Chp.36 End Of High Priestess

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After the submarine hits the floor of the bottom of the ocean, Josephine manage to wake up after her consciousness, knowing that the whole submarine is about to be flooded. Josephine and the others make a run for to escape the submarine as they all arrive to a room where they found themselves oxygen tanks and a regulator to breathe in and out from the oxygen tank...

Josephine: Oh crap. We only have enough for 5 people. We don't have an extra one for (YN).

Jocelyn: Yare Yare Old hag. You really forgot don't you? The fact that his stand doesn't allow both of them to die?

(YN): Hehe. You know me too well Jocelyn.

Jocelyn: ...Whatever *blushes*

Avdol: Jocelyn has a point. (YN) can just swim without using an oxygen tank. No matter if he starts to drown, nothing can kill him nor his stand.

Josephine: Right Right. Okay, besides (YN), does anyone know how to scuba dive?

Polnareff: Nope.

Kakyoin: No, sorry.

Jocelyn: Never.

Avdol: Mrs.Joestar, you have to teach us quick before the High Priestess attack us any second.

Josephine: Try to calm yourself Avdol, you must learn to not panic no matter what. That is the important thing about scuba diving. When you're traveling underwater, for every ten meters you go below the surface, the pressure increases by one atmosphere. At the surface, there's one atmosphere of pressure. We're about 40 meters below the surface right now. So we'll endure five atmosphere of pressure. But if we swim too quickly, the surface pressure will burst our lungs inside, so we have to take it slowly. Okay now, I'm letting the water in.

Josephine turns on a wheel to let the water flood from the room where there are...

Josephine: Okay now listen closely. What you have that is connected to the oxygen tank is a regulator. It allows you to breathe in and out or air from the tank. Oh and since we can't talk underwater, we will use hand signals. Simple we will use two only. When things are going smooth we'll use the "okay" signal. But when they are not, use this signal.

Avdol: But Mrs.Joestar, couldn't we use our stands to communicate each other better underwater?

Joseph: Oh right. I didn't think of that.

Polnareff: Awww man. And I was just gonna say that I really know a good hand signal.

Josephine: Really?

Polnareff then shows them his hand signal...

Kakyoin: He saying "Your underwear is showing"

Polnareff: NICE!!!

Both Polnareff did the most, and yet the best manliest handshakes...

Josephine: Oh for the love of—We can be killed in any moment! Stop fooling around and let's go! Put on your regulators and your masks the sub is already being flooded.

Everyone, expect (YN) put on their regulators on their mouths and masks to see underwater better as Joseph opens the door as they all exit the submarine and are at the bottom of the ocean. They all started swimming their way to the coast of Egypt...

Polnareff: WOW. Look at this. How beautiful down here. This can be a perfect place to go out on vacation.

Josephine: This isn't time for your silliness Polnareff. We have to get out of the surface now before we run out of oxygen.

Kakyoin: You think we're safe here?

Avdol: Indeed. The high priestess maybe transform into metal and solid objects but not things like bubbles or fishes or from the sea foam.

Josephine: Just keep your eyes peeled. If she pursues us, it'll probably transform into one of our oxygen tanks. Oh and be careful for falling pebbles and rocks.

Avdol: Hey look up there. I think it's a sea tunnel.

Josephine: We're in 7 meters. We've finally arrive at the Egyptian shore.

Avdol: We can swim along to those rocks to get to the surface.

But everything changed as the sea tunnel, turns out to be nothing but a huge rock face look like, with huge eyes, nose and moth with hard solid teeth's...the face rock suddenly moves as it opens its moth and started inhaling the crusaders inside...

Jocelyn: Wh-What the hell!?!

Polnareff: Dont tell me this giant face rock is-

Avdol: Yes! It's the stand! It somehow disguised as the sea bed! It's so big!

Josephine: Damn it! It's impossible to fight back while inhaling is to its mouth! It's damn gigantic!

High Priestess: You idiots are too slow. Didn't it cross your mind. If the rocks are made out of minerals as well, I can transform into rocks as well as long as their made out of minerals.

Kakyoin: That's it! The stands power has increased stormer because the user is nearby! She's closer than we think!

High Priestess: You guessed it. At to be more clear, I'm seven meters above on the shore. But the High Priestess will grind you all to bits. You'll never get the chance to see my face. So long!

The crusaders then were inside the mouth of the giant rock face, High Priestess in terms, as they all landed on its huge tongue...

Kakyoin: It's so dark in here.

Josephine: Seems we're still inside it's mouth.

High Priestess: Yoo-Hoo. (YN).

(YN): Huh??

High Priestess: Believe it or not, Lord Dio has told me everything about you belong these idiots out. But that's not the point, what I'm saying is that you've have always been my type~ when he told me about you. But it's going to be more painful for you than me. But it's too bad I have to make my stand, the High Priestess digest you. How sad. If only we had met under other circumstances. But if I kill you, Lord Dio will shall praise me. So don't hate me~

Polnareff: Hmmmm. Oh (YN)..

(YN): What?

Polnareff started whispering on (YN)'s war as he was telling him to say something to the stand user, Rose...

(YN): ...Good grief. Do I have too?

Polnareff: Will you just say it! Hurry up and get on with it.

Jocelyn: Say what??

Kakyoin: Ahhh. I see.

(YN) then replies to Rose...

(YN): *sighs* you know Rose, it's a shame things turn out to be like this. I'd also like to see your face once. You would have been my type to. If you were well, we would have something serious.

Jocelyn Mind: Tch. It's not like she even has the chance to be with (YN)....this bitch. Who the hell she think she is trying to get at (YN)?! I know him way more than her! And I'm even closer with him! .......Wait. What the hell am I saying??!

Says Jocelyn from her mind with such Jealousy somehow...after what (YN) said to Rose, inside her stands mouth started to glow red like if she blushed...but then again, it didn't seem like she was blushing at all, it felt like she started to growl as she was angry...

High Priestess: You bastard! You don't even mean any thing at all!

High Priestess's tongue was lifted and caused the crusaders to fly up...


Kakyoin: Everyone! Look the stands tongue! Look out!!

High Priestess: (YN)!

The stand's tongue then strikes at (YN) as he then starts flying away crashing below and between the stands teeth's...

Avdol: That's not good!

Josephine: He landed right on the molars!

Polnareff: (YN) get out of there now!

Jocelyn: (YN)!!!

Josephine: Jocelyn Dont!!!

Jocelyn goes to help (YN) our as they both notice that the stands molars teeth were about to squish them. They both summoned their stands to stop the molars from being squashed...

High Priestess: Oh give up you two! My teeth's are hard as diamonds! You both will never break them!

Josephine: We have to save them-

High Priestess: Stay out of my way!

Polnareff: Guys!! The tongue again!!

The tongue strikes the others again as the stand's teeth started to squish them as Jocelyn's oxygen tank got exploded as the two of them were not to be seen...and sadly...squished by the High Priestess teeth's...

Josephine/Avdol/Kakyoin/Polnareff: NOOOOOOOOO!!!

Polnareff: No! Those giant teeth's pulverized them!

Josephine: J-Jocelyn...(Y-YN)...

Avdol: D-Damn...w-we didn't make it in time...

They all started to feel bad the fact they thought they have lost Jocelyn and (YN), but suddenly and luckily, Josephine started to hear something behind the teeth's...

Josephine: Hey wait a sec! I think I can hear something!

Avdol: It sounds like its coming far away.

Kakyoin: And yet, it's coming closer and closer.

Polnareff m: Th-Those voices! They belong to-

Then they started hearing voices as it was getting closer and smashing and punching as well as they hear the voices saying "Ora" repeatedly and quickly...

Polnareff: The teeth's! It's coming from from inside the teeth's!!

Josephine: Everyone! Get down and brace yourselves!!

Polnareff: Eh??!


Luckily and surprisingly, Jocelyn and (YN) we're alive and yet using their stands to rapidly punching High Priestess's teeth's...

Polnareff: Those teeth's were hard as diamonds! But they manage to punch their way out!

Josephine: OOH MY GOOOOOD!!!! And what you look at that, their breaking the other teeth's while their at it.

Kakyoin: Hehe. Show offs.

Avdol: Their stand's immense power never seize to amaze me.

Jocelyn: Come on. We're getting out of this hell hole.

Both (YN) and Jocelyn's stand's continued breaking High Priestess teeth as they manage to break all of them and bursting out free from its mouth as they and the others manage to swim away from the stand's mouth..

(YN): Oh what you look at that. Your teeth were pretty tough and solid. But I, alongside with my friend Jocelyn manage to break them. Too bad, I guess your diamonds were a little low on calcium.

And so, The High-priestess was defeated once, again by (YN) and Jocelyn. Later, they all manage to arrive land as they got our from the ocean..

Josephine: Man...this, was awful. It couldn't pay me to do that again...

Joseph then notices a lady laying down on the ground...

Josephine: Hey look over there. There's a lady passed out over there.

Avdol: I assume that's Rose. The user of the High Priestess.

Kakyoin: What should we do? She doesn't seem dangerous.

Polnareff: Well if you ask me, I should go and see for myself. By the looks of it she does have a nice body.

Polnareff walks over to go see Rose laying down the ground..

Josephine: Well? What do you see from her Polnareff?

Polnareff: AAAAAGH!!! Nothing to see here folks! Nope! Not so ever! Trust me! You don't wanna see her! Her teeth is all busted it makes me wanna puke!

(YN) goes to check as well..

(YN): Oh damn. Hehe. That doesn't look good.

Polnareff: You tell me!

(YN): Ill give you $20 if you can kiss her with that busted mouth of hers.

Polnareff: Oh shut up you!

Jocelyn: So (YN)? With that busted mouth of hers, will she be still your type?

(YN): What?? Hehe. What are you saying Jocelyn. What I told her isn't true at all.

Jocelyn: Tch. It sounded like you mean it.

(YN): Wait....are you jealous?

Jocelyn: Me?! Jealous?! Hell no! What makes you say that!?

(YN): Hehehe. Nothing. But hey look at the bright side....we made it.

The crusaders gathered all together as they finally arrive to their destination from the very beginning of their adventure....

Avdol: It hasn't been easy. But we've finally made it to Egypt.

Joseph: Indeed. A trip would have taken near 20 hours to arrive here. And ended up 30 days. But it was worth it.

Kakyoin: It's been quite the adventure. Inside of a brain, and even inside the dream.

(YN): Dream? What do you mean Kakyoin?

Polnareff: Why are you talking about dreams, it's morning. Wake yourself up my man.

Kakyoin: Oh right. You guys don't remember that day.

(YN): So, Jocelyn?

(YN) places his hand on top of Jocelyn's shoulder as she notices and looks at him...

(YN): You ready to take down Dio?

Jocelyn smiles and replies to him...

Jocelyn: Yeah.

Joseph: Alright. Let's go.

The stand. A mysterious, spiritual power, symbolizes by the tarot cards. Around the world in 80 days, Joseph Joestar once describes their journey in that way. Traveling from Tokyo to Hong Kong, they encountered Tower of Grey. On their way to Singapore by sea, they encountered Dark Blue Moon and Strength. In Singapore, they encountered Ebony Devil, and Yellow Temperance. In Calcutta India, it was Hanged Man and Emperor. In Varanasi India, the Empress. Near the Pakistan border, Wheel of Fortune. In the mountains of Pakistan, Justice. In Karachi Pakistan, the Lovers. In the deserts of the United Arab Emirates, the Sun, and in Saudi Arabia, Death 13. On a small island in the Red Sea, Judgement. And now on the Red Sea they have now defeated the High Priestess. After defeating many of Dio's assassins...they all have finally arrived in Egypt. Only a few Tarot cards away....but little do Jocelyn and the others don't know, .

that there's new threats still awaiting for them.


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