Chp.58 Noriaki Kakyoin Returns

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It was already afternoon as the crusaders were still waiting for the friend to come join their journey, and not only that, they were also waiting for Iggy to come back...

Polnareff: Mmmmm. That dumb mutt. Where the hell could he run off too??

Josephine: I'm starting to get worried, (YN) should have brought him back, can't take him that long to find Iggy and being him back.

Avdol: Hey look up in the alley. (YN) came back.

The crusaders notice (YN) coming out from the alley way as he was holding to Iggy as he was still looking injured..

Avdol: I-Iggy!

Polnareff: Iggy!!

They all ran up to him to check on him...

Josephine: What on earth happen?! He's got injuries all over his body!

Polnareff: Look, he lost his left paw!

Avdol: (YN), what happen to him?!

(YN): Found him on the ground, the fact he was being attacked by the enemy, but no worries. I already dealt with it. Iggy's okay just that he lost his left paw.

Josephine: Say, it looks like it's wounds were treated really good. Say (YN), when did you had the time to treat his wound??

(YN): I didn't. Somebody else did. I think you may know him.

Josephine: Huh?? Who then?

???: (YN)'s right. Iggy ran himself with the enemy. When we found him with (YN), he was badly injured so we treated his wounds good. Thanks to the SpeedWagon Foundation they did a good job treating Iggy's wounds real good, and they also they did the same to me, for my eyes.

Polnareff: It's you!! Y-You're finally back!!

The person who was talking suddenly stepped out from the shadow as he took of his shades, to reveal himself as Kakyoin...

Everyone: Kakyoin!!

Everyone rush to him to greet him back and very happy to see him again..

Polnareff: Great to see you again Kakyoin! How's it going!

Avdol: Kakyoin, tell me how's your eyes doing??

Kakyoin: I'm glad your all safe. And their better.

Josephine: We miss you pal! So, they were able to treat you??

Kakyoin: Yes, even though I have a few scars, but my eye sight are back and better and ready for action!

Jocelyn: Good to see you again Kakyoin. And welcome back.

Kakyoin: Thanks Jocelyn. I've miss you all.

Josephine: We all did. Now, since your back. You can tell us-

(YN): Hold it Mrs.Joestar.

Josephine: Huh?? What is it (YN)??

(YN): There something you should know about Iggy.

Josephine: What is it??

(YN): Iggy, do you have "words" you like to say??

Iggy: *grunts*

Polnareff: Haha. (YN), please don't tell me that Iggy can talk, a stupid mutt like him cant even talk-

Iggy: And what if I do??

Everyone then we're shocked to here Iggy talk for the first time Iggy got off from (YN)'s arms...

Avdol: I-Iggy-

Josephine: You-

Jocelyn: Can-

Polnareff: TALK!?!?

Iggy: Yeah, I can.

Avdol: B-But since when?!? And how!?

Iggy: Since I was born. But that's not important.

Polnareff: It Is! How come you didn't say a single word so we could have understand you better!?!?

Iggy: Meh.

Polnareff: What do you mean "Meh"!?!? Oh I knew you were the same stupid mutt!

Iggy: And I like you too Polnareff. Hehe.

Polnareff: WHY YOU-

Josephine: that's enough. Stop fooling around and let's get serious already. Iggy, now that we know you can talk, we should probably get going and find Dio's mansion and end this.

Iggy: Dont you worry old lady. I know where's at.

Josephine: You do!?? Where??!

Iggy: Follow me.

Iggy started walking away as he starts to lead the crusaders to the mansion of Dio, and so the crusaders with Kakyoin's return, they all followed Iggy to head over to Dio's mansion...An hour was about to pass as Iggy and the rest of the crew started to have this weird and creep feeling all of the sudden...

Polnareff: What the hell??! What's going on?? All of the sudden I'm in such cold sweat, and feeling some doom air roaming around us. I don't know about you guys, but I'm majorly creeped out. Where exactly is Iggy talking us???

Suddenly, as Iggy and the rest were close to arrive the destination, Jospeh already knew where Iggy has taken them...

Josephine: I know now! This atmosphere that I'm feels all too familiar to me! This pure unadulterated evil!

And so, The Crusaders we're finally manage to arrive to the destination where they were suppose to go, Dio's mansion...

Avdol: This's Dio's!

Jocelyn: We've finally arrived.

Polnareff: Iggy, I never knew you were able to find it again! And not to mention with that nose of yours as well!

The mansion that stood before Jocelyn, projecting an abnormally sinister energy, housed the cause of all they've been through, their destiny; the embodiment of evil! The path that lead them all here was fr and yet success to arrive in time. Through many lands, encountering Dio's countless stand using assassins, each battle was a struggle of survival. Their were tears, laughter, sadness, rage, and joy. The journey affected them all. And now, they have finally manage to arrive here within 50 days from Japan in order to save Jocelyn's mother. And now, they will all finally manage to go and take down Dio and stop his 100 years of curse from the Joestar Family bloodline! Jospehine was determined to save her daughter Holly, and nothing and no one will stand in his way! Kakyoin thought to himself in order to save Holly, he would defeat Dio not only to save Holly, but to overcome his own weaknesses. Avdol has step fast in his conviction, considering its his job to root evil and destroy it for good. Polnareff was determined to make the tyrant Dio suffer, for turning him into a puppet and forcing him to betray his own principles. Iggy's spirit was untamable, he knew that his time was about to end, and luckily was saved. And this time, he will make sure that Dio will taste his wrath!! ...and (YN), he came along to this adventure with Jocelyn and the others for reasons, to save Holly that Jocelyn's cares for, to help out his best friend, and always be on her side and never leaving her alone!

Jocelyn: You know, if we beat the shot out of Dio once and for all, this whole nightmare will be over for good.

Josephine: That's right! And the scent of evil is confirm that he's here!

(YN): He's hiding inside the coward he is.

Avdol: It's hard to say, but it's a good thing...

Kakyoin: That we have finally manage to arrive here after our journey we have been through.

Polnareff: And we did it as a team!

Jospehine: Alright you guys! You ready?

Everyone nods as the crusaders were ready to go inside the mansion, as they started walking, they all notice the gate started to open by itself...

Iggy: No, this isn't right.

Jospeh: What is it Iggy?

Iggy: The open itself. This didn't happen a while ago when I found it. It was close but suddenly it wants to open. But doesn't matter, let's go in already.

They all enter the gate as they stopped for a moment...

Jospehine: Careful you all, if we were able to fell Dio's evil aura, then he can do as well. If we enter the mansion carelessly, no doubt we might encounter another enemy.

Suddenly, the door of the mansion suddenly open itself...

Jospehine: Careful! It open itself!

The crusaders closely and careful walked up to the door as they notice a weird look inside the mansion...

Polnareff: Man, look at this corridor. I don't see an end at all. It can't be real right??

Josephine: Careful Polnareff, Dio might have more Enemy assassin's in here, so we must watch ourselves...

Polnareff: Hey! S-Somebody's coming!!

Everyone started to notice a black person figure was coming towards then as this person was floating while coming towards them. The person then stopped as the crusaders were able to see him better, the person then somehow greeted them...

???: Madam Joestar. Welcome. We've been expecting you sir. I am the resident butler of this mansion. Please to meet you all.

Polnareff: Hey you! Just who in the blue hell are you?! Your not just some Norma person who can float! You're probably a stand user! I should kill you here-

Josephine: Polnareff wait!

Polnareff: But Mr.La.Joestar-

???: How rude of me. Allow me to introduce myself, my names Darby.

Jocelyn: Darby Huh??

(YN): Sounds the same name like the other one who was a gambler.

Darby: Yes, I am the younger Darby. It might interest you all that D'Arby that you all defeated...was my older brother.

Crusaders: *NANI SHOCK*

Avdol: So I take here that your coming revenge for your brother's defeat?!

Darby: No, not at all. Such as it is beneath me. Didn't my brother told you all, that the one who is fooled, and loses the battle is at fault? I believe that to be true. So since he lost, he is the fault for losing. I don't bear a grudge at all. My brother is my brother and I am all to me. We are different...Oh, I'm sorry. That's not the reason I'm here. Ahem, here's an offer, if you wish to fight me, then I invite you to our manner.

Avdol: Stay on guard! This ones more evil than his brother!

Jocelyn: There's no time for games! Take us to Dio now!

Darby suddenly started to have this purple aura around him as his stand suddenly appeared. Darby Younger, his stand is called Atum, representing the God Atum.

Kakyoin: Guys look, he just brought out his tans just like that.

Josephine: It's been a while since we've seen one.

Avdol: Indeed his stand is physically showing itself.

Darby: I'll let you decide. Who shall be my opponent first??

Polnareff: As if we will listen to you! Jocelyn, (YN), take this motherfucker down!

Both Jocelyn and (YN) took a step forward as they both summoned their stands...

Darby: Let's see, I'll wager that Star Platinum strike a punch...with her left arm.

Jocelyn: Wh-What?!

Darby: And also, Ghost Rider will strike a punch...with his right arm.

(YN): What the!?! H-How can he-

Darby: Oh not only that, you two will both strike your punches together. Am I right?

Jocelyn: How the hell-

(YN): Does he know!?

Jocelyn: Screw this shit! Let's beat the hell out of him!

(YN): Right!

Both Star Platinum and Ghost Rider then strike their punches at Darby's stand, but then again, Atum was able to dodge both of them, and not only that, he was right all along, Star Platinum strike a punch with her left and Ghost Rider with his left...

Josephine: What!?! He was able to dodge it!?

Polnareff: His speed is incredible!

(YN): No! It's not that! H-He can predict anything that's coming next! Just like he predicted the punches we were gonna strike!

Josephine: What!?! But I can only do that!!!

Darby's stand, Atum grab a hold on both Star Platinum's and Ghost Rider's arm..

Darby: *chuckles* Well that's a pretty pit of bad luck. You two have lost the bet, just like my brother I to also like to gamble. Allow me to take you to a wonderful world of apologize. But I can only take one, so I'll take Jocelyn only.

Atum then tosses Ghost Rider and (YN) away as Atum then created a black hole which will lead to anther world and will be taking Jocelyn with him...

Josephine: Jocelyn!!!

Kakyoin: Jocelyn No!

Josephine: We have to get her out of that abyss pit of hole!

Darby: Have it your way. You gentlemen may come as well.

Darby then grabbed both Jospeh and Kakyoin and took them with him and Jocelyn inside the abyss Hol was it was closing up...

Polnareff: Mrs.Joestar!! Kakyoin!! No!!


Avdol: Wait you two! It's too dangerous to go in even though it's closing-

Suddenly, Josephine voice was to be heard...

Josephine: Avdol! Can you hear me!? If you don't hear us from 10 minutes, you and (YN) SWF the mansion on fire! You hear me?! Burn it down to the ground!!!


What will happen next???


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