Unforgettable night

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The 6th night was a memorable night for both of them.

After having dinner, they take a long walk together, then go to the river that they contemplated the firework last time.

"It feels like a decade for me", he said.

"About what ?".

"The time we're together", he smiles, "I know we only met each other for not even a week, but I feel like I've already been with you for a long time".

"I know. We get along well. I also feel very natural being beside you. I don't have to pretend to be anyone other than myself. And I know you do the same".

"That's great about our relationship ! I'm proud of it !", then he suggests, "How about we sing a song to celebrate it ?".

"Sing ? But I don't have my guitar here".

"No need. We can sing in accapella".

She smiles : "Ok then. What do you want to sing ?".

"Anything. How about "Lost stars" ?".

Then they start to sing together on the riverside. It's like the first time. Their voices match perfectly, making a sweet and pure melody within the quiet starry night.

"I really want us to sing dually once on stage", he said after they finish the last note of the song.

"Huh ? But I'm not a singer ! And I don't like singing for other people. It's a moment of me, actually".

JK smiles to her. Now she sings for him also. It means he is now a part of her personal "things". He likes the idea that she only sings for herself and for him. He did not change very much, always is quite possessive.

They come back near midnight and quickly wash for go to bed. When Amie gets out of the restroom, wearing the Cooky pyjama, JK is a bit surprise, but also quite interested.

"You wear my clothes again", he smiles.

"Yeah, I put all my other stuffs to the washing machine, so...".

"Not because you love it ?"

"I love it too, I didn't say anything else".

"It reminds me of the first day we met. It is like years ago for me. A kind of nostalgie. My mind was blowing when I hugged you at the balcony and smelled your floral scent".

"My floral scent ?".

"Yeah. You have a sweet floral scent that is very mysterious. At the first time smelling it, I thought it was your perfume, but then I realise that it is your own unique scent. You use my shower gel and shampoo all these days but you still have it", JK pulls her toward him and greedly snif her neck, "See, this scent. I really love it".

She also smells herself, but shakes her head : "I do not smell anything. What scent are you talking about ?".

"You don't sense it ? Really ?".

"No, not at all. It is only your shower gel that I used...".

"Actually I'm particularly sensitive to smell. Maybe that's why I could sense it and you don't". Then he whispers to her ears, "To be honest, I several times imagine lying in the bed with you, cover you by my arms and smell your scent as long as I want".

Amie shyly lows her head and bites her lips. She quietly stays in his hug.

"I won't force you to do what you don't want to", he kisses her hair, "Go to sleep now".

She secretly glances toward him, then nods and goes to the room. Afterwards, JK lies on the couch and sighs. Tomorrow is their last day at the village. He still think about how to explain to her his plan and convince her to accept it. He feels a bit strange, worried as there is a fire burning in his chest. He can't stop himself to think about her refusing him and walk away.

"Ahhhh, Jungkook, you must be a fool...", he talks to himself and puts his hands on his forehead.

Amie has a nightmare while sleeping that night. She dreams again about her mother and how the Death takes her mom away. In the dream, she cries and calls her mom with all her strength, but in vain.

"Amie, Amie", she hears JK's voice waking her up, then open the eyes. Tears still fall on her face.

"It's OK. It was just a nightmare. I'm here", JK rubs her back, comforts her with low voice and holds her hand.

She finally calms down and looks at him in the darkness. His shape is very steady and manly.

"Sorry, did I wake you up ?", she whispers.

"Don't say that ! I'm worried about you. You cried out loud and called your mom for such a long time. You must be afraid and tired because of the nightmare. Look, you sweat a lot".

Then he goes out and takes a towel to dry her sweats. He lies down with a hand pushing on the bed. Now she can see him more clearly in the darkness. Their eyes meet.

She holds his hand which holding the towel : "Can you please stay here with me until I fall into sleep again ? I'm... a bit scared".

He rubs her head : "Alright. I am right here. Just close your eyes".

She follows what he said and tries to sleep. The night becomes very quiet. They both can even hear clearly the other's breath. The time slowly passes by. Tic and tac. JK lying in the bed, holds her hand and looks at her with a lot of affection. He silently touches her hair and cheek, then kisses them very lightly.

"Saranghae, Amie-ah".

Amie still doesn't sleep, even though she tries so hard. After hearing what he said, she slowly opens her eyes. In the darkness, everything seems so unclear, but she always feels his shape. She looks at him for a long time. And he also does the same. Then, she lifts her hand and touches his face. She slowly draws his face's line with her hand. His hair, his forehead, eyebrows, his eyelashes, his eyes, his nose, his cheeks, his chin, and his lips. JK lets her touch everything on his face. The hot blood raises in his veins and his heart beats fast. Then, the moment she touches his lips, he can't control himself anymore. He takes her hand and locks it on the bed, then lows his head and kisses her. The night overwhelms both of them, pushes them into the deepest abyss of love. JK recalls the very first kiss they had. With the same mixed scents. And her sweet and soft lips. His hand pulls her toward him until they stick to each other. Then it slowly puts inside her pyjama. She trembles a lot, but does not deny it. The fire starts to burn both of them. Then it becomes an immerse ocean, with its waves raised and retired endlessly, until they all are sinked into the depeest bottom and pushed to the tsunami's top.

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