Chp.61 End Of Vanilla Ice Pt.2

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With (YN) badly injured with a hold on his chest through gut, laying on the floor, gasping for air, spitting a lot of blood from his mouth as Avdol and Polnareff started crawling over to him to check on him..

Avdol: (YN)!!

Polnareff: Damn that's a big one! Are you okay?!?

(YN) couldn't talk the fact that he had a hard time breathing the fact that all his guts were incomplete and bones broke...

Avdol: Come on (YN)! Y-You have to fight back! It's impossible if you die! Remember you can't die!

Polnareff: Yeah, summon Ghost Rider! Come on! Heal up before-

The void was coming back to them as they both moved out do the way as they moved (YN) as well with him..

Avdol: N-Now what!?!

Polnareff: I have an idea! Since Iggy's sand is still laying around! I have a way to know where that bastard is and his void! Chariot!

Polnareff summons Chariot as Chariot started swinging/twirling his swords round to make the sand spread around. As the sand was spreading around, Avdol and Polnareff was luckily to able to see the void with Iggy's sand...

Polnareff Mind: There! The void is right there coming towards us slowly!

Avdol Mind: Very impressive Polnareff. With Iggy's sand spread around we can be able to see the void's route he's taking. Now all we gotta do is wait for him to come out from his stand's mouth and strike at him!

The two waited for Vanilla Ice to come near them with his void. As he gets closer to Polnareff and Avdol, he then pops his head out from his stand's mouth as he notice Silver Chariot right I front of him...

Vanilla Ice: WHAT-

Avdol: Now Polnareff!!!

Polnareff: Eat shit!!!

Silver Chariot then strikes a vicious sword strike to Vanilla Ice's whole and going all the way from his head behind...

Avdol: Alright! You got him!!

Polnareff: Now die your piece of shit!!!

Vanilla Ice was shutting his eyes slowly, but then rises them up wide and angrily as Cream then grabs Silver Chariot's neck and started squishing him...

Polnareff: Wh-What!?! H-How are you still alive!?!?i pierced your brain stem through your throat, Damn it!! Would you die already!! Hurry it up and die you fucker!!!

Vanilla Ice: NRRRRRGH!! I cannot die! My mission is far too important to feel this pain! I will not rest until I kill all of you and your worthless pathetic friends!!!

Polnareff: H-How isn't he dead yet!?!

Avdol: Polnareff Look! His teeth's!!

Polnareff: Wh-What the!?! His teeth's...their more like vampires teeth's no?! Is he a vampire as well!? No wonder this bastard can't die!!!

Avdol: I see now. Vanilla Ice has swear loyalty to Dio so much, Dio somehow manage to give him his blood to him and made him into a vampire like him. No wonder he isn't dead when you strikes at him!

Polnareff: Shit! Now what!?

Vanilla Ice: Now you die!!!

Vanilla Ice popped out from his stand's mouth as he charges at Polnareff and lunges a vicious kick to his gut, sending him flying crashing to the wall...

Avdol: Polnareff-

Vanilla Ice then grabbed Avdol by the head, lifts him up and punches him straight to the face, sending him flying with Polnareff, crashing to the wall...

Polnareff: A-Avdol!

Vanilla Ice then notices Iggy on the floor as he grabs him, tosses him to them as well as Polnareff quickly catches...

Polnareff: I-Iggy! Are you alright?!

Iggy: *coughs* that bastard...h-he's too powerful...c-can't beat him like this...

Polnareff: D-Dont say that Iggy! We can still beat him! W-We just gotta-

Avdol: Polnareff...I-I hate to say this...but we're out of options...I-it's over...we can't...I don't have the strength to summons Magicians Red to fight, Not even Iggy...and we can't let you fight alone...

Polnareff: N-No! There's gotta be-

Avdol: Polnareff! Listen! It's over...I-it's over...and look...there is nothing we can do....

Polnareff tried to make Avdol think that there's another way to beat Vanilla Ice...but then again, he started to have second thoughts...

Polnareff: ...I see. So this is how it's gonna end huh??

Avdol: .....I'm afraid so.

Vanilla Ice: Now, I will finally end you with the abyss void! Prepare to die!!

Vanilla Ice then enters his stand's body as he disappeared to the void as the void started dashing circles to get enough full speed to end Polnareff, Iggy and Avdol once and for all...

Iggy: S-So...this is it Huh...for reals this time??

Polnareff: It looks like it...

Avdol: ...Before we die...Polnareff, Iggy....I am happy that I've met you two and became friends...and we had a blast with this journey together, we may have our ups and downs...but I can assure you that I had one hell of a fun with you two on this adventure...

Polnareff: ...same goes to me buddy, I've never met such positive and friendly person like you...heh, what's that you were like a father to me...always there for me, looking out for me, and always had my back since our adventure...

Avdol: ...I'm glad to know that, Polnareff...

Iggy: Hehehe...well, I may be a jerk with you guys, but god damn I've never met such amazing friends like you...especially you Polnareff, you're really something pal...and Avdol, I want to let you know that I've always thanked you for what you did to me back at New York...I've appreciate you giving me a home with Josephine...

Avdol: Anytime Iggy...

The three then notice the void then got bigger somehow as it then was dashing towards them...

Iggy: its is.

Avdol: Goodbye, my friends.

Polnareff: ...Au revoir mes amis...Goodbye, my friends...

The three closed their eyes and gave a little smile as they thought that their final days were gonna end...but not today. As the void then got closer to them, several chains then started stretch out of no where as they grabbed Polnareff, Iggy and Avdol and pulling them out from being killed by the void...the three notice that they all got being pulled out from being killed...

Iggy: Wh-What the-

Polnareff: We're alive...

Avdol: And yet these chains saved us by pulling us away from our deaths! ...and these chains belong to...

The three looked forward as they notice (YN) standing up gladly, but he still has a huge hole in his body and still blood spilling out everywhere...

Polnareff: No way! (YN)! Your back up!!

Avdol: And that hole in your body! How come your stand didn't heal it up yet!?

(YN): Th-That doesn't matter....wh-what that you three....ain't dying...n-not on my watch...

The void suddenly came back as Vanilla Ice then popped out...

Avdol: Oh no he's back!

Vanilla Ice: So you manage to be alive somehow, that's odd. But now your up, I will definitely kill you this time! With my stand this time!!!

Vanilla Ice summons Cream as he started dashing to (YN)...

Avdol: (YN) get out of there!! He's gonna kill you!!!

(YN): ...I-I won't! I'm going to end!

Polnareff: Are you crazy! Look at you! Your all hurt and badly wounded!!! You don't have the strength to summons your stand to fight back! Stop acting so tough and just get out of there!! He's gonna kill you!!!

Iggy: (Y-YN)! Don't! Get out from there!!!

Vanilla Ice was getting closer and closer...

Avdol/Polnareff/Iggy: (YYYNNNNNNNNNNN)

(YN): ...S-So...H-He's a vampire huh...l-looks like...this is going to end easy.

Vanilla Ice: DIE—


With (YN) still has some strength to summon Ghost Rider, Ghost Rider started throwing rapid and vicious punches to Vanilla Ice and Cream, the last punch send him flying crashing to a wall, Vanilla Ice recovers quickly as he jumps to the air and tried to strike at him with his stand again, but Ghost Rider then grabs his neck, slams him to the ground, tosses him up and again throws rapid brutal punches to Vanilla Ice again and sends him flying away crashing to a pillar..after that, Vanilla I've was slowly getting up, having wounds from the punches Ghost Rider gave him...

(YN): I-I knew there was something strange about you...after breaking your neck...Y-You manage to be alive...and knowing that you have the blood of a vampire...thanks to that bastard I-I *coughs* I know how to kill you...

Vanilla Ice: HRREEREEGH!

(YN) uses Ghost Rider to then destroyed door as the other room had windows and more light coming from the sun, sitting directly around (YN), Vanilla Ice runs up to the sunlight as he notices that as he stretches his arm to the sunlight, his whole left arm then turn to dust...

Vanilla Ice: NRRGH! Wh-What the hell is this!?! What's happening to me!?!

(YN): hehehe...don't you see...when Dio gave you his blood...h-he turned you into a vampire...a ridiculous, shitty vampire, just like Dio. The two of your are nothing but pieces of shitty vampires...

Vanilla Ice: NRRRRGH! You bastard! Don't you ever speak Lord Dio like-

Vanilla Ice steppes to the sunlight to notice his whole left leg turn into dust...

Vanilla Ice: NRRRRGH!!!

(YN): C-Come on! Didn't you swear Dio...about protecting him!?! ...C-Come on! Wh-What are you waiting for *coughs out blood* bring it!!

Vanilla Ice: *Growls*

(YN): H-Hehe...d-do your worst! What's the hold up, V-Vanilla Ice?! I-I'm waiting!

Vanilla Ice: You're not going to defeat me!!!!!

(YN): ....Now...GO TO HELL YOU BASTARD!!!!!

(YN) summons Ghost Rider again as Ghost Rider then takes a deep breathe and then blasts a huge beam of fire out from his mouth directly to Vanilla Ice, burning him alive as he started screaming in pain as little by little his whole body started to disintegrated into nothing but dust as of now and finally...Vanilla Ice is now gone forever...

Avdol: H-He did it...he defeated Vanilla Ice!

Polnareff: Alright! Way the go (YN)-

But sadly, (YN) started soaring our more blood out from his mouth as he collapses to the floor again...

Iggy: C-Crap!

Avdol/Polnareff: (YN)!!

They both crawl up to him to check on him as Polnareff has Iggy in his arms...

Avdol: (YN)! What happen?! Speak my friend! You were doing okay defeating Vanilla Ice and now you suddenly collapsed hurry up and use ghost rider to heal yourself up!

(YN): A-Avdol...I-I can't...I-I don't have enough strength to do that no more...I-I only had fight back..and now...I-I'm already weak...this big ass wound *coughs 2x and spits out more blood* isn't looking good...I'm too weak to summon my stand...I-I can't...I-I'm sorry Avdol...Polnareff...Iggy...

(YN) then suddenly shit his eyes close...

Avdol: (YN)?! (YN)!!!!

Avdol checks his pulse...

Avdol: H-He's still alive somehow...but we can't let him die here!

Polnareff: Avdol the phone! It's still there!! Call the SpeedWagon Foundation and bring them here! Hurry!

Avdol: R-Right!!

Avdol then was able to get up and the fact he only has one foot and lost the other, he was still able to get up and also lost a hand...he started hoping towards the phone that is on the table as he started dialing the number of the SpeedWagon Foundation and luckily they were able to pick up, Avdol told them the Address and everything to pick them up and take them to a near hospital that isn't far away. Minutes later, Avdol and Polnareff we're outside of the mansion Polnareff has Iggy in his arms and Avdol holding to (YN) on his arms as well. The SpeedWagon Foundation brought truck as they picked them up, and rushes to the nearest hospital here in Cairo
Is (YN) going to make it out alive???


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