Unwanted nightmare

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They spend the 3 next days happily together like a real young married couple. They have done a lot of things like every ordinary couple do : watch a romantic movie at late night, go to the cinema, parc attraction, karaoke and game center, discover local foods, cook together, and even making videos.

One night, Amie takes the guitar to play again in the balcony. After taking a shower, JK spots her and memories from a few days ago get back to his head. Suddenly an idea goes through his head.

"Amie", he calls her from the inside.

Amie stops playing and turns toward him. He is filming her with his camera.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my beautiful and wonderful girlfriend, Amie ! Please enjoy her song", he jokingly introduces during filming her.

"What are you doing ? Stop !", she wants to touch the camera but JK takes her hand.

"Let me film you".

"What ? Why ?", her doe eyes are so cute.

"I forgot to tell you that I have a series of videos that I produce myself, calls G.C.F".

"G.C.F ?".

"Golden Closet Film. I film and edit the videos myself".

"Oh, I see. You want me to be your actress ? I'll ask for high salary then".

"Stop looking at me ! You have to look into the camera !", he laughs, "How can you ask for a high salary with this level of act ?".

"Pstttt, don't look down on me. I don't want to look into an object and say something, I want to look into a person, that's why".

"No, but you have to look into the camera lens, so that when I watch the video I feel that you are looking at me".

"Do you feel that I'm looking at you now when I look into the camera ?".

"Stop arguing. Just continue to play the guitar and sing. So that you don't have to look into anywhere".


She starts to play again. This time is a long melody without any lyrics. It is not something he has heard before.

"Do you play or sing often ?".

"It depends. I mostly play when I am sad or lonely, or overthinking. It's a kind of healing method for me".

"Are you sad now ?".

"No. I play because I recalled some old memories about my mother".

JK, after hearing that, puts the camera on the table and hugs her.

"So you only play music when you're alone ?".

"Uhm. You can say so. My mother was my only audience. Now it's you", she smiles.

JK thinks about the sparkling concerts that he had. He mostly sings under so much lights and applauses, while she only sings lonely in the darkness. His heart breaks while thinking about what she has to suffer before.

"I am here now. You don't have to play and sing alone anymore. I'll be by your side and sing along with you", he hugs her tighter.

"I know. Thank you, Jungkook", she also hugs him back.

The next day, he wakes up at 10AM after having a nightmare. He dreamt about Amie leaving him. She did not say anything, just turned her back and walked away. He tried to call her but she never coming back. He finally opens his eyes and wakes up with so much sweat. The flat seems to be so weirdly quiet. He often be waken up by the sound of her cooking in the kitchen, or her kisses on his front and cheeks with the sweetest voice : "Sleepy bunny, the breakfast is ready. Wake up !".

But this morning is totally different.

"Amie !", he calls.

No one replies.

He runs into the bedroom, restroom and every corner of the flat calling her name.

There is no sign of her. He starts to be worried. Where could she be ? Did she leave ? He goes to the wardrobe and opens it. The clothes that he bought for her are still here. He breathes heavily : "Where are you going, Amie ?".

Suddenly, he hears a noise from the outside, like the small sound when the door is opened. He immediately goes out of the bedroom.

"Jungkook. You've waken up already ?", she smiles.

JK runs into her and holds her tightly in his arms.

"Thanks God. I thought you left".

"Left ? Where can I go then ?"

"I had a nightmare that you left me and walked away so I was... scared".

"You fool", she giggles, "It will never happen, don't worry".

"Promise ? Let's promise that we never leave each other !", he looks deeply in her doe eyes, and sees himself in them.

"I promise !".

"I promise !", he puts his forehead on hers and kisses her fondly.

His stomach's sound makes both of them burst into laugh.

"Let's eat the breads that I bought ! You must be starved".

"That's why you have gone out ?".

"I woke up early this morning. You were deeply sleeping so I did not want to wake you up. There are nothing in the fridge for breakfast so I went out for jogging and passed by the supermarket. I discovered a small local bakery on the way back. It should be delicious. Let's try them !".

He smiles at her with a lot of affection : "You seem like a very sweet wife. Just like how my mother takes care of my dad".

She is embarrassed hearing what he said, takes a bite and puts the bread in his mouth, "Who said I will marry you ?".

"You will some day. I'm sure about it", he sounds very confident.

She doesn't try to hide her sweet smile. She does not deny it anymore.

"Right, did you run lately ?".

"Yeah, not much but it makes me feel great. It has been a while that I did not work out".

"Do you love work out ?".

"Totally. You must do the same".

"Exactly ! You're right, we should practice more often. I feel like I lost some muscles since the hiatus".

"Ok. Should we start this afternoon ?".

"Deal !", he nods, "wow, it's so magical !".

"About what ?"

"About us ! Of course ! We match perfectly for every details ! Did you notice it ?".

"Right", she agrees, "you must be my decalcomanie".

"In a good way, I hope".

"Of course. I mean, you always stay positive in my darkest situation, helping me get out of it. I wish I could be like you, always shine brightly".

"You shine too, Amie. In my eyes, there is no star shines brighter than you !".

"Thanks. For always stay by my side. I know you do not like when I say it, but I'm really thankful. I even never imagine how I would be with a man in my life. These 2 last years, I became really down, about everything. All I could do was learing Korean as my mom's wish and pray every night for her health. Since our encounter, I finally find a meaning of life, and enjoy the moments in life. You don't know how much it means to me".

"I think my new mission in life is protect you and give you so much love, besides stages and music. I never think about myself helping out any person in this life. You gave me a chance. To grow up and become a real man. You don't know neither how much it means to me, and how much I love you !".

"I love you too, Jungkook".

They almost cry looking into each other. Fate brings people to meet each other, but staying together is their own choice. Outside, the sun brings so much lights into their windows's flat. The curtain in the balcony flies up after a light wind of a happy morning in summer.

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