Chp.1 Jocelyn's Evil Spirit

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As Holly, her mother Josephine Joestar, and Avdol were on their way to the police station to get Jocelyn out of bars, Jocelyn then was still laying there on the bed, playing with some toys and other stuffs that her evil "spirit" brought to her, she was playing a remote control toy car as she then got bored and made the toy car crash to the wall, she then started to menacingly stare at the two police officers as they were hiding behind the wall...

Officer #1: Its getting more terrifying! Shes got more stuff in her cell now! And she's so violent as well!

Officer #2: I guess she was right about the whole evil spirit possessing her! And by the looks of it its more dangerous! Damn it if the warden finds out about this then he'll fire both of us and lose our jobs in a heartbeat!

Suddenly, a woman on her 60's then appeared behind the two officers as Josephine, Avdol and Holly arrive as Josephine then says...

Josephine: Don't worry. She's no longer your guys problem now. Now that I'm here ill be taking my granddaughter home.

Jocelyn: Your granddaughter??

Officer #2: W-Wait a minute ma'am! What are you planning to do?! You can't go any further ma'am!

Officer #1: I have to agree! Thats far enough for you to be! Its too dangerous to get near her-

Josephine: Its fine! Now step aside, you two are in my way!

Josephine then lifts the two officers by their shirts and tosses them towards the wall as Jocelyn got up from the bed and is wondering who is this old woman...

Jocelyn: Hey, who the hell are you, you old woman??!

Holly: Jocelyn sweetie, this is your grandmother, Josephine Joestar. What ever is happening with you she can be able to help you. Please come out and talk with her.

Josephine then started to walk over to Jocelyn as they both stood directly at each other from each other side, Josephine then opens the cage and says to Jocelyn...

Josephine: Come out. Its time to go home.

Jocelyn: Get lost old lady. I didn't ask to come here. Besides, you really think you can help me?? An old hag like you?? Sorry you came all the way from New York, but nobody can't help me grandma!

Jocelyn then suddenly shows a little robot pinky to Josephine as she then looked shocked...

Josephine Mind: Huh?! Wait! Thats my pinky from my prosthetic left hand! When was she able to take it?!

Jocelyn: So did you see it?? Or feel it?? Thats the evil spirit I'm talking about.

Jocelyn then tosses Josephine's prosthetic pinky to him as he catches it...

Jocelyn: I'll ask again: just stay away from me, or I'll have whats left of your life.

Jocelyn then goes back to the bed as she sits on the bed as she continues to relax...

Josephine: Hmmm. Alright then. If I can't get her out of there, then maybe Avdol can. *snaps fingers* Avdol, your up.

Avdol then started walking over to help out Josephine...

Joseph: Allow me to introduce you to a friend from Egypt I met three years ago...this is Avdol.

Avdol: Nice to meet you, Jocelyn.

Jocelyn: Hmm??

Josephine: Avdol, force my granddaughter out of its cell.

Jocelyn: Tch. Don't even think about it. Sure he may look strong, but do you really think I'd let someone to force me out of here just because you said so?? I don't work like that, in fact, you just made me feel to stay in this cell more longer.

Avdol: I'm afraid this will get a bit rough. But in a few minutes she will be nothing in so much pain that he'll be begging for you to let him out of this cell.

Josephine: Just do what you gotta do. Whatever it takes.

Holly: Mama! You cant be serious! You honestly think you would just let Avdol hurt Jocelyn??!

Joseph: Its the only way sweetie. Besides, she may be a female, but she's acts like some sort of tough bad girl. So Avdol will handle it.

Avdol: Now Jocelyn, I wont go easy on you just because your a girl. You asked for this.

Jocelyn: Whatever. It's not like you can't do anything to force me out on this cell. Just try and give me your best.

Avdol: Alright then. You asked for it.

Suddenly, Avdol somehow summon a big humanoid figure with a bird like head, muscular from his upper body and flames covering its bottom body as it also had claws as well...

Jocelyn: What the?!

Josephine: Ha! Thats right. Avdol here also has what you call it an evil spirit. That is also under the command of Avdol. And its name is...Magicinas Red!!!

Avdol's spirit then was abke to go through the bars easily as his spirit then summon falming ropes as it tied up Jocelyn...

Jocelyn: Damn it! What is this shit?! I feel so hot all of the sudden! My arms, there feeling like I'm burning up! Just what kind of spirit is this?!?

Magicians Red then started to hold onto Jocelyn as it started to force her to get out of the cell, but suddenky Jocelyn then started to deel like her spirit is coming out as she can feel it as it apoeared...

Jocelyn: OORRAAAAA!!!!

Her spirit then allow Avdol's Magicinas Red spirit to back away as Josephine and Holly finally get to see Jocelyn's spirit...

Jospehine: Aha! It came out! It finally show itself! And the fact it is so clearly visible means that it must be so powerful!

Jocelyn: Tch! Damn you...alright then, lets do this!!

Jocelyn then points out her spirit to Avdol's spirit as hers then was so fast she flew through the bars and quickly grabbed Avdol's Magicinas Red's neck, and also knowing that since Avdol can control his spirit, eveything that happens to his spirit, will happen to him the same thing, just like now, his neck is getting grabbed by Jocelyn's spirit...

Avdol: I can't believe she's able to make it manifest this clearly. Good job!

Jocelyn: I cant believe you have a spirit with you as well...and let me guess "Grandma" you know about these spirits as well??

Josephine: Of course I do.

Avdol: Mrs.Joestar, you asked me to get your granddaughter out of this cell. I was planning on holding back, but considering its unexpected power, one misstep and we'll all be in danger. Shall I stop? If you still insist that I get her out, then I have to be more violent enough, to send your granddaughter to the hospital!

Jospehine: Just do whatever it takes. Give it a shot. She can probably handle it.

Avdol: Yes Ma'am! Red Bind!!

Avdol's spirit then somehow summon more flaming ropes as it started tying up Jocelyn up and pulls her tiwards the cage, crashing her body to it...

Jocelyn: D-Damn it!

Holly: Mama thats enough! What are you doing to Jocelyn!?

Jospeh: Holly sweetie, let Mama handle this and finish what he started. Don't worry.

Joceyln: D-Damn it! I-I cant breathe!

As Jocelyn was tied up by Magicinas Red's bind, her spirit suddenly started to fade away slowly...

Holly: Her spirit is being withdrawn!

Josephine: The heat is restricting her breathing. Which causes the evil spirit to be weakened. And now for the truth. This may be an evil spirit but its far from it. Jocelyn listen carefully,, this thing you actually belive that possesed you is actually a powerful vision, created by your own life energy, this vision will always stand by your side no matter what, and because of that we call it...A Stand!!

Jocelyn: A-A stand?!

Avdol: As told in Aesop's fable, the cold wind only made the travler pull his coat on tight, but the heat made him admit defeat. So, do you still wanna get out of this cell, Jocelyn?

Jocelyn: Enough of this shit! I wont get out for one reason, is because I keep harming others without realizing it. Sure it interests me that you have an evil spirit as well too. But if you keep this going on...your going to die.

Jocelyn then was able to move her legs as she then kicks the table behind her with full strength as the table was sent flying crashing to the toilet and cause the water from it to spread everywhere, the water then was affective against Magicians red due to him being a flaming spirit, with that it then let Jocelyn free.

Jocelyn: You had your chance...nows my turn!

Jocelyn's Spirit: OOORAAAAA!!!

Jocelyn's spirit then emerge out again as it then destroyed all the bars as it grabbed two of them and made them into sharp objects, her spirit then was ready to strike Avdol as Avdol was ready, as Jocelyn's spirit was close to strike Avdol, Avdol then quickly turned around calmly as he walks away and his spirit then fades away to his body.

Jocelyn: Oi! What the hell?! Why the hell you suddenly turn your back on me?! We're not done!

Avdol then sat down leaning against the wall as he then says to Josephine...

Avdol: Mrs.Joestar, she has got out from her cell, I've accomplish on what you want me to do, right?

Josephine: Yes. Good job Avdol.

Josephine then starred at her granddaughter as Jocelyn's spirit then fade away to her body as she then says to Avdol...

Jocelyn: Okay so now what?? Your just gonna let me win like that??

Avdol: Not exactly. I was still truly planning on sending you to the hospital, but I didnt expect such power from your stand.

Jocelyn then pointed the steel rod bar to Avdol as she replies...

Jocelyn: And if i kept going and place this steel rod through your body, what will you do??

Avdol: My stand Magicinas red's body is made with flames, it can easily melt that steel rod your holding if you kept on going.

Jocelyn: *smirks* fair enough.

Jocelyn then tosses the steel rod away as Holly rushes towards Jocleyn and hugs her from her arm...

Holly: Oh Jocelyn sweetie! I'm so glad your out of the cell!

Jocelyn: Tch. Whatever. So, old hag. Care to tell me more about these evil spirits you know all about??

Josephine: Yes. But if you wanna know more of them, you'll need to leave this jail and come with us already.

Jocelyn: ...Fine.


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