chapter 2

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Chapter 2
Three days earlier we see Floyd Lawton aka deadshot cleaning the prison floor and toilets.

John: who the fuck is deadshot?

Waller: Floyd Lawton someone who claims never to have missed a shot and he’s here for putting Batman in the icu.

John: damn.

Floyd: yeah now piss off

Waller: you have a visitor.

Floyd goes to the phones to see his sister Zoe Lawton. (Since Floyd is 18 in his Zoe will be his sister)

Zoe: *on the phone*

Floyd: *sighs why are you here?*

Zoe: why are you in jail!?

Floyd: I tried to kill Batman but it backfired on me!

Zoe: I hate you! You always get yourself in trouble!

Floyd: fuck you!!

Zoe: *hangs up and leaves*

Floyd: *sighs in anger*

Waller then tells him that Zoe was being sent to prison because she stole something.

Floyd: you’re threatening my fucking sister!!!

Amanda: I’m protecting this country. *the soldiers point their guns at Floyd* stand down.

Emila: miss Waller I-

Amanda: stand down!!!

Amanda: are you in or are you out.

Floyd: *sighs*

Amanda; good let’s meet your team.

They go to see a 18 year old man with brown hair.

Amanda: this is Christopher smith his father taught his son to kill from the moment he was born.

Floyd: he does exactly what I do.

Chris: but better.

Floyd: I hit my targets dead in the center.

Chris: I hit them more in the center.

Floyd: I use smaller bullets.

Chris: I use even smaller bullets they go inside your bullet holes without touching the sides.

They go to the other part of the prison to see a 17 year old half man half shark.

Chris: oh shit!!!

Floyd: what the fuck!!

Amanda: some say Nanaue is a descendent of a ancient shark god whatever the case he’s strong and deadly.

Nanaue: book read.

Chris: *sees the book is upside down* the books upside down look at that he’s pretending to read a book.

Nanaue: so smart me enjoy book so much.

They go to another cell

Amanda: next is digger harkness aka captain boomerang.

She opens it to see a 18 year old man with side burns.

Chris: that’s lame.

Digger: fuck you!

They then go to the womens part of the prison.

Amanda: next is Cleo cazo Ratcatcher 2.

She opens the door to show a 14 year old girl with dark hair

Amanda: cazo will you be joining us this morning?

Cleo: I can’t I don’t function well early in the morning.

Amanda: my deepest apologies for disturbing you.

Cleo: it’s alright.

Amanda: *bangs on the door* get your ass out here!!

Cleo gets up whining a bit and a rat goes on her shoulder.

Floyd: that’s coming with us!?

Amanda: she’s controls rats.

Floyd: I heard, that’s a disgusting super power.

Cleo: this is Sebastian say hi Sebastian. *Sebastian wanted to shake his hand*

Floyd: I’m not shaking the rats hand.

Sebastian: *sad*

Amanda: next is abner krill the polka dot man.

The door opens to see a 14 year old boy with black hair and something on his neck.

Chris: *snorts* polka dot man what does he do throw polka dots at people. *sees Amanda’s serious face* he does he throws polka dots at people?

Abner: *blushes seeing Cleo*

Calendar man: hey polka dot man I was hoping you would entertain my kids birthday you fucking pussy!! Hahahahahah!!!

Floyd: these are soldiers?

Amanda: we need a debrief.

Floyd: *sees weasel licking the glass* fuck.

End chapter

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