Chp.56 Encountering Pet Shop

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Two days later, The Crusaders then finally manage to arrive the city of Cairo. The crusaders have talked to every single person in the city about the building, and yet they don't know nothing about it. So they all look for a place to take a break for a while...

Polnareff: Man, it's a real scorcher out here. Haven't taken a shower for the last past two days.

Josephine: You tell me, never knew Cairo can be hot in these days.

Suddenly, a man, who happens to have a nice looking tuxedo suit, then walked up to Joseph and the others as he says...

Tuxedo Guy: Excuse me time travelers. I'm sorry to get in your guys business. But I couldn't help it recognizing you.

Avdol: Who me?

Tuxedo Guy: Yeah, if I'm correct, your the fortune teller, Avdol. The way I hear it, you suddenly got spooked and ran away to Japan, apparently someone was trying to kill you.

Josephine: Avdol, do you know this person?

Avdol: I don't. But if he knows me, then I can assure he may help us. Mister, could you help us on something and do us a favor. Mind telling us where can we find this mansion around here? Since your hear so much and remember it well. I'll pay you well. It's a mansion that we're looking for and need to find it as soon as possible. And we don't have much time.

Avdol hands the Tuxedo guy the photo of the mansion. By the looks of it, the person looks like he knows where the mansion is located at...he then walks over to his vehicle, and tells the others...

Tuxedo Guy: You fine people have my word that I will find this mansion within 3 hours. Just sit tight.

The Tuxedo guy then got in his vehicle as he then drives over the road to look for the mansion...

(YN): Well...looks like we got the help we need.

Jocelyn: Indeed.

Polnareff: Hey, by the way...has anyone see where Iggy ran off to?

Avdol: No. but don't worry. He'll come back. We'll just wait for him and we have to. Apparently a person with sunglasses will arrive here and join us.

Polnareff: A person with sunglasses?? Who is that and how's he gonna help us??

Avdol: He's the only one who can help us find the mansion where Dio is hiding. No one knows the Cairo streets better than him. So all we do is wait for him.

And so the crusaders stay where they at to wait for this friend of theirs to come and help them look for the mansion of Dio's hideout...


Two hours pass, Meanwhile, Iggy was to be shown as he was walking around the road until he started to smell a scent, he notices that he was gonna pass by a mansion, a mansion that is so familiar that the building is the exact one the crusaders are looking for ... as he found the mansion, he suddenly notices a falcon flying above him as the falcon then lands on top of the fence, starting at Iggy as he started to have a weird feeling about the hawk. The falcon suddenly looked at something as it notices the Tuxedo guy from earlier, found the mansion...

Tuxedo Guy: That's the place alright. No doubt about it. Mission accomplished. And it only took two hours to look for it. Hehe I knew I would find it no matter what.

Suddenly, the tuxedo guy notices something above him, he notice a huge block of ice was somehow created in mid air, and so it got launched towards him as it killed him and ending up destroying his vehicle as well, and the fact the huge ice block was made by the hawk, the falcon then snatched the picture of the mansion and shredded into pieces...Iggy thought to himself...

Iggy: *So that bird is a stand user as well Huh? Same as me. Given the fact that a stand of ice dropped to the person and his car. And by the looks of it. He must be the guardian of that building. It'll kill anyone who approaches to the mansion. Which means...that bird's next target...will be me.*

In Egypt times, falcons will always glide through the Nile Valley. They train falcons as Horus, and highly regarding the guardian deity of the royal family. Falcon's vision can spot any small animals within several kilometers away...called the Eyes of Horus. Symbolizing the fortune and glory. The falcon flying in the air has a name. It's name is Pet Shop. His stand resembles the god of heavens, Horus.

Iggy: *Damn it. This is just my luck. Looks like I stumbled myself into Dio's mansion. Why do I have to find this place instead of the others. What's worse, that falcon can use its stand to shoot a chunk of ice. It's like a super power guard dog...nah, actually more like a guard bird*

Suddenly, Iggy notices the falcon, Pet Shop Lansing on the ground as Pet Shop started starring at Iggy with a fear reprisals look on its eyes....

Iggy: *Come on! You gotta be kidding me! I couldn't care less about this Dio guy! I got dragged here against my will, traveling with the Joestar's gang. That's all! Like hell im gonna fight him! Man, all I want is a little on and on, fall in love with a hot chick, a place to settle down, fighting isn't in my to do list! But then again, what happen if I would still have to thrown down against tweety over there!? What will I get?? No way I'm putting my life on the line! Looks like I have to bring up the dumb mutt act, so the bird wouldn't think I'm looking for the mansion.*

Iggy started to act like a dumb mutt for Pet Shop not to see him suspicious, Iggy started chasing his tail, trying to bite it as he soon started to roll over as well, he then finishes his dumb mutt act as Pet Shop was still starting at him...

Iggy: *Those eyes. You can never tell falcons like that bastard is thinking! Maybe...I bet my stand can take him, but then again there's a reason I'm making a fool out of myself here. I got nothing to do with Jocelyn and the others.*

Pet Shop suddenly opens its mouth...

Iggy: *Huh? The hell is he doing??*

Pet Shop suddenly started to charge up to shoot some ice from its mouth. As it did, it shot a beam of ice towards Iggy, Iggy dodges it as smoke was covered around. Pet Shop thought he got Iggy good, but then again notices Iggy coming from behind as he jumps and stomps on Pet Shop on its head, Iggy bounces off and lands on the ground as he summons his stand, The Fool...

Iggy: Oh good grief. Then it looks like I got no choose but to fight him! Then let's do this!


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