Chp.27 Steely Dan: The Lovers Pt.2

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As Heirophant Green and Silver Chariot make their way to Josephine's brain, but somehow can't fight the enemy around the people here in town, so Kakyoin asks the owner to buy the TV they are using that contacts to Josephine's brain, as they bought it, the three run over to another area where is quiet and no people to worry about....

Kakyoin: Here you guys! Hurry!

Polnareff: Aly Oop!

Kakyoin: Alright Mr.Joestar! It's ready.

Josephine: Okay, Hermit Purple!

With Hermit Purple turning the TV back on, Silver Chariot and Heirophant Green then made it to the destination where the lovers is...but they found themselves even mor terrifying inside Josephine's brain...

Polnareff/Kakyoin: Fleshbuds!

Kakyoin: These are the tentacles of the flesh buds!

Polnareff: Great, we've finally arrive and yet the fleshbuds has taken over!

Kakyoin: Polnareff look!

They both then found themselves the stand enemy, the lovers...

Polnareff: It's him!

Kakyoin: Look at that thing! It's using his weird claws to o dig under neath Mr.Joestar's brain to feed the flesh buds! We have to defeat him before it's too late!

Polnareff: Indeed! I will do a fine cut on him! Come here you!

Silver Chariot then charges to the lovers as the lovers charges at him as it tried to use his claws to attack Silver Chariot...

Polnareff: Oh no you don't!

Silver Chariot then blocks the lovers strike as he then uses his speeding sword skills to slice up the lovers...

Kakyoin: We did it!

Polnareff: No, not quite. This thing is quite fast. I gotta say Kakyoin, it was easier than we thought it would be to defeat him. I guess-

Kakyoin: Polnareff, who are you talking to?!

Suddenly, Polnareff notice that Kakyoin was over there on his left..:but the Kakyoin he was talking to is with him?? Suddenly, the Kakyoin he was talking to somehow melted as the real stand, the lovers revealed himself as he strikes Polnareff with his claws towards his gut, causing Polnareff to spat out blood...

Kakyoin: Polnareff!

Kakyoin: Wh-What the?!? How did he-

Lovers: Both of you are such utter fools! You idiots completely fell for it!

Suddenly, the imposter lovers that Polnareff defeated stated to split up in two as it then made clones of two!

Lovers: HaHa! With my power of cloning myself and multiplying a lot of me's! You have no hope of winning!

Kakyoin: Oh yeah? Take this! Emerald Splash!

Heirophant Green's Emerald Splash causes the lovers clone to be torn into pieces...

Polnareff: Did it work!?

Kakyoin: N-No! Look! Their starting to multiply themselves even more! Emerald Splash Again!

Again using Emerald Splash to the lovers as they all got torn into pieces again, and still they keep cloning themselves more and more...

Josephine: D-Damn it! There's a lot of it! The more they get hit, the more they multiply! *sighs* I-I can't believe I'm saying this...but it's no's over.

Kakyoin: We can't quit Mr.Joestar! We'll fight to the end!

Polnareff: Yeah!

Josephine: Right...

Kakyoin Mind: Damn. They all look the same. Which one is the real stand?! Can't tell them apart! ...Aha! I know how I can tell!

Meanwhile, at a Jewelry store, (YN) and Jocelyn we're still with Dan inside the store as he started chuckling...

Dan: Hey now, take a look at those nice good looking bracelet you two. That's some good old bracelet to make a girl fall in love with you. Say Jocelyn.

Jocelyn: ...

Dan: See that hole space in the glass? Use your stand to sneak through it and steal it for me.

Jocelyn stood quite the fact she was ignoring him as Dan walks up to her and whispers to her while he grabs her by the hair...

Dan: Steal it, you bitch! Hurry it up! If you know what's good for you, I mean I don't mind breaking the glass and steal it myself...then again, I would get my ass beat in a bloody pulp and knowing your grandmother will feel my pain and end up being killed like a worthless old hag.

Dan lets go of her hair, as for (YN), he was trying not to blow a fuse the fact Dan is hurting Jocelyn, but then again, he has to calm himself, for Jocelyn. He then notice Jocelyn walking to the glass as she summons Star Platinum's hand to get ready to steal the bracelet, but he won't let that happen as he walks over her and tells her...

(YN): No. don't do it.

Jocelyn: The hell your doing?! I have-

(YN): Let me do it.

Jocelyn: Wh-What?!

(YN): Just let me do it. Trust me.

By Jocelyn looking straight to (YN)'s eyes, she started to believe in him as she lets (YN) steal the bracelet...

Dan: Just hurry it up before the owner sees in our direction.

(YN) quickly summons Ghost Rider's arm as he goes through the glass and grabs the bracelet and takes it out through the hole of it...

Dan: Very good. And one more thing...HEY!!! This guy is shoplifting!

Jocelyn: Huh?!

(YN): Son of a...

Dan: Please do something! This guy is shoplifting! Come on salesman!

Salesman: I'll go get some help! Don't let him get away!

Dan: Sure thing *chuckles*

(YN): Bastard...

Suddenly, three big guys then came walking towards (YN)...

Big Guy #1: Alright then. Where's the thief at?

Big Guy #3: Is it that brat?!

Big Guy #2: You know back in my days, when someone try to steal something, we chop off their fingers off!

(YN): Tch.

Dan: Oh (YN). Don't forget. Try not to use your stand against these men. Come on now Jocelyn.

Dan grabs Jocelyn by her hand, pulls her towards him as he tells her...

Dan: Now watch closely as your about to see your good friend here get beat up to death by these big guys.

Dan holds onto Jocelyn's face as he was forcing her to stare at (YN) as her and (YN) we're starting for a while until then...(YN) notice something that he witness for the very first time....seeing Jocelyn shedding a tear from her eye, like if she was crying....

(YN): she-

Big Guy #1: PUNK!

One of the big guys had a wooden bat as he wings it towards (YN)'s side face, knocking him out as it busted his head open, the three men started beating the living hell out of (YN) as Jocelyn was force to watch him get beat up as Dan started to chuckle and enjoy it, Dan takes Jocelyn with her outside as they leave far away from the shop...

Dan: HaHaHaHaHa! Oh man! That was so fun to watch him die like a chump!

Dan then turns around as he notice Jocelyn standing for a moment as realizes tears coming out from her eyes...

Dan: Awwww. What's the matter Jocelyn? Are you crying that you lost your buddy over there?

Jocelyn ignores him...

Dan: Tch. Answer me you bitch!

Dan aggressively slaps Jocelyn as she falls down to the ground as Dan starts to laugh like an Jocelyn was at the ground, with blood on her mouth, she started talking on her mind as she says...

Jocelyn Mind: I'm not crying the fact (YN) died, I already know he can't be killed due to his stand...I'm crying....because the fact he is doing everything he can to help me and end this! Every trouble I get into with an enemy, he comes and saves me! Like always! And look at right now...he just saved me from getting beaten up by grown men...he...he really cares about me....But for now, this whole mess is about to end...I can feel it...

Back at the Jewelry shop, the three big men carried (YN)'s body and tosses him outside to think they killed him...

Big Guy #3: That'll teach that asshole a lesson.

As the big guys turned around and we're about to walk away, they heard (YN) grunting as they notice him standing up...

Big Guy #1: Tch. Looks like we're not finish. Come on boys, let's finish him this time for good.

Two of the big guys then pick (YN) up by his arms as they hold him as the other big guys was holding on the metal bat as he gets ready to swing it to (YN), as the big guy swings the wooden bat to (YN) with full force, (YN) quickly opens his mouth wide as he suddenly catches the wooden with its wide mouth and bites it into pieces...

Big Guy #1: WH-WHAT?!?

(YN) then jumps and kicks the big guy towards his face, sending him crashing towards the wall as for the two that was holding him, he then uses Ghost Rider's strength somehow to toss the other two that was holding him towards a wall, as they all crash towards the wall, the three notice (YN) walking towards them slowly as he started recovering his whole body and heading his wounds as he was menacing starring at them...

Big guy #2: Th-That brat's wounds! Th-There gone!

Big guy #1: B-But how!? We left him some nasty marks on him!

(YN) then was able to garb the three big guys shirt at once with two of his hands, stares at them angrily as his eyes suddenly were changing eye color from brown to red as his stand, Ghost Rider slowly started to appear to (YN)'s face as he reveals his slamming scary skull to the big guys as the three screamed in fear like if their souls were almost about to fly away from their bodies...after that, (YN) lets them go as the big guys were startled in fear and sweating a lot as they ran away from him with fear...

(YN): Bastards...

He then remembers the fact he saw Jocelyn she'd a tear of crying right infringe of him, knowing that Dan has already crossed the line and took it too far...

(YN): motherfucker! Your gonna pay! For what your doing to Ms.Joestar, and I'm going to make you suffer, for what your doing to Jocelyn as well!

Meanwhile, back with Jocelyn still on the ground, but not anymore. As she suddenly started chucking....

Dan: Hey! What the hell are you laughing Jocelyn?! What's so damn funny you stupid bitch!?

Jocelyn: Hehe. Nothing. I'm laughing because your punishment is now double. And I'm excited to get my payback. Been waiting a while for this moment, and it's getting me really tingly.

Dan: Why You!

Dan steps on Jocelyn from her back...

Dan: It seems we have some misunderstanding! You just don't listen do you! You just saw your old buddy (YN) die in front of you and now you know that fact your old ass grandfather is about to die by a bunch of flesh buds! That's the reality your facing!

Jocelyn: *chuckles* How sad. You don't know us well, don't you? You really think (YN) died? Think again. You may know he has a stand but he can't be killed nor die because of his stand. And you also don't know anything about Kakyoin at all as well.

Dan: Come again?!

Back with Kakyoin, Polnareff and Joseph, Kakyoin then was smiling the fact he knows that he is about to finish it with one final move up on his sleeve...

Kakyoin: Hehe. I see. It seems to me that we have won already. Before you all keep having your hopes up on thinking you guys already won, if you haven't realize, my Heirophant Green has another certain ability, it has the power to spread roots along the ground, so I can inspect every single one of you guys!

Lovers: GAAGH!! How did I not notice about it?!

One of Heirophant Green's roots started to glow on one of the lovers, which means that the glowing with it, is the real stand...

Kakyoin: So Your the real one! Take this! Emerald Spash!

With Heirophant Green's Emerald Splash, it then finally hit the real stand as it hit the stand's forehead as blood started to bury our from it...

Polnareff/Josephine: Success!

As the real stand lovers got hit, it then started using his claws to dig and planning to run away...

Polnareff: Hey look! It already knows he already out of his league the fact he lost and is trying to escape!

Kakyoin: That means he digging out of his way to escape Mr.Joestar's brain!

Josephine: Say what now?! He's about to get out of my head?!

Polnareff: Alrighty then! That's good right?

Kakyoin: Yes but Mr.Joestar, the flesh buds!

Josephine: Leave it to me!

Josephine then places both her hands onto the side of her head as he yells...

Josephine: Overdrive!

With Josephine's using her Hamon against the fleshbuds, the fleshbuds inside of them started to vanish and gone for good...

Josephine: *sighs* oh man. Thank god that's over.

Polnareff: Hehe, well if you ask me this whole experience has brought us closer together no?

Josephine: You're being too encouraging....wait! If that thing is leaving my brain, then wouldn't mean that-

The theee notice that the stand got out from Mr.Joestar's head as it then quickly flies away to Steely Dan...

Polnareff: The bastards going to its owner!

Josephine: This is bad! Jocelyn and (YN) doesn't know their way of knowing!

Back with Jocelyn with the bastard Steely Dan, Steely Dan notice that his head got pierced up as blood burst out from his forehead...

Dan: Wh-What the?!-

Jocelyn gets up as she then smiles and says...

Jocelyn: Well now, looks like Kakyoin got your pretty damn good. Now that he's done, it's my turn to get my payback!

Steely Dan started to breathe heavily and started to have a fear on the look on his face as he was starting to become scared somehow and backing up a little...

Jocelyn: What's the matter? Why are you backing up? Don't you wanna tell me about my grandfather's death? I really love to know.

Steely Dan: N-No! This can't be! I can't be drafted like this! B-But how!? A-And what did you say about (YN)?! That he can't what?!-

As Dan kept backing away, he notice he bumped into someone behind, he slowly turns around to notice (YN) behind him...

(YN): *smiles* Hello.

Steely Dan: B-But you were dead! Those guys beat you up so bad! How!?! W-Wait?! Y-Your stand! I-I remember now what Lord Dio told me about it! Your stand somehow manages you not to be killed!

(YN): Tch. Seems like you forgot about it the fact you were having such joy time becoming an asshole. Especially to Jocelyn.

Steely Dan then collapse to the ground with both of his knees as he started to beg...

Dan: Please Jocelyn and (YN) forgive me! I didn't mean do such terrible things to you two! I swear! Please don't kill me! Here, (YN) you can have your wallet!

Steely Dan hands (YN) his wallet...

Dan: I-I can also let you two punch me, kick me, but please for the love of god, don't kill me!


Soon the lovers will return back to me, and this bitch Jocelyn and the idiot (YN) won't notice! this time I will have my stand go inside to Jocelyn's brain! There's no way your friend Kakyoin can help you for a far distance from here!

Dan then notices his stand coming already...

Dan: Yes! It's here It's here! Enter her ear now! I win after all!


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