for the party. He looked toward the window in the living room, rubbing his stomach to stay calm. Lips met his temple and he smiled, looking into the comforting orange eyes of his beloved husband.
            "You're worrying too much, my love..." Naoki said softly, a caring smile on his lips.
            "I can't help it Naoki... My hormones are everywhere and the twins are due at anytime... I'm nervous..." The younger male said, his hands shaking lightly.
            "I know you are baby, and I am too, but don't worry... You're going to make an amazing mother..." Naoki smiled, taking his husband's shaking hands into his own, squeezing them comfortingly. Jin smiled slightly, leaning in and pecking his lips gently, pressing their foreheads together carefully.
             "Thank you for being here for me Naoki..."
             "I wouldn't have it any other way..."


The party started at seven. Close friends and family, much like the Christmas party, were there to talk, drink, and just have a blast. Jin hardly left the couch, mostly since he had been having pains in his stomach and back. The only times he actually got up, with the help of either Night or Naoki, was when he had to use the bathroom. And, since he was nine months pregnant with twins, it was rather often.

Around a quarter to ten, the pains he had been feeling worsened, which was unfortunate because it was a time where both Night and Naoki were down in the basement with Hartz and Shu to play pool. Jin took in a heavy breath and grit his teeth together, his hand on his stomach as he tried getting off the couch himself, managing but ending up on his knees. He swallowed thickly, feeling sweat already starting to head at his forehead as he struggled to get off the floor.

Fuck contractions.

The pregnant male looked up when knelt beside him, his teary bright green eyes meeting the concerned look of his mother-in-law, Rei.
            "Jin, sweetie, what's wrong?" She asked, grabbing his hands to try and help him up.
            "G-get Naoki and Night... I'm in labor..." Jin breathed, it coming out heavy. Rei cursed under her breath, getting up and walking quickly down the stairs to the basement.

Night sunk the four ball in a corner pocket on the pool table, smiling and pecking Hartz's lips. They were playing teams right now, her and Hartz on one team as Naoki and Shu were partners for the other. The bubbly blonde female blew her bangs from her eyes and lined up, ready to take a shot.
            "Night!" Rei's voice suddenly called, making her mess up her shot and scratch.
            "Jesus Christ Rei, what's wrong?" The grey-eyed female asked, looking at her.
            "It's Jin. He said he went into labor." Rei said, her voice a little frantic. Night immediately set her pool stick down and took off upstairs, Naoki following close behind her.
            "Naoki, you quickly run to your room and grab his bag. I'll worry about getting him out to the car." She said, moving through the kitchen and into the living room.
            "Right. I'll be right back." The scientist agreed, running up the second flight of stairs. Night got down in front of her beloved son, finding he was already starting to cry as she took his hands.
             "I-I'm scared mom..." Jin cried softly, squeezing her hands tightly as she helped him off the floor.
             "I know you are baby, but you're going to be just fine..." Night said, helping him slip his sandals on.

Swollen ankles are a bitch...

Night grabbed her keys and opened the front door, walking him out to the car. Naoki joined them and closed the front door, opening the back door of the car for her and his husband.
             "You're driving Naoki, I'll stay back here with him." Night said, handing him the keys and closing the door. Naoki quickly got in the driver's seat and started the car, buckling and pulling out of the driveway. Jin whined and squeezed his mother figure's hand tightly, Night kissing his head and having him copy her breathing. Naoki focused on the road and drove a little quickly, glancing in the back at his lover to make sure he was doing okay.

They made it to the hospital and the nurses took him to a labor and delivery room, getting him changed and hooked up to the monitors. It was just after ten and he wasn't ready to push yet, a nurse saying he was only five centimeters. The contractions though, oh god the contractions, they hurt so much that it made the poor black-haired male cry every time. Naoki sat beside him and ran his thumb along his pale hand, kissing it gently as he rubbed his stomach.
           "I-it hurts Naoki..." Jin cried softly, curling up on his side to try and help the never-ending pain.
           "I know baby, but you're doing great..." Naoki soothed, kissing his head. Night walked back into the room, her phone in her hand.
           "That was Hartz. He said that everyone left and that he, Rei, and Xander are on their way." She said, walking over to the bed. "How are you feeling baby?"
           "H-hurting..." Jin whimpered, curling up more. Night sighed softly and kissed his head, running her fingers through his black hair gently.
           "The doctor said it won't be too much longer before you need to start pushing... Everything will be okay baby boy..." She said softly, smiling warmly at him. Jin smiled slightly and rubbed his stomach, looking at Naoki slightly.
           "S-so close..." He said softly, making Naoki smile back.
           "Yeah, so close..." The teal-haired scientist said, leaning down and pecking his lips.


Shortly after midnight, Jin gave birth to two healthy babies, a beautiful baby girl and a handsome baby boy. Night was given the chance to help deliver the twins, which she gladly did. Naoki, oh he was thrilled when he was able to cut the cords on both babies. Hartz and Rei each took pictures of the births, both twins laying in their parents' arms after they were cleaned, weighed, measured, and clothed.

Natalya Rose Minamo
Born: 12:01:24 am
Length: 20.5 inches
Weight: 7lbs 6oz.

Jack Ryan Minamo
Born: 12:02:42 am
Length: 17.5 inches
Weight: 6lbs 11oz

The first babies of the new year had been born...

NightBear15 signing off...


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