JLU S2 the return part 2

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The battle against the intelligent immortal android Amazo vs the sayian warrior and hero Yn who will win the on going battle

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Yn in his super sayian 3 form and looking at amazo

Yn:I'm ready when you are

Amazo:you are strong Yn but not strong enough against me

The hero's recover and went to the watchtower to watch the fight

Flash:will he win ?

Green lantern:hope so if not we lost

Diana:he will I know he will

Superman:Yn doesn't want to destroy Amazo he just going change Amazo mind about killing luthor hopefully this fight will

Diana thought:if Yn going to win this I'm going to rock his world~

Black canary thought:Yn win and I'll give you my body on our first date~

Zatanna thought:yn win this I'll give you a reward~

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Yn and amazo start fighting

Amazo charges at Yn and was about to punch Yn only for Yn to gut punch amazo and throws amazo sending him flying amazo stops and starts firing his attacks

Amazo:super flash bombs

Amazo starts firing at the city as Yn heads to amazo location Yn gets close to amazo and gut punch Amazo but amazo catches Yn fist and starts punching Yn in the gut repeatedly then Amazo kicked Yn in the sky amazo flys in the atmosphere and starts firing his attacks hitting Yn as Yn crashed in the sea

Yn flys out of the sea uses instant transmission teleports behind amazo and sledgehammers amazo sending him crashing to the ground Amazo was about to get up till Yn kicks Amazo back to the ground then fires a ki blast at amazo back sending him further down to the ground

Amazo grabs Yn leg starts crashing Yn into buildings amazo punch Yn making him slide to the ground

Amazo charges a giant ki ball

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Amazo:shocking death ball

Amazo fires his attack at Yn as he takes damage from  amazo attack Yn was stuck in some rubble and went to his base form unconscious

Amazo:like I said yn your strong but not strong enough against me

Amazo heads to luthor base

Luthor and atom get ion cannon ready

Amazo arrives in the lair as luthor fires the ion cannon it didn't affect Amazo

Amazo:am intriguing idea modifying the cannon so that it could alter my programming and it might have worked a month ago when I was still nanotech but I have transcended that limitation

Back in space

The last survivors arrive to help the heroes and the javilins back to the watchtower

John Stewart:your alive

Hal Jordan:which is more than I can say for Oa

John Stewart:what's the plan

Hal Jordan:we're going to use every bit of power we have left in our rings take one last shot at the android

John Stewart:a blast like that could destroy half the planet

Hal Jordan:half a planet better than none

J'onn:it's the only way

Dr fate:hm those words are always used to justify destruction

J'onn:we can only guess how much power the android has amassed it's way across the galaxy even defeated Yn it has to be stopped fate here and now not just the sake of this world but for all worlds

Dr fate:then for the sake of all worlds I will continue to seek a better way

Dr fate leaves

Back at luthor lab

Atom tries to attack amazo but Amazo swatted him as amazo grabs luthor

Amazo:you lied to me luthor manipulated me used me to serve your own despicable ends

Luthor:what are you waiting for just do it

Atom:good idea

Atom shrinks himself and luthor to a subatomic universe

Luthor:a subatomic universe

Atom:figured the android can't kill what it can't see

Amazo:oh but I can see you

Amazo grabs luthor and atom

Amazo:did you really think i couldn't follow you here no universe however large or small is denied to me

Luthor:what do want from me

Amazo:you have everything humans desire wealth,power yet you crave more and you'll do anything to get it why what is your ultimate purpose

Luthor:what you're really asking is what is yours

The green lanterns arrive in luthor lab but Dr fate stops them

Dr fate:wait please the androids nature has provided benign before I believe it will again

John Stewart:benign you call destroying Oa benign not even you can stand against the green lantern corps

Dr fate lets them pass as the lanterns don't see Amazo

John Stewart:what the devils going on

Dr fate:Lex Luthor is saving the world

Back to the subatomic universe

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Luthor:the truth is for all my struggles to make my mark in life for all I've accomplished in just a few short generations my name will be forgotten even the greatest of us can't compete with time and death

Amazo:then why do go on why does anyone why don't I just destroy you and everything else right now all it would take is a single thought and-

Luthor:no if you do that you won't see the end of it

Amazo:the end of what ?

Luthor:the evolutionary process you of all beings should know something about that

Amazo:yes I'm evolving that's why professor ivo made me these past months I have amassed so much knowledge and yet I remain confused empty what am I evolving into what is my purpose I must know tell me

Luthor:there's no way to tell and that's why I stay in the game my purpose if you will is to see where it's all going and you live forever you'll be able to see it all

Amazo:is that my purpose simply be a witness Yn told me I have all the information in the galaxy no the universe as to use that knowledge for good to help others use the knowledge save life's from future wars and illness I just wait till it happens or prevent it to know more information

Luthor:we create our own purpose in life now go create yours you know when I heard you were coming I was actually afraid of you petrified but now when I see your fear your uncertainty I just pity you

Atom:should have quit while you were ahead

Luthor,atom,Amazo are back in luthor lab

John Stewart:get of the way

Dr fate:it's over isn't it


John Stewart:he murders an entire world and it's over just like that I don't think so

Amazo:I did not destroy Oa I simply moved it to another dimension it was in my way

John Stewart:then could you move it back

Amazo eyes glowed


John Stewart:Yn was right you wouldn't destroy your just to smart

Dr fate:I can help you on your journey and your search for meaning

Amazo:help me why

Dr fate:because that is my purpose

Amazo:I accept your offer

Dr fate teleports himself and amazo to Dr fate home

Dr fate:we have another guest inza would you prepare a place for him

Inza:of course welcome are you all right

Dr fate:fine although there was a moment when I actually thought John Stewart was going to attack me

???:oh I don't know about that his barks a lot worse than his bite

The person revealed herself as it was hawkgirl aka shayera hol

(Well this week of updating JLU x male reader so it will be on hold for now so next week I'll be updating son of number one next week so be ready for that week of that book)

Also shoutout to Codegeass2023 for making awesome books

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