Chp.53 Encountering D'Arby The Gambler Pt.1

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The crusaders were 30,000 kilometers away from Japan, Jocelyn and the others were traveling over to Cairo fro two days and they all finally manage to arrive in Cairo at last..

Avdol: Cairo is immense. It's in our best to search the city and ask anyone here for this building in the picture.

Josephine: Finally, we've arrived in Cairo

As the crusaders finally arrived to Cairo, in order to reach Dio, they must first go through the Sphinx of the afternoon begins, the crusaders arrived in a bar as the entered, Jocelyn, (YN), Avdol, Polnareff and Josephine then stood in front of a table counter as the bartender welcomes them...

Bartender: Welcome fine travelers. What can I get you 5 for drink?

Josephine: There's something we wanna ask you.

Josephine places the photos in the table for the bartender to see...

Josephine: My associates and I are traveling here from Japan to look for this building, have you seen it?

Bartender: I'm sorry folks, this is a café. Please order something if you want me to answer your questions.

Josephine: Very well...5 Ice Teas please.

Bartender: Coming right up.

The bartender then place 5 glass cups with ice cubes on them, pouring ice teas while looking at the pictures...

Bartender: Sorry, never seen the building.

The crusaders then all together grabbed their cup of ice teas as they all tighter chugged it at the same time as they finished it off..

Polnareff Mind: Hmmmm.

Josephine Mind: Cairo is a city of 6 million, so there must be at least 2 or 3 million buildings here, how are we gonna find him?

Avdol Mind: He must be here somewhere. We know he's here. There must be someone who can help us.

(YN) Mind: We must hurry it up before it's too late or Holly will be done for.

Jocelyn Mind: Tch.

Everyone in the bartender had photos of the building, but sadly none of them recognize it, the Joseph and the others decided to leave and ask for more people at other buildings...until someone then said...

???: I think I know that building.

They all turned around to see the very end of the table of a man who had a deck of cards in his hands, he looked like he was a gambler due to having coins in his table and deck of cards...Josephine and the others walked up to him...

???: I may be the one who may tell you all about that mansion your looking for here in Cairo.

Josephine: Really? That's incredible!

Avdol: What remarkable news!

Josephine: So tell us, where's it located at?

???: Do you really expect me to answer you for free?

Josephine: Oh right. Yiu bring up a good point. *pulls out $10* so tell us where's it located?

???: *Chuckles* Thing is, I love gambling. I'm a sucker for cheap thrills and some o say that I'm a addict of gambling. Now tell me, any of you nice people wanna play gamble with me??

Josephine: I don't full understand what does this has to do with you knowing this building.

???: Well if you don't like gambling, then say so.

Josephine: For the last time, what are you even talking about??

???: Alright then. What I'm asking is a simple game of gambling with a bet. Win, and I'll tell you the location of the building. It's as simple as that.

Josephine: A bet? Look friend we don't have time to play poker now, if I give you another $10 will you tell us?

???: No need to worry. A bet is gonna be quick and won't take long. Like let's say, take a look at that wall over there. Do you see that cat?

The gambler then grabs two pieces of steak fish and tosses it to the ground...

???: Two fish steaks in the ground. Which one you all think the car will take. The right or left? Choose the right one, then I'll tell you. So is that a bet yes or no?

Polnareff started to get annoying as he stepped up and said...

Polnareff: Listen pal! I had enough to hear this kind of crap! Hurry it up and just tell us already! As of matter fact, I'll play your little shitty gambling game and bet! I say the cat will get the right!

???: Okay. Now we're talking about. So I'll taking my bet on the left one.

Avdol suddenly walked to (YN) and Jocelyn as he tells them quietly...

Avdol: (YN), Jocelyn, is it just me or...are you two also feeling something strange about this person??

Jocelyn: Yeah. Something weird about that guy makes me wanna warm the others.

(YN): He might be an enemy stand user or he's just some gambler being repulsive.

Avdol: Well, if he is the enemy stand, both of you should attack him with your stands if he even reveals himself of becoming the enemy stand.

Jocelyn: Right.

(YN); On it.

Polnareff: Alright you, let's say if I actually lose, would $100 be good enough for you?

???: I don't take likely for money, but what I can get for you if you your soul.

Polnareff: My soul?? *Damn. Now this guys is now acting like some comedian. I wish we can just get the hell out of here*

???: So is it a deal??

Polnareff: Yeah Yeah whatever.

Polnareff notices the cat landing on the ground as he starts running to the meat on the right...

Polnareff Mind: HaHa! As I thought, cats like that will always go for the bigger meat! So looks like I win!

As the cat then was going closer to the fish steak on the right, he suddenly then went after the left first and then the right...

Polnareff: What!?!? But-

???: And there you have it. Our little friend took the left and the right. I win.

Josephine: WOW Polnareff you outdone yourself now. How are we gonna have information of the mansion from this gambler now??

???: Well, if there's nothing else, as we agree, it's time to pay up.

Polnareff: Pay up? With what??

???: Your soul.

Polnareff: What!?!

Suddenly, a stand appeared behind Polnareff as Polnareff completely has his eyes rolled all the way to his head as he collapsed. But not only that, the stand behind him has his soul...

Avdol: Polnareff No!

Jocelyn: No Polnareff!

(YN): You bastard! So you are a stand user! I'm going to-

???; Now hold it there sonny boy. If I were you I would not lash out against me with your stand, if I die, then Polnareff's soul, will meet the same end as well.

Avdol quickly catches Polnareff from falling...

Avdol: Polnareff...H-He doesn't have no pulse...he's dead! Polnareff's Dead!!! 


The stand, who's is the gamblers then started to shrink Polnareff and started making him into a shape as he clasps his hands, squeezing Polnareff's soul, and turning him into a Casino Bet coin..

???: Have a look. Polnareff's soul is in this coin. And now, Lord Dio has no worry to have people like you to get in his way. Now, allow me to introduce myself, my names D'Arby. D-A-R-B-Y. There's an apostrophe after the D.

D'Arby the gambler. His stand allows to steal souls from ones who loses bets just like Polnareff. Representing the tarot card of the Osiris stand. Suddenly, the cat from before than landed on top of D'Arby's shoulder...

D'Arby: I believe you may all know that this here is my cat-

Avdol: You bastard! What is this!?! You called that a bet!!? You vile cheating son of a-

D'Arby: WOW there. Cheating?? Have you considered Polnareff lost because he lacked the site he considered all possibilities. Here me out. Gambling is nothing but a simple analogy for mans relationship for another. And by the looks of it Avdol, it seems you wanna hurt me so bad and end up killing me. Go right ahead, cause if you try to kill me, the Polnareff's soul will die as well.

Avdol: You listen here. We're not gonna let you walk away in one piece!

D'Arby: You know, you reminded me of a another person who really started to act like you. Here let me show you who I'm talking about.

D'Arby then pulled out a big book as he opens it, the pages were filled with nothing but Casino coins, more likely like a collection of souls...

D'Arby: See this person's soul here, Stephen Moore. He lost to me and I took his soul as a bet. And above him is his father, and on the left of his father side is his wife. If you want Polnareff's soul back, then you don't have no choice but to continue our game. Let's see how much you really care about him.

Avdol Mind: This man is pure evil.

Jocelyn Mind: I get it now, this bastard is collecting our souls one by one....but...what about (YN)??? Can he collect his as well???

D'Arby: So Whats it gonna be? If you're scared, go home. And I'll leave Polnareff here in safe keeping.

Suddenly, Josephine then grabs a bottle of tequila as he aggressively sits down, grabs a glass of cup, starts to pour on it until it was almost about to overflow...

Avdol: What is this Mrs.Joestar?? What are you trying to do???

Josephine: See this, Barbie??

D'Arby: It's D'Arby. And by the looks of it, I'm looking at a glass cup of tequila, almost overflowing and break out of surface, right? So is there a point for all this?

Josephine: Yes it is. We're gonna play a game. You and me. We're gonna use these coins here to drop them inside the tequila cup, if one of us makes it overflow loses.

Jocelyn: Old hag...

(YN): Mrs.Joestar, you're not going to-

Josephine: Exactly right! I'm going to bet on my soul!

D'Arby: Alright then.

Avdol: Mrs.Joestar! You can't go through it! He's nothing but a cheater-

Josephine: We'll see about that. Jocelyn, (YN), make sure you keep an eye out on him.

Jocelyn/(YN): Right. 

Josephine: Alright. Now, you you guarantee to lose, will you return back Polnareff's soul and also telling us the location of the mansion?

D'Arby: I'll keep that promise.

Josephine: Well in that case, you can go first. *The old coin glass trick is one of my specialties. Surface tension is a surprise of strong force. There's room for at least 8 or 9 coins...I just have to stay calm and make sure my fingers don't shake.

D'Arby: I must ask, is it okay if I put more than one coin??

Josephine: As long as they all go in in once.

D'Arby: Well in that case.

D'Arby then grabs 5 coins...

Avdol: 5 coins!?!

Josephine: Hey now, Won't that create a wave-

D'Arby: Quiet.

D'Arby then started to focus on placing the 5 coins inside the tequila without making it drip out...he started to sweat a bit as he slowly started placing the coins in...and calmly lets them drop as the tequila barely moves and didn't spilled a drip...

D'Arby: Hehe. Looks like it's your turn.

Josephine: It takes nerve of steal to put in 5 its my turn, I'll put one coin. Too close to call.

As Josephine, grabs a coin and gets ready to drop it to the cup of tequila, Jocelyn notices something from his grandfather holding the coin...

Jocelyn Mind: Typical old hag...he squeezing the cotton of tequila in the glass while holding the coin without D'Arby that's how he's gonna make the glass overflow when D'Arby is next...clever old bat. Not bad.

And so Josephine drops the coin as the cup of tequila hasn't drop a single drip yet...

Josephine: *HaHaHaHa! Only one drop of coin from him and it's all over! HaHa!! Victory is mine!* Well would you look at that, it's a close call. I thought it was gonna spill for sure, now it's your turn, Obie.

D'Darby: It's D'Arby!! D'Arby!! I won't say it again! Not Barbie, not even Obie! D'Arby!!

Josephine: ...Very well. My apologies.

(YN) Mind: Well I'll be. He's screwing his name on purpose to rile him up on the game to make him lose. I gotta say, I give Mr.Joestar some props for this game.

Josephine: So, looks like it's your turn, D'Arby.

D'Arby suddenly started to sweat a bit as he grabs a coin. He then moves around to see better the fact the shadow is making him not look at the glass very he move to the side to look at the glass better..

Josephine Mind: Hehe. Just put that coin in and your done for. He didn't know that it already reach to its limits. Once he puts it and games over.

D'Arby: You're probably thinking that the glass has reach its limits and thinking that I will spill the liquid once I put the coin....well you're wrong about that.

Josephine: Huh??!

D'Arby then drops the coin to the liquid. As he does, the liquid didn't overflow...

Josephine: WHAT!?!? No way! How did you do that?!? It was suppose to overflow!

D'Arby: Your question don't make sense. Why you think it's gonna overflow when I drop the coin. Unless I'm not the only cheater here.

Jocelyn: Old hag, I hate to break it to you, but I've been watching him with Star Platinum's eye sight and yet he didn't do nothing scam. He dropped it fair and square.

Josephine Mind: B-But I don't get it! I could have sworn I added enough liquor and made it overflow with that last coin drop! I don't get it! What's going on!?!!

D'Arby: Go ahead, Misses Joesturr. Hurry up for your turn, or your trying to make the liquid vaporize.

Suddenly, Josephine started to pant real hard and somehow losing air and becoming afraid the fact she can't focus and the fact she didn't even wanna take her turn cause she knew that if she drop the coin next, she will overflow the cup...she began to pant faster and harder until suddenly she somehow collapsed as her eyes rolled all the way to her head, and knowing that her soul was coming out from her body...

Avdol: Mrs.Joestar!!

D'Arby: Deep Down in his heart he already knew that he has already lost the bet! That's why his soul has emerge so easily! I win again!

Josephine Soul: Polnareff..I-I failed you. Holly, I'm so sorry my beautiful girl but your daddy has lost you....a-and my love...forgive me...

(YN): Mrs.Joestar!!!

Jocelyn: Old hag No!!!


Avdol charges at D'Arby as he was ready to beat the living hell out of him...

D'Arby: You dint get it do you, if you even try to take my life, then Joseph's and Polnareff's soul will as well.

Avdol: YOU SON OF A-

Jocelyn: Seattle down Avdol!

(YN): Calm down Mr.Avdol, we'll figure out how to beat this guy-

The bartender then showed up...

Bartender: Hey what's going on back here?! If you're gonna cause trouble then I'm gonna ask you all to-

Jocelyn/(YN): Shut your mouth!! And stay out of this!!!

Bartender: R-Right!

The bartender startled in fear. Suddenly, Jocelyn notices something about the glass of tequila, she picks it up, pours out the tequila out of the glass to soon notice a piece of chocolate stuck in the side of the glass cup...

D'Arby: *chuckles* You figures it out too late, Jocelyn.

Avdol: Wh-What is it Jocelyn?!

Jocelyn: This is the reason. This is how the coin went in. If you look at the bottom glass there's a piece of chocolate. He must've put it under it before starting the bet against the old man.

D'Arby: Surely you all understand the rules of gambling. It doesn't count as cheating if you get caught in the act.

Avdol: What?! That doesn't make sense. How is it that piece of chocolate was able to drop another extra coin.

(YN): By the looks of it, it's melted. But until the moment ago, it was solid at the bottom. He used just enough so we couldn't notice, but the glass was propped up so it would tilt. Surface tension become equal as it melts. But once it has melted, the surface became level. Even though the surface tension, was at its limit. And had the chance to last with another extra coin.

Avdol: what the hell!?! But that's impossible! Doesn't even make sense! How could he know exactly when the chocolate melted right he had the perfect timing to drop the extra coin!?!!

Jocelyn: By the looks of it. He influences things by the sun. Slipped my notice. He moved to the side for the sun to hit right directly at the chocolate to melt. That's why.

D'Arby then sat back down at the table as he laughs evilly, suddenly, Jocelyn then walked up to the table as he says to D'Arby...

Jocelyn: Hey D'Arby. Get your cards ready cause we're about to play my game! Hope you ready to play some poker!

Avdol: SAY WHAT!?!!

D'Arby: Interesting. You wouldn't know this, but Poker is my most favorite game!

(YN): Jocelyn, are you out of your mind!?! You're about to play some bastard who outsmarted you're grandfather! It's too dangerous!

Jocelyn: Yeah I know. Even though he doesn't use physical strength with his stand, but he's the most dangerous stand user we ever face. So now....there's no turning back if we play for keeps!


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