Chp.34 Avdol Is Back!/End Of Judgement

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Polnareff then started to notice that as he wakes himself back up, as he notices there were two Avdol's, one that Judgement made for his wish and the other was behind the other Avdol, holding him as the real Avdol suddenly squished the fake Avdol's hand into dust..

Judgement: What?! Impossible!

Polnareff: I-I knew it! I was right! I knew there was another Avdol! My eyes weren't playing tricks after all! Beside the dirt dust version Cameo made...there's another Avdol!

Also, he then notices (YN) running towards him beside as he kicks Sherry straight to the face, letting Polnareff go...

Polnareff: What?! (YN) how did you-

(YN): Polnareff! Are you alright?! Thank goodness I came in time to save your ass!

Polnareff: R-Right! B-But looks who's over there! It's Avdol!

(YN) Mind: Oh right! I have to act thinking that Avdol is still dead, but since he's here to help me as well, I have to also act that he's back alive and surprised as well. Here goes...

(YN): N-No way! Could he be-

And yes, this Avdol is the real deal. How? Because this Avdol is summoning his stand...

Avdol: Magicians Red come forth!

Avdol summons Magicians Red as his stand uses his flames to burn the fake Avdol to death as it burned him to dust...

Judgement: But how?! He's suppose to be dead! Impossible! He was stabbed to death by Centerfold and shot by Hol Horse!

Polnareff: How the hell is he alive!?!

As Avdol's stand started to vanish and the flames on Avdol's finger disappear as well, he smiles at Polnareff and (YN) as he says...

Avdol: Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.

Polnareff: Muhammad Avdol!?!

Avdol: YEEEES!!!! I AM!!!!!!

Polnareff gets up with shock and surprised...

Polnareff: I-Is it really you!?

Avdol: Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.

Polnareff: I-Is it the real you I mean!?

Avdol: Polnareff, it seems you still haven't change a bit. You still lose your senses when it comes to your sister.

Judgement: No! Impossible! I refuse to accept this! Muhammad is dead! Hol Horse told me everything that he killed you with his bullet as for Centerfold stabbing you as well!

Avdol: Heh. Your correct on me being shot, right on the forehead. And that's said, once I was stabbed by Centerfold by the back, for a moment my face was looking up and the bullet only graced me. I suppose this is what you called blessing with an ending disguise. Hol Horse didn't realize that his bullet didn't went all the way through my head and hit my brain, it only was able to scratch my skin and Bruce my skull. Although I did lose consciousness for bit.

Judgement: Nrrrrrgh!

Avdol: So you call yourself Cameo of the judgement card! Hell is near, so prepare for...HELL 2 U!!!!

Polnareff couldn't believe his eyes that he is happy and glad to see his friend Avdol back alive....

Polnareff: I-It came true! The third wish! It actually came true!

Avdol: Muhammad Avdol is indeed alive as well. But I will call this bad news, shouldn't you go back and inform Dio and your fellow stand user friends about my return?

Cameo: Nrrrrrrgh!!

Polnareff: (YN) we have to tell them!

(YN): Huh?

Polnareff: We have to tell Mr.Joestar and the others that Avdol is back alive and well!

(YN): O-Oh right! We should *Oh boy...I wonder how this will end with poor Polnareff if Mr.Joestar tells him the truth*

Judgement: Heheh. This is very surprise news for sure. The way I see it, I can spin it this way. Not the fact My stand was able to slay down Polnareff. But also succeeded in eliminating Avdol, who is actually alive! Ooooh I can't wait to tell them the good news!

Judgement then started to rush at Avdol as Avdol summons Magicians Red to strike a punch to him, but Judgement was fast enough to block it, and throw Magicians Red away crashing to a tree, hurting Avdol...

Polnareff: Avdol! Be careful, it's not just his strength, it's his speed! It's incredible!

Judgement: Hehehe. Come now Avdol, is that all you got. Killing you again and Polnareff will gladly have some good news to tell lord Dio and the others.

Avdol: Hm!

Judgement: May fortune...

Judgement then grabbed Sherry by her head..

Judgement: Be with you both!!!

He tosses Sherry towards Avdol as he uses Magicians Red to block it, causing Sherry to be destroyed half as her upper body landed on top of Polnareff, falling to the ground as well...

Sherry: B-Big brother??

Polnareff: N-No...don't do this again...your not the real real one is gone, in the skies, as her body is resting in peace...but your...your nothing but...a clay doll!

As Polnareff stood up holding Sherry on his hands, he summoned Silver Chariot as it stabbed the fake Sherry...

Sherry: B-Big brother...

The fake Sherry then started to crumble into dust....

Avdol: Polnareff. Apologies. I would like to take back about you not changing.

Polnareff: No. you're right all along about me. I should be the one apologizing.

Avdol places his hand to Polnareff's shoulder...until...

Judgement: HAHAHAHAHAAA!!!

Cameo appeared out of no where as it goes after Polnareff and Avdol, as it strikes punches to them, sending them flying away crashing to a tree...

Cameo: Hehehe. This battle will end in seconds.

Judgement then flies towards them again as he then gets ready to kill he was about to, flaming chains appeared out of no where somehow as it the reached to Judgement and started wrapping around its neck as it started to choke and feel some burn from them...

Judgement: Wh-What?! A-ACK!! How the-

Polnareff/Avdol: (YN)!!

(YN) was there to save his friends to stop and end this...

(YN): Well, what do you know. Looks like someone is getting a bit too cocky.

Judgement: Y-You!!! I-I heard about you! Y-Your (YN)!!! Lord Dio told me about you!! AAACK!!! I-I don't know what your stand does but he said I have to be careful and be warned about you!!!

(YN): And by the looks of it, you forgot. Why? For being too cocky and to true my friend Polnareff.

Judgement: J-Just Wh-What the hell is this!?! How is your stand this strong!?! And what the hell is up with these chains!?! It's like their burning my neck!!!

(YN): Tell you what, I'll let you go, if you somehow show your real self. And I mean the stand user! If not, then I will burn you alive!

Judgement: O-Okay Okay Okay!!!

Suddenly, some dirt was moving besides (YN) as he didn't notice a stick that had a hole in it, someone emerge out from the dirt beside him as the stand user was revealed...Cameo was the stand users name..

Cameo: P-Please let go! I'm already out! What else you want from me!?!

(YN): Tch. Just look what you done. You had the balls to use Polnareff's dead sister lie some doll game. That really pisses me off.

Cameo: S-Sorry! I-I didn't mea-AAAACK!!!

(YN): Sorry ain't gonna help it pal. It's too late for that. And now you should be punish for what you did...and hell will be ready for you....SO HELL 2 U!!!

(YN) uses Ghost Rider's strength to squeeze Cameo's stands neck real tight as both of their eyeballs started to pop out as Cameo started to burn up, and so as his stand as Ghost Rider then goes towards Cameos stand and then bursts flames out from its mouth, burning Cameo's stand, alongside with him as he screams in pain...after that, Cameo's body was melted and yet his stand was no longer anymore, everything was over.


(YN): Phew. Well that settles it.

Polnareff: Alright (YN)! Way the go! I mean I would kill that bastard myself for what he did but hey I should thank you for that!

(YN): Anytime.

Polnareff: And oh boy! Aren't you glad that Avdol is back alive! I'm sure I am!

(YN): Yeah, I was so surprised he's back alive *winks at Avdol*

Avdol: *chuckles*

Polnareff: Well then. Now that this is over. Let's go find the others and tell them Avdol is back!

Polnareff started to rush as he can't wait to tell the rest about Avdol being back...

Avdol: That was some good acting young (YN).

(YN): Heh. I did my best. Besides, I wonder how bad I'm gonna feel when Ms.Joestar tell him the truth.

Avdol: Hehe. I'm sure he can handle it.

Polnareff: Come on you two!

Avdol/(YN): Coming.


Minutes go by as Polnareff finds Josephine, Jocelyn and he was all excited and happy..

Polnareff: Hey I found you guys! Guess what?! You won't believe what I'm about to tell you all!

Josephine: Polnareff! There you are!

Kakyoin: Where did those injuries come from?!

Jocelyn: Some kind of enemy??

Polnareff: My wounds are nothing compared by my news! Now listen up all! Who do you guys think I met?! Prepare to be blown away! And look! Here he is! Avdol!!! He alive and well!!!!

Josephine: ....Well, I guess we should get going.

Avdol: Here allow me to help you with that luggage Mr.Joestar.

Josephine: So hows it going with that wound Avdol?

Avdol: It's perfectly healed. Thanks for asking.

Jocelyn: And (YN), you okay? Nothing bad happen while looking for Polnareff?

(YN): Oh I'm fine. But what's important is about making sure Avdol is okay as well, isn't that right Mr.Avdol.

Avdol: *chuckles* I guess yeah.

Kakyoin: It's sure glad to have you back after these three weeks Mr.Avdol.

Avdol: Same here Kakyoin.

Polnareff somehow was starting to become confused the fact that nobody seemed surprised to see Avdol back's like they act like everything is normal...

Polnareff: H-Hey guys...wait a minute...Guys?? ....NRRRRRRGH!! Hey you assholes!!!!!

Everyone turned around...

Polnareff: Whats with you guys lousy attitude?! A man who we thought is dead is back alive and how the hell you guys will just act like this is normal!!!!????

Josephine: Oh yeah..I'm sorry about that Polnareff. When I told you about giving Avdol a proper grave back at India...I may have lie about it.

Polnareff: Wha-WHAT?! What the hell!?!

Avdol: Mrs.Joestar, Jocelyn and (YN) we're the ones who took me to the medic to treat my wound back at India, After I was shot by Hol Horse.

Polnareff: Wha-HUH?! Y-You assholes have known Avdol was alive those whole entire time! But (YN) looked surprise back there when he saw Avdol alive!

(YN): It's called acting my friend.

Polnareff: Acting my ass! You, Jocelyn and Mr.Joestar should have told me way back at India! And I'm most surprised about you too Kakyoin!

Kakyoin: I only found out the day after it all happened. But it was risky not to let the enemy know about it, Since you have a big mouth I suggest to keep my mouth shut...what I'm trying to say is that your too stupid to keep things secrets.

Polnareff: Huh???

Jocelyn: If you let the secret slip, Avdol wouldn't have been alive and well in peace.

(YN): We we're planning to let you know at the beginning that he was safe, but never knew you would ran up to him first than us.

Polnareff: Oh yeah! Avdol, we've found your father living here on this island! Come on let's go and tell him that your-

Avdol: Oh. That was me in disguise.

Polnareff started to whomp and cry the fact he's being bullied a lot LMAO XD....

Polnareff: ....S-So you were in it as well this whole time in the beginning....??! You didn't have to go that far! How dare you!

Josephine: Now Now Polnareff chin up will ya? There's no reason to cry.

Kakyoin: I'm truly sorry Polnareff. I truly didn't think you would be this hurt.

Jocelyn: Hmm.

(YN): *chuckles*

Avdol: I apologize as well Polnareff. But there is a reason I have to disguise and live on this island.

Polnareff: Really? Like what?

Josephine: It was partially not to let the enemy know, but also have Avdol do some shopping for me while he was laying low.

Polnareff: What kind of shopping?

Avdol: Since it was a very conspicuous purchase, I disguise myself as wealthy gentle rich Arab when I went shopping.

Josephine: Alright you guys! Let's climb aboard and head out! And Polnareff, for the love of god cheer up already, it's almost here.

Polnareff: Whats almost here?? I don't see anything.

Suddenly, something was emerging out from the ocean as a humongous yellow submarine emerge out from the ocean...

Polnareff: What?!? Woh! A submarine!

Josephine: That's right! From here and out! We are heading to Egypt with this Submarine!

And so, as everyone are reunited back together with Avdol, they can finally now manage to head over to their next destination...Egypt.


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