JLPT vocabulary - level 4

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# JLPT vocabulary, level 4

# Copyright (C) 2001 Thierry Bézecourt (http://www.thbz.org)

# format:

# field #1 (optional): kanji representation of the word

# field #2 (mandatory): kana representation of the word

# field #3 (optional): remarks, between parenthesis

ああ [(感動詞)] /(int) Ah!/Oh!/Alas!/

会う [あう] /(v5u) to meet/to interview/(P)/

青い [あおい] /(adj) blue/pale/green/unripe/inexperienced/(P)/

赤い [あかい] /(adj) red/(P)/

明い [あかるい]

秋 [あき] /(n-adv) autumn/fall/(P)/

開く [あく] /(v5k) to open (e.g. a festival)/(P)/

開ける [あける] /(v1) to become civilized/to become opened up/be up-to-date/(P)/

上げる [あげる] /(v1) to give/to raise/to elevate/to fly (kites)/to praise/to increase/to advance/to promote/to vomit/to usher in/to admit/to send (to school)/to offer/to present/to leave with/to finish/to arrange (expenses)/to observe/to perform/to quote/to mention/to bear (a child)/to improve (talents)/to do up (the hair)/to arrest/to engage/to fry/(rains) to stop/(P)/

朝 [あさ] /(n-adv,n-t) morning/(P)/

朝御飯 [あさごはん] /(n) breakfast/(P)/

あさって /(n-adv,n-t) day after tomorrow/(P)/

足 [あし] /(n) foot/pace/gait/leg/(P)/

あした /(n-t) tomorrow/(P)/

あそこ /(n) (1) (uk) there/over there/that place/yonder/(2) (X) (col) genitals/(P)/

遊ぶ [あそぶ] /(v5b) (1) to play/to make a visit (esp. for pleasure)/(2) to be idle/to do nothing/(P)/

暖かい [あたたかい] /(adj) warm/mild/genial/(P)/

頭 [あたま] /counter for large animals/(P)/

新しい [あたらしい] /(adj) new/(P)/

あちら /(n) (1) there/yonder/that/(P)/

暑い [あつい] /(adj) hot/warm/(P)/

熱い [あつい] /(adj) hot (thing)/(P)/

厚い [あつい] /(adj) cordial/kind/warm(hearted)/thick/deep/(P)/

後 [あと] /(adj-no,n) afterwards/since then/in the future/(P)/

あなた /(n) (1) (uk) the other/the other side/(2) there/yonder/that/

兄 [あに] /(n) (hum) older brother/(P)/

姉 [あね] /(n) (hum) older sister/(P)/

あの [(指示詞)] /(adj-pn) (uk) that over there/(P)/

あの [(感動詞)] /(adj-pn) (uk) that over there/(P)/

アパート /(n,adv) (1) apartment (abbr)/(2) apartment building (abbr)/(3) apart/(P)/

あびる /(v1) to bathe/to bask in the sun/to shower/(P)/

危ない [あぶない] /(adj) dangerous/critical/grave/uncertain/unreliable/limping/narrow/close/watch out!/(P)/

甘い [あまい] /(adj) delicious/

あまり [(副詞)] /(adj-na,adv,n,n-suf) (uk) not very (this form only used as adverb)/not much/remainder/rest/remnant/surplus/balance/excess/remains/scraps/residue/fullness/other/too much/(P)/

雨 [あめ] /(n) rain/(P)/

洗う [あらう] /(v5u) to wash/(P)/

ある /(v5r-i) (uk) to be/to have/(P)/

歩く [あるく] /(v5k) to walk/(P)/

あれ [(指示詞)] /(n) stormy weather/tempest/chaps (of skin)/

いい /(adj) (col) (uk) good/(P)/

よい /(adj) good/nice/pleasant/ok/(P)/

いいえ /(int,n) (uk) no/nay/yes/well/(P)/

言う [いう] /(v5u) to say/(P)/

家 [いえ] /(suf) house/family/(P)/

行く [いく] /(v5k-s) to go/(P)/

行く [ゆく] /(v5k-s) to go/(P)/

いくつ /(n) how many?/how old?/(P)/

いくら /(adv,n) how much?/how many?/(P)/

池 [いけ] /(n) pond/(P)/

医者 [いしゃ] /(n) doctor (medical)/(P)/

いす /(n) chair/(P)/

忙しい [いそがしい] /(adj) busy/irritated/

痛い [いたい] /(adj) painful/(P)/

一 [いち] /(num) one/(P)/

一日 [いちにち] /(n) (1) first of month/(P)/

いちばん /(n-adv) (1) best/first/number one/(2) a game/a round/a bout/a fall/an event (in a meet)/(P)/

いつ /be lost/peace/hide/mistake/beautiful/in turn/

五日 [いつか] /(n) five days/the fifth day (of the month)/(P)/

一緒 [いっしょ] /(adv,n) together/meeting/company/(P)/

五つ [いつつ] /(n) five/(P)/

いつも /(adv,n) always/usually/every time/never (with neg. verb)/(P)/

今 [いま] /this/now/

意味 [いみ] /(n,vs) meaning/significance/(P)/

妹 [いもうと] /(n) (hum) younger sister/(P)/

嫌 [いや] /(adj-na,n) disagreeable/detestable/unpleasant/reluctant/(P)/

入口 [いりぐち] /(n) entrance/gate/approach/mouth/

居る [いる] /(v5r) (uk) (hum) to be (animate)/to be/to exist/(P)/

要る [いる] /(v5r) to need/(P)/

入れる [いれる] /(v1) to put in/to take in/to bring in/to let in/to admit/to introduce/to commit (to prison)/to usher in/to insert/to set (jewels)/to employ/to listen to/to tolerate/to comprehend/to include/to pay (interest)/to cast (votes)/(P)/

色 [いろ] /(n) (1) colour/(2) sensuality/lust/(P)/

いろいろ /(adj-na,adj-no,adv,n) various/

上 [うえ] /(n,pref,suf) (1) first volume/(2) superior quality/(3) governmental/imperial/top/best/high class/going up/presenting/showing/aboard a ship or vehicle/from the standpoint of/as a matter of (fact)/(P)/

後 [うしろ] /(adj-no,n) afterwards/since then/in the future/(P)/

薄い [うすい] /(adj) thin/weak/watery/diluted/(P)/

歌 [うた] /(n) song/poetry/(P)/

歌う [うたう] /(v5u) to sing/(P)/

うち [(わたしのうち)] /(n) inside/

生まれる [うまれる] /(v1) to be born/(P)/

海 [うみ] /(n) sea/beach/(P)/

売る [うる] /(v5r) to sell/(P)/

上着 [うわぎ] /(n) coat/tunic/jacket/outer garment/(P)/

絵 [え] /(n,n-suf) picture/drawing/painting/sketch/

映画 [えいが] /(n) movie/film/(P)/

映画館 [えいがかん] /(n) movie theatre (theater)/cinema/(P)/

英語 [えいご] /(n) the English language/(P)/

ええ /(conj,int,n) yes/(P)/

駅 [えき] /(n) station/(P)/

エレベーター /(n) elevator/(P)/

~円 [~えん]

鉛筆 [えんぴつ] /(n) pencil/(P)/

お~ [(接頭語)]

おいしい /(adj) delicious/tasty/(P)/

大きい [おおきい] /(adj) big/large/great/(P)/

大勢 [おおぜい] /(n) great number of people/

お母さん [おかあさん] /(n) (hon) mother/(P)/

お菓子 [おかし] /(n) confections/sweets/candy/(P)/

お金 [おかね] /(n) money/(P)/

起きる [おきる] /(v1) to get up/to rise/(P)/

置く [おく] /(v5k) to put/to place/(P)/

奥さん [おくさん] /(n) (hon) wife/your wife/his wife/married lady/madam/(P)/

お酒 [おさけ]

お皿 [おさら]

伯父 [おじ] /(n) (hum) uncle (older than one's parent)/

叔父 [おじ] /(n) uncle (younger than one's parent)/(P)/

おじいさん /(n) grandfather/male senior-citizen/

教える [おしえる] /(v1) to teach/to inform/to instruct/(P)/

押す [おす] /(v5s,vt) to push/to press/to stamp (i.e. a passport)/(P)/

遅い [おそい] /(adj) late/slow/(P)/

お茶 [おちゃ] /(n) tea (green)/(P)/

お手洗い [おてあらい] /toilet/restroom/lavatory/bathroom (US)/(P)/

お父さん [おとうさん] /(n) (hon) father/(P)/

弟 [おとうと] /(n) younger brother/faithful service to those older/brotherly affection/

男 [おとこ] /(n) man/(P)/

男の子 [おとこのこ] /(n) boy/(P)/

おととい /(n-adv,n-t) day before yesterday/(P)/

おととし /(n-adv,n-t) year before last/(P)/

大人 [おとな] /(n) adult/

おなか /(n) stomach/

同じ [おなじ] /(adj-na,n) same/identical/equal/uniform/equivalent/similar/common (origin)/changeless/(P)/

お兄さん [おにいさん] /(n) (hon) older brother/(vocative) "Mister?"/(P)/

お姉さん [おねえさん] /(n) (hon) older sister/(vocative) "Miss?"/(P)/

伯母 [おば] /(n) (hum) aunt (older than one's parent)/

叔母 [おば] /(n) aunt (younger than one's parent)/(P)/

おばあさん /(n) grandmother/female senior-citizen/

お弁当 [おべんとう]

覚える [おぼえる] /(v1) to remember/to memorize/(P)/

重い [おもい] /(adj) (1) heavy/massive/(2) serious/important/severe/oppressed/(P)/

おもしろい /(adj) interesting/amusing/(P)/

泳ぐ [およぐ] /(v5g) to swim/(P)/

降りる [おりる] /(v1) to alight (e.g. from bus)/to get off/to descend (e.g. a mountain)/(P)/

終る [おわる] /(io) (v5r) to finish/to close/

音楽 [おんがく] /(n) music/musical movement/(P)/

女 [おんな] /(n) woman/girl/daughter/

女の子 [おんなのこ] /(n) girl/(P)/

~回 [~かい]

~階 [~かい]

外国 [がいこく] /(n) foreign country/(P)/

外国人 [がいこくじん] /(n) foreigner/(P)/

会社 [かいしゃ] /(n) company/corporation/(P)/

階段 [かいだん] /(n) stairs/(P)/

買い物 [かいもの] /(n) shopping/(P)/

買う [かう] /(v5u) to buy/(P)/

返す [かえす] /(v5s,vt) to return something/(P)/

帰る [かえる] /(v5r) to go back/to go home/to come home/to return/(P)/

顔 [かお] /(n) face (person)/(P)/

かかる [(時間がかかる)] /(v5r) to suffer from/(P)/

かぎ /(n) key/(P)/

書く [かく] /(v5k) to write/(P)/

学生 [がくせい] /(n) student/(P)/

~か月 [~かげつ]

かける [(眼鏡をかける)] /(v5r) to soar/to fly/

かける [(電話をかける)] /(v5r) to soar/to fly/

傘 [かさ] /(n) umbrella/parasol/(P)/

貸す [かす] /(v5s) to lend/(P)/

風 [かぜ] /(adj-na,n,n-suf) method/manner/way/(P)/

家族 [かぞく] /(n) family/members of a family/(P)/

かた [(この方)] /(adj-na,n) many/plentiful/

片仮名 [かたかな] /(n) katakana/(P)/

~月 [~がつ]

学校 [がっこう] /(n) school/(P)/

角 [かど] /(n) horn/(P)/

家内 [かない] /(n) (hum) wife/(P)/

かばん /(n) bag/satchel/briefcase/basket/(P)/

花瓶 [かびん] /(n) (flower) vase/(P)/

かぶる /(v5r) to wear/to put on (head)/to pour or dash water (on oneself)/(P)/

紙 [かみ] /(n) paper/(P)/

カメラ /(n) camera/(P)/

火曜日 [かようび] /(n-adv,n) Tuesday/(P)/

辛い [からい] /(adj) painful/heart-breaking/(P)/

体 [からだ] /(n) appearance/air/condition/state/form/

借りる [かりる] /(v1) to borrow/to have a loan/to hire/to rent/to buy on credit/(P)/


軽い [かるい] /(adj) light/non-serious/minor/(P)/

カレンダー /(n) calendar/(P)/

川 [かわ] /(n) river/(P)/

河 [かわ] /(n) river/stream/(P)/

~側 [~がわ]

かわいい /(adj) (sl) pretty/cute/lovely/charming/dear/darling/pet/(P)/

漢字 [かんじ] /(n) Chinese characters/kanji/(P)/

木 [き] /(n) tree/wood/timber/(P)/

黄色い [きいろい] /(adj) yellow/(P)/

消える [きえる] /(v1) to go out/to vanish/to disappear/(P)/

聞く [きく] /(v5k) to hear/to listen/to ask/(P)/

北 [きた] /north/

ギター /(n) guitar/(P)/

汚い [きたない] /(adj) dirty/unclean/filthy/(P)/

喫茶店 [きっさてん] /(n) coffee lounge/(P)/

切手 [きって] /man of ability/

切符 [きっぷ] /(n) ticket/(P)/

昨日 [きのう] /(n-adv,n-t) yesterday/(P)/

九 [きゅう] /(num) nine/(P)/

牛肉 [ぎゅうにく] /(n) beef/(P)/

今日 [きょう] /(n-t) today/this day/(P)/

教室 [きょうしつ] /(n) classroom/(P)/

兄弟 [きょうだい] /(n) (hum) siblings/(P)/

去年 [きょねん] /(n-adv,n-t) last year/

嫌い [きらい] /(adj-na,n) dislike/hate/(P)/

切る [きる] /(suf,v5r) to cut/to chop/to hash/to carve/to saw/to clip/to shear/to slice/to strip/to fell/to cut down/to punch/to sever (connections)/to pause/to break off/to disconnect/to turn off/to hang up/to cross (a street)/to discount/to sell below cost/to shake (water) off/to finish/to be through/to complete/(P)/

着る [きる] /(v1) to wear/to put on (from shoulders down)/(P)/

きれい /(oK) (adj-na) (uk) pretty/clean/nice/tidy/beautiful/fair/

キロ [(キログラム)] /(n,pref) (abbr) kilo-/kilogram/kilometre/10^3/(P)/

キロ [(キロメートル)] /(n,pref) (abbr) kilo-/kilogram/kilometre/10^3/(P)/

銀行 [ぎんこう] /(n) bank/(P)/

金曜日 [きんようび] /(n-adv,n) Friday/(P)/

工 [く]

薬 [くすり] /(n) medicine/(P)/

ください /please (kana only)/(with te-form verb) please do for me/

果物 [くだもの] /(n) fruit/(P)/

口 [くち] /(n) mouth/orifice/opening/(P)/

靴 [くつ] /(n) shoes/footwear/(P)/

靴下 [くつした] /(n) socks/(P)/

国 [くに] /(n) country/(P)/

曇る [くもる] /(v5r) to become cloudy/to become dim/(P)/

暗い [くらい] /(adj) (uk) dark/gloomy/(P)/



クラス /(n) class/(P)/

グラム /(n) gram/gramme/(P)/

来る [くる] /(vk) to come/to come to hand/to arrive/to approach/to call on/to come on (rain)/to set in/to be due/to become/to grow/to get/to come from/to be caused by/to derive from/(P)/

車 [くるま] /(n) car/vehicle/wheel/(P)/

黒い [くろい] /(adj) (1) black/(2) dark/(P)/

今朝 [けさ] /(ik) (n-t) this morning/(P)/

消す [けす] /(v5s) to erase/to delete/to turn off power/(P)/

結構 [けっこう] /(adj-na,n-adv,n) (1) (uk) splendid/nice/wonderful/delicious/sweet/(2) (arch) construction/architecture/(3) well enough/tolerably/(P)/

結婚 [けっこん] /(adj-no,n,vs) marriage/(P)/

月曜日 [げつようび] /(n-adv,n) Monday/(P)/

玄関 [げんかん] /(n) entranceway/entry hall/(P)/

元気 [げんき] /(adj-na,n) health(y)/robust/vigor/energy/vitality/vim/stamina/spirit/courage/pep/(P)/

~個 [~こ]

五 [ご] /(num) five/(P)/

~語 [~ご]

公園 [こうえん] /(n) (public) park/(P)/

交番 [こうばん] /(n) police box/(P)/

声 [こえ] /(n) voice/(P)/

コート /(n) coat/tennis court/(P)/

ここ [(指示詞)] /(n) cry of a baby at its birth/

午後 [ごご] /(n-adv,n-t) afternoon/p.m./pm/(P)/

九日 [ここのか] /nine days/the ninth day (of the month)/(P)/

九つ [ここのつ] /(n) nine/(P)/

御主人 [ごしゅじん] /(n) (hon) your husband/her husband/

午前 [ごぜん] /(n-adv,n-t) morning/A.M./am/(P)/

答える [こたえる] /(v1) to answer/to reply/

こちら /(n) (1) (uk) this person/(2) this direction/(3) this side/(4) thereafter/(P)/

コップ /(n) (a) glass (nl: Kop)/(P)/

今年 [ことし] /(n-adv,n-t) this year/

言葉 [ことば] /(n) word(s)/language/speech/(P)/

子供 [こども] /(n) child/children/(P)/

この /(adj-pn,int) (uk) this/(P)/

御飯 [ごはん] /(n) rice (cooked)/meal/(P)/

困る [こまる] /(v5r) to be worried/to be bothered/(P)/

これ /(int,n) (uk) this/



今月 [こんげつ] /(n-adv,n-t) this month/(P)/

今週 [こんしゅう] /(n-adv,n-t) this week/(P)/

こんな /(adj-na,adj-pn,adv,n) such/like this/(P)/

今晩 [こんばん] /(n-adv,n-t) tonight/this evening/(P)/

さあ [(感動詞)] /(conj,int) come (int)/come now/(P)/

~歳 [~さい]

魚 [さかな] /(n) fish/(P)/

先 [さき] /(adj-no,n) the future/priority/precedence/former/previous/old/late/

咲く [さく] /(v5k) to bloom/(P)/

作文 [さくぶん] /(n) composition/writing/(P)/

さす [(傘をさす)] /(v5s) to light (a fire)/to apply moxa cautery/

~冊 [~さつ]

雑誌 [ざっし] /(n) journal/magazine/(P)/

砂糖 [さとう] /(n) sugar/(P)/

寒い [さむい] /(adj) cold (e.g. weather)/(P)/

再来年 [さらいねん] /(n-adv,n-t) year after next/(P)/


三 [さん] /(num) three/(P)/

散歩 [さんぽ] /(n,vs) walk/stroll/(P)/

四 [し] /(num) four/(P)/

~時 [~じ]

塩 [しお] /(n) salt/(P)/

しかし /(conj) (uk) however/but/(P)/

時間 [じかん] /(n-adv,n) time/(P)/

~時間 [~じかん]

仕事 [しごと] /(adj-no,n) work/occupation/employment/(P)/

辞書 [じしょ] /(n) dictionary/lexicon/(P)/

静か [しずか] /(adj-na) quiet/peaceful/(P)/

下 [した] /(n) under/below/beneath/(P)/

七 [しち] /(num) seven/(P)/

質問 [しつもん] /(n,vs) question/inquiry/(P)/

自転車 [じてんしゃ] /(n) bicycle/(P)/

自動車 [じどうしゃ] /(n) automobile/(P)/

死ぬ [しぬ] /(v5n) to die/(P)/

字引 [じびき] /(n) dictionary/(P)/

自分 [じぶん] /(n) myself/oneself/(P)/

閉まる [しまる] /(v5r,vi) to close/to be closed/(P)/

閉める [しめる] /(v1,vt) to close/to shut/(P)/

締める [しめる] /(v1) to tie/to fasten/(P)/

じゃ [(感動詞)]

じゃあ [(感動詞)] /(conj,int) well/well then/(P)/

写真 [しゃしん] /(n) photograph/(P)/

シャツ /(n) shirt/singlet/(P)/

十 [じゅう] /(num) 10/ten/(P)/

~週間 [~しゅうかん]

授業 [じゅぎょう] /(n,vs) lesson/class work/(P)/

宿題 [しゅくだい] /(n) homework/(P)/

上手 [じょうず] /(adj-na,n) skill/skillful/dexterity/(P)/

丈夫 [じょうぶ] /(adj-na,n) (1) hero/gentleman/warrior/manly person/(2) good health/robustness/strong/solid/durable/

しょうゆ /(iK) (n) soy sauce/

食堂 [しょくどう] /(n) cafeteria/dining hall/(P)/

知る [しる] /(v5r) to know/to understand/to be acquainted with/to feel/(P)/

白い [しろい] /(adj) white/(P)/

~人 [~じん]

新聞 [しんぶん] /(n) newspaper/(P)/

水曜日 [すいようび] /(n-adv,n) Wednesday/(P)/

吸う [すう] /(v5u) to smoke/to breathe in/to suck/(P)/

スカート /(n) skirt/(P)/

好き [すき] /(adj-na,n) liking/fondness/love/(P)/


すぐに /(adv) instantly/

少し [すこし] /(adv,n) (1) small quantity/little/few/something/(2) little while/(3) short distance/(P)/

涼しい [すずしい] /(adj) cool/refreshing/(P)/


ストーブ /(n) heater (lit: stove)/(P)/

スプーン /(n) spoon/(P)/

スポーツ /(n) sport/(P)/

ズボン /(fr:) (n) trousers (fr: jupon)/(P)/

住む [すむ] /(v5m) to abide/to reside/to live in/to inhabit/to dwell/(P)/

スリッパ /(n) slippers/(P)/

する /(v5r) to pick someone's pocket/

座る [すわる] /(v5r) to sit/(P)/

背 [せい] /(n) height/stature/(P)/

生徒 [せいと] /(n) pupil/(P)/

セーター /(n) sweater/jumper/(P)/

せっけん /(n) economy/thrift/(P)/

背広 [せびろ] /(n) business suit/(P)/

狭い [せまい] /(adj) narrow/confined/small/(P)/

ゼロ /(n) zero/(P)/

千 [せん] /thousand/many/(P)/

先月 [せんげつ] /(n-adv,n-t) last month/(P)/

先週 [せんしゅう] /(n-adv,n-t) last week/the week before/(P)/

先生 [せんせい] /(n) teacher/master/doctor/(P)/

洗濯 [せんたく] /(n,vs) washing/laundry/(P)/

全部 [ぜんぶ] /(n-adv,n-t) all/entire/whole/altogether/(P)/

そう [(そうです)] /destroy/

掃除 [そうじ] /(n,vs) cleaning/sweeping/(P)/

そうして /(conj) (uk) and/like that/(P)/

そして /(conj) (uk) and/(P)/

そこ [(指示詞)] /(n) bottom/sole/(P)/

そちら /(n) (uk) over there/the other/(P)/

外 [そと] /(n) other place/the rest/(P)/

その [(連体詞)] /(adj-pn) (uk) the/that/

そば [(窓のそば)] /(n) near/close/beside/vicinity/proximity/besides/while/

空 [そら] /(n) sky/(P)/

それ [(指示詞)] /(n) (uk) it/that/(P)/

それから /(uk) and then/after that/(P)/

それでは /(exp) (uk) in that situation/well then .../(P)/

~台 [~だい]

大学 [だいがく] /(n) university/(P)/

大使館 [たいしかん] /(n) embassy/(P)/

大丈夫 [だいじょうぶ] /(adj-na,adv,n) safe/all right/O.K./(P)/

大好き [だいすき] /(adj-na,n) very likeable/like very much/(P)/

大切 [たいせつ] /(adj-na,n) important/(P)/

たいてい /(adj-na,adv,n) usually/generally/(P)/

台所 [だいどころ] /(n) kitchen/(P)/

たいへん [(たいへん暑い)] /(adj-na,adv,n) awful/dreadful/terrible/very/(P)/

たいへん [(それはたいへんですね)] /(adj-na,adv,n) awful/dreadful/terrible/very/(P)/

高い [たかい] (高い山) /(adj) tall/high/expensive/(P)/

たかい [(値段は高い)] /(n,vs) death/the next world/

たくさん /(adj-na,adv,n) many/a lot/much/(P)/

タクシー /(n) taxi/(P)/

出す [だす] /(v5s) to put out/to send/(P)/


立つ [たつ] /(v5t) to stand/(P)/

建物 [たてもの] /(n) building/(P)/

楽しい [たのしい] /(adj) enjoyable/fun/(P)/

頼む [たのむ] /(v5m) to request/to beg/to ask/(P)/

たばこ /(pt:) (n) (uk) tobacco (pt: tabaco)/cigarettes/

たぶん /(adv,n) perhaps/probably/(P)/

食べ物 [たべもの] /(n) food/(P)/

食べる [たべる] /(v1) to eat/(P)/

卵 [たまご] /(n) (1) egg(s)/spawn/roe/(2) (an expert) in the making/(P)/

だれ /(n) who/(P)/

誕生日 [たんじょうび] /(n) birthday/(P)/

だんだん /(adv,n) gradually/by degrees/

小さい [ちいさい] /(adj) small/little/tiny/(P)/

近い [ちかい] /(adj,suf) near/close by/short/(P)/

違う [ちがう] /(v5u) to differ (from)/(P)/

近く [ちかく] /(n-adv,n) near/neighbourhood/vicinity/(P)/

地下鉄 [ちかてつ] /(n) underground train/subway/(P)/

地図 [ちず] /(n) map/(P)/

父 [ちち] /(n) (hum) father/(P)/

茶色 [ちゃいろ] /(n) light brown/tawny/(P)/

ちゃわん /(n) rice bowl/tea cup/teacup/

~中 [~ちゅう]

ちょうど /(n) supplies/furniture/fixtures/

ちょっと /(ateji) (adv,int) (uk) just a minute/a short time/a while/just a little/somewhat/easily/readily/rather/(P)/

一日 [ついたち] /(n) (1) first of month/(P)/

使う [つかう] /(v5u) to use/to handle/to manipulate/to employ/to need/to want/to spend/to consume/to speak (English)/to practise (fencing)/to take (one's lunch)/to circulate (bad money)/(P)/

疲れる [つかれる] /(v1) to get tired/to tire/(P)/

次 [つぎ] /(n) next/stage station/stage/subsequent/(P)/

着く [つく] /(v5k) to arrive at/to reach/(P)/

机 [つくえ] /(n) desk/(P)/

作る [つくる] /(v5r) to make/to create/to manufacture/to draw up/to write/to compose/to build/to coin/to cultivate/to organize/to establish/to make up (a face)/to trim (a tree)/to fabricate/to prepare (food)/to commit (sin)/to construct/(P)/

つける [(電灯をつける)] /(v1,vt) (1) to attach/to join/to add/to append/to affix/to stick/to glue/to fasten/to sew on/to apply (ointment)/(2) to furnish (a house with)/(3) to wear/to put on/(4) to keep a diary/to make an entry/(5) to appraise/to set (a price)/(6) to bring alongside/(7) to place (under guard or doctor)/(8) to follow/to shadow/(9) to load/to give (courage to)/(10) to keep (an eye on)/(11) to establish (relations or understanding)/(P)/

勤める [つとめる] /(v1) (1) to serve/to fill a post/to serve under/to work (for)/(2) to exert oneself/to endeavor/to be diligent/(3) to play (the part of)/(P)/

つまらない /(adj) (uk) insignificant/boring/trifling/(P)/

冷たい [つめたい] /(adj) cold (to the touch)/chilly/icy/freezing/coldhearted/(P)/

強い [つよい] /(adj) strong/powerful/mighty/potent/(P)/

手 [て] /(n) hand/(P)/

テープ /(n) tape/(P)/

テープレコーダー /(n) tape recorder/(P)/

テーブル /(n) table/(P)/

出かける [でかける] /(v1) to depart/to go out (e.g. on an excursion or outing)/to set out/to start/to be going out/

手紙 [てがみ] /(n) letter/(P)/

できる [(英語ができる)] /(v1) (uk) to be able to/to be ready/to occur/(P)/

出口 [でぐち] /(n) exit/gateway/way out/outlet/leak/vent/(P)/

テスト /(n,vs) test/(P)/

では [(感動詞)] /(n) chance of going out/opportunity (to succeed)/moment of departure/beginning of work/

デパート /(n) (abbr) department store/(P)/

でも /(conj,prt) but/however/

出る [でる] /(v1) to appear/to come forth/to leave/(P)/

テレビ /(n) television/TV/(P)/

天気 [てんき] /(n) weather/the elements/fine weather/(P)/

電気 [でんき] /(n) electricity/(electric) light/(P)/

電車 [でんしゃ] /(n) electric train/(P)/

電話 [でんわ] /(n,vs) telephone/(P)/

戸 [と] /(n) door (Japanese style)/(P)/

~度 [~ど]

ドア /(n) door (Western style)/(P)/

トイレ /(n) toilet/restroom/bathroom/lavatory/(P)/

どう [(副詞)] /child/servant/foolishness/

どうして /(adv,int) (uk) why?/for what reason/how/in what way/for what purpose/what for/(P)/

どうぞ /(adv) please/kindly/by all means/(P)/

動物 [どうぶつ] /(n) animal/(P)/

どうも /(adv,int) (abbr) thanks/how/(very) much/very/quite/really/somehow/no matter how hard one may try/(P)/

十 [とお] /(num) 10/ten/(P)/

遠い [とおい] /(adj) far/distant/(P)/

十日 [とおか] /ten days/the tenth (day of the month)/(P)/

時々 [ときどき] /(adv,n) sometimes/(P)/

時計 [とけい] /(n) watch/clock/(P)/

どこ /(n) (uk) where/what place/(P)/

所 [ところ] /(n) place/(P)/

図書館 [としょかん] /(n) library/(P)/

どちら /(n) (uk) which (of two)/who/(P)/

とても /(adv) (uk) very/awfully/exceedingly/(P)/

どなた /(n) (uk) who?/(P)/

隣 [となり] /(n) next to/next door to/(P)/

どの [(どの人)] /(pol) person/Mister (mostly in addressing someone on an envelope)/Mr/(P)/

飛ぶ [とぶ] /(v5b) to jump/to fly/to leap/to spring/to bound/to hop/(P)/

止まる [とまる] /(v5r) to come to a halt/(P)/

友達 [ともだち] /(n) friend/(P)/

土曜日 [どようび] /(n-adv,n) Saturday/(P)/

鳥 [とり] /(n) bird/fowl/poultry/(P)/

鳥肉 [とりにく] /(n) chicken meat/

取る [とる] /(v5r) to take/to pick up/to harvest/to earn/to choose/(P)/

撮る [とる] /(v5r) to take (a photo)/to make (a film)/(P)/

どれ /(n) (uk) well/now/let me see/which (of three or more)/(P)/

どんな /(adj-na,adj-pn,n) what/what kind of/(P)/

ない /(adj) there isn't/doesn't have/(P)/

ナイフ /(n) knife/(P)/

中 [なか] /(n) inside/middle/among/(P)/

長い [ながい] /(adj) long/(P)/

鳴く [なく] /(v5k) to bark/to purr/to make sound (animal)/(P)/

夏 [なつ] /(n-adv,n-t) summer/(P)/

夏休み [なつやすみ] /(n) summer vacation/summer holiday/(P)/


七つ [ななつ] /(n) seven/(P)/

何 [なに] /(int,n) what/(P)/

何 [なん] /(int,n) what/(P)/

七日 [なのか] /(n-adv) seven days/the seventh day (of the month)/(P)/

名前 [なまえ] /(n) name/(P)/

習う [ならう] /(v5u) to learn/(P)/

並ぶ [ならぶ] /(v5b,vi) to line up/to stand in a line/(P)/

並べる [ならべる] /(v1,vt) to line up/to set up/(P)/

なる [(春になる)] /(v5r) to sound/to ring/to resound/to echo/to roar/to rumble/(P)/

二 [に] /(num) two/(P)/

にぎやか /(adj-na,n) bustling/busy/(P)/

肉 [にく] /(n) meat/(P)/

西 [にし] /(n) west/(P)/

~日 [~にち]

日曜日 [にちようび] /(n-adv,n) Sunday/(P)/

荷物 [にもつ] /(n) luggage/(P)/

ニュース /(n) news/(P)/

庭 [にわ] /(n) garden/(P)/

~人 [~にん]

脱ぐ [ぬぐ] /(v5g) to take off clothes/(P)/

ネクタイ /(n) tie/necktie/(P)/

寝る [ねる] /(v1) to go to bed/to lie down/to sleep/(P)/

~年 [~ねん]

ノート /(n) notebook/copy-book/exercise book/(P)/

登る [のぼる] /(v5r) to climb/(P)/

飲み物 [のみもの] /(n) drink/beverage/(P)/

飲む [のむ] /(v5m) to drink/(P)/

乗る [のる] /(v5r) (1) to get on/to ride in/to board/to mount/to get up on/to spread (paints)/to be taken in/(2) to share in/to join/to be found in (a dictionary)/to feel like doing/to be mentioned in/to be in harmony with/(P)/

歯 [は] /(n) tooth/(P)/

パーティー /(n) party/(P)/

はい [(感動詞)] /wear/put on (sword)/

~杯 [~はい]

灰皿 [はいざら] /(n) ashtray/(P)/

入る [はいる] /(v5r) to enter/to break into/to join/to enroll/to contain/to hold/to accommodate/to have (an income of)/(P)/

葉書 [はがき] /(n) postcard/(P)/

はく [(ズボンをはく、] 靴をはく) /(v5k) to wear/to put on (a sword)/

箱 [はこ] /(n) box/(P)/

橋 [はし] /(n) bridge/(P)/

はし [(はしで御飯を食べる)] /(n) chopsticks/(P)/

始まる [はじまる] /(v5r,vi) to begin/(P)/

初めに [はじめに]

初めて [はじめて] /(adv,n) for the first time/(P)/

走る [はしる] /(v5r) to run/(P)/

バス /(n) (1) bus/(2) bath/(3) bass/(P)/

バター /(n) butter/(P)/

二十歳 [はたち] /(n) 20 years old/20th year/(P)/

働く [はたらく] /(v5k) to work/to labor/to do/to act/to commit/to practise/to work on/to come into play/to be conjugated/to reduce the price/(P)/

八 [はち] /(num) eight/

二十日 [はつか] /(n) twenty days/twentieth (day of the month)/(P)/

花 [はな] /(n) flower/(P)/

鼻 [はな] /(n) nose/(P)/

話 [はなし] /(io) (n) talk/speech/chat/story/conversation/(P)/

話す [はなす] /(v5s) to speak/(P)/

母 [はは] /(n) (hum) mother/(P)/

早い [はやい] /(adj) early/(P)/

速い [はやい] /(adj) quick/fast/swift/(P)/

春 [はる] /(n-adv,n-t) spring/(P)/

はる [(切手をはる)] /(v5r) to stick/to paste/(P)/

晴れる [はれる] /(v1) to be sunny/to clear away/to stop raining/(P)/

半 [はん] /(n-adv,n,n-suf) half/(P)/

晩 [ばん] /(n-adv,n-t) evening/(P)/

~番 [~ばん]

パン /(pt:) (n) (1) bread (pt: pan)/(2) panning/(P)/

ハンカチ /(n) handkerchief/(P)/

番号 [ばんごう] /(n) number/series of digits/(P)/

晩御飯 [ばんごはん] /(n) dinner/evening meal/

半分 [はんぶん] /half minute/

東 [ひがし] /(n) east/(P)/

~匹 [~ひき]

引く [ひく] /(v5k) minus/to pull/to play (string instr.)/(P)/

弾く [ひく] /(v5k) to play (piano, guitar)/(P)/

低い [ひくい] /(adj) short/low/humble/low (voice)/(P)/

飛行機 [ひこうき] /(n) aeroplane/(P)/

左 [ひだり] /(n) left hand side/(P)/

人 [ひと] /(n) man/person/human being/mankind/people/character/personality/true man/man of talent/adult/other people/messenger/visitor/(P)/

一つ [ひとつ] /(n) one/(P)/

一月 [ひとつき] /one month/(P)/

一人 [ひとり] /(n) one person/(P)/

暇 [ひま] /(adj-na,n) (1) free time/leisure/leave/spare time/(2) farewell/

百 [ひゃく] /(num) 100/hundred/(P)/

病院 [びょういん] /(n) hospital/(P)/

病気 [びょうき] /(n) illness/disease/sickness/(P)/

平仮名 [ひらがな] /(n) hiragana/47 syllables/the cursive syllabary/(P)/

昼 [ひる] /(n-adv,n-t) noon/daytime/(P)/

昼御飯 [ひるごはん] /(n) lunch/midday meal/

広い [ひろい] /(adj) spacious/vast/wide/(P)/

フィルム /(n) film (roll of)/(P)/

封筒 [ふうとう] /(n) envelope/(P)/

プール /(n) swimming pool/(P)/

フォーク /(n) folk/fork/(P)/

吹く [ふく] /(v5k) (1) to blow (wind, etc)/(2) to emit/to spout/(P)/

服 [ふく] /(n,n-suf) clothes/(P)/

二つ [ふたつ] /(n) two/(P)/

豚肉 [ぶたにく] /(n) pork/(P)/

二人 [ふたり] /(n) two persons/two people/pair/couple/(P)/

二日 [ふつか] /(n) second day of the month/two days/(P)/

太い [ふとい] /(adj) fat/thick/(P)/

冬 [ふゆ] /(n-adv,n-t) winter/(P)/

降る [ふる] /(v5r) to precipitate/to fall (e.g. rain)/(P)/

古い [ふるい] /(adj) old (not person)/aged/ancient/antiquated/stale/threadbare/outmoded/obsolete article/(P)/

ふろ /(n) bath/(P)/

~分 [~ふん]

パージ /(n) purge/(P)/

下手 [へた] /(adj-na,n) unskillful/poor/awkward/(P)/

ベッド /(n) bed/(P)/

部屋 [へや] /(n) room/(P)/

辺 [へん] /(n) area/vicinity/(P)/

ペン /(n) pen/P.E.N. (club)/(P)/

勉強 [べんきょう] /(n,vs) study/diligence/discount/reduction/(P)/

便利 [べんり] /(adj-na,n) convenient/handy/useful/(P)/

ほう [(比較を表す)] /divide/

帽子 [ぼうし] /(n) hat/(P)/

ボールペン /(n) ball-point pen/(P)/

外 [ほか] /(n) other place/the rest/(P)/

ポケット /(n) pocket/(P)/

欲しい [ほしい] /(adj) wanted/wished for/in need of/desired/(P)/

細い [ほそい] /(adj) thin/slender/fine/(P)/

ボタン /(pt:) (n) button (pt: bota~o)/(P)/

ホテル /(n) hotel/(P)/

本 [ほん] /(n,n-suf,n-t) (1) origin/original/(P)/

~本 [~ほん]

本棚 [ほんだな] /(n) bookshelves/(P)/

ほんとうに /(adv) really/truly/(P)/

~枚 [~まい]

毎朝 [まいあさ] /(n-adv,n-t) every morning/

毎月 [まいげつ] /(n-adv,n) every month/each month/monthly/(P)/

毎月 [まいつき] /(n-adv,n) every month/each month/monthly/(P)/

毎週 [まいしゅう] /(n-adv,n-t) every week/(P)/

毎日 [まいにち] /(n-adv,n-t) every day/(P)/

毎年 [まいねん] /(n-t) every year/yearly/annually/(P)/

毎年 [まいとし] /(n-t) every year/yearly/annually/(P)/

毎晩 [まいばん] /(n-adv,n-t) every night/(P)/

前 [まえ] /(n-adv,n-t,suf) (1) before/in front/fore part/ago/previously/(2) head (of a line)/(3) in the presence of/lady (so-and-so)/(4) (five minutes) to/(5) helping/portion/(P)/

~前 [~まえ]

曲る [まがる]

まずい /(adj) (uk) unappetising/unpleasant (taste, appearance, situation)/ugly/unskilful/awkward/bungling/unwise/untimely/(P)/

また /(adv,conj,n) again/and/(P)/

まだ /(adv) yet/still/more/besides/(P)/

町 [まち] /(n) (1) town/(2) street/road/(P)/

待つ [まつ] /(v5t) to wait/(P)/

まっすぐ /(adj-na,adv,n) straight (ahead)/direct/upright/erect/honest/frank/

マッチ /(n) match/(P)/

窓 [まど] /(n) window/(P)/

丸い [まるい] /(adj) round/circular/spherical/(P)/

円い [まるい] /(adj) round/circular/spherical/(P)/

万 [まん] /(adv,num) 10,000/ten thousand/myriads/all/everything/

万年筆 [まんねんひつ] /(n) fountain pen/(P)/

磨く [みがく] /(v5k) to polish/to shine/to brush/to refine/to improve/(P)/

右 [みぎ] /(n) right hand side/(P)/

短い [みじかい] /(adj) short/(P)/

水 [みず] /(n) water/(P)/

店 [みせ] /(n,n-suf) store/shop/establishment/(P)/

見せる [みせる] /(v1) to show/to display/(P)/

道 [みち] /(n) road/street/way/method/(P)/

三日 [みっか] /(n) three days/the third day (of the month)/(P)/

三つ [みっつ] /(n) three/(P)/

皆さん [みなさん] /(n) everyone/(P)/

南 [みなみ] /(n,vs) South/proceeding south/(P)/

耳 [みみ] /(n) ear/(P)/

見る [みる] /(v1) to see/to watch/(P)/

みんな /(adv,n) all/everyone/everybody/(P)/

六日 [むいか] /six days/sixth (day of month)/(P)/

向こう [むこう] /(n) beyond/over there/opposite direction/the other party/(P)/

難しい [むずかしい] /(adj) difficult/(P)/

六つ [むっつ] /(num) six/

目 [め] /(n) eye/eyeball/(P)/

メートル /metre (meter) (old form)/

眼鏡 [めがね] /(n) spectacles/glasses/(P)/

もう [(もう、帰りました)] /net/

もう [(もう一度)] /net/

木曜日 [もくようび] /(n-adv,n) Thursday/(P)/

もしもし /(conj,int) hello (on phone)/(P)/

もちろん /(adv) (uk) of course/certainly/naturally/(P)/

持つ [もつ] /(v5t) (1) to hold/to carry/(2) to possess/(P)/

もっと /(adv) more/longer/farther/(P)/

物 [もの] /(n) thing/object/(P)/

門 [もん] /(n,n-suf) gate/(P)/

問題 [もんだい] /(n) problem/question/(P)/

~屋 [~や]

八百屋 [やおや] /(n) greengrocer/(P)/

野菜 [やさい] /(n) vegetable/(P)/

易しい [やさしい] /(adj) easy/plain/simple/(P)/

安い [やすい] /(adj) cheap/inexpensive/peaceful/quiet/gossipy/thoughtless/(P)/

休み [やすみ] /(n) (1) rest/recess/respite/(2) vacation/holiday/absence/suspension/(3) moulting/(P)/

休む [やすむ] /(v5m,vi) to rest/to have a break/to take a day off/to be finished/to be absent/to retire/to sleep/(P)/

八つ [やっつ] /(num) eight/

山 [やま] /(n) (1) mountain/(2) pile/heap/(3) climax/critical point/(P)/

やる [(仕事をやる)] /(v5r) (col) (uk) to do/to have sexual intercourse/to kill/to give (to inferiors, animals, etc.)/to dispatch (a letter)/to send/to study/to perform/to play (sports, game)/to have (eat, drink, smoke)/to row (a boat)/to run or operate (a restaurant)/

夕方 [ゆうがた] /(n-adv,n-t) evening/(P)/

郵便局 [ゆうびんきょく] /(n) post office/(P)/

ゆうべ [('昨晩'の意)] /(n) evening/

有名 [ゆうめい] /(adj-na,n) fame/(P)/

雪 [ゆき] /(n) snow/(P)/

ゆっくり /(adv,n) slowly/at ease/(P)/

八日 [ようか] /(n) eight days/the eighth (day of the month)/(P)/

洋服 [ようふく] /(n) Western-style clothes/(P)/

よく [(ようく行きます)] /(adv,n,vs) nicely/properly/well/skilled in/

よく [(よくできました)] /(adv,n,vs) nicely/properly/well/skilled in/

横 [よこ] /(n) beside/side/width/(P)/

四日 [よっか] /(n) (1) 4th day of month/(2) four days/(P)/

四つ [よっつ] /(n) four/(P)/

呼ぶ [よぶ] /(v5b) to call out/to invite/(P)/

読む [よむ] /(v5m) to read/(P)/

夜 [よる] /(n-adv,n-t) evening/night/(P)/

来月 [らいげつ] /(n-adv,n-t) next month/(P)/

来週 [らいしゅう] /(n-adv,n-t) next week/(P)/

来年 [らいねん] /(n-adv,n-t) next year/(P)/

ラジオ /(n) radio/(P)/

りっぱ /(adj-na,n) splendid/fine/handsome/elegant/imposing/prominent/legal/legitimate/(P)/

留学生 [りゅうがくせい] /(n) overseas student/(P)/

両親 [りょうしん] /(n) parents/both parents/(P)/

料理 [りょうり] /(n,vs) cooking/cookery/cuisine/(P)/

旅行 [りょこう] /(n,vs) travel/trip/(P)/

零 [れい] /(n) zero/nought/(P)/

冷蔵庫 [れいぞうこ] /(n) refrigerator/(P)/

レコード /(n) record/(P)/

レストラン /(n) restaurant/(P)/

練習 [れんしゅう] /(n,vs) practice/(P)/

六 [ろく] /(num) six/(P)/

ワイシャツ /(n) shirt (lit: white shirt)/business shirt/(P)/

若い [わかい] /(adj) young/(P)/

分る [わかる] /(io) (v5r) to be understood/

忘れる [わすれる] /(v1) to forget/to leave carelessly/to be forgetful of/to forget about/to forget (an article)/(P)/

私 [わたくし] /(adj-no,n) I/myself/private affairs/(P)/

わたし /(n) ferry (crossing)/ferry(boat)/(also suffix) delivery/

渡す [わたす] /(v5s) to pass over/to hand over/(P)/

渡る [わたる] /(v5r) to cross over/to go across/(P)/

悪い [わるい] /(adj) bad/inferior/(P)/

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