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Carefully Joel pushed the door open while trying not to strain you too much.

It was still difficult for you to breathe properly without wincing in pain. A gentle breeze stroked your face as he took the first step out onto the terrace.

Tiredly you turned your head. You were eager to see the landscape, something that wasn't born from cold and darkness.

In front of the house stretched colorful fields full of golden wheat and corn. It smelled dry and at the same time like someone was baking fresh farmhouse bread.

At the thought of it your stomach growled.

Without you having to say a word, Joel smiled softly, placed you carefully in a chair and called for Ellie.

It took a moment for her head to appear. A grin lit up her face as her eyes fell on you.

"Holy crap, a miracle happened.", she laughed and came closer. "You were right, Joel."

Playfully, she punched him in the arm and offered you her hand a moment later.

With a tired smile, you managed to accept the hand and shake it.

You noticed that she didn't look quite the same as the day you had saved her. Her hair had grown, not much but enough to tie it into a small knot at the back of her head.

The clothes she wore looked surprisingly clean and presentable for living in a world of apocalypse.

"It's nice to finally meet you...", you murmured, leaning back in your chair. "Joel has talked a lot about you."

With a grin, she first glanced at you and then handed him a basket of bread.

"Ditto. He explained long and wide why we have to help you. Besides, I wanted to thank you. Your effort saved my ass."

"Not only yours.", with a smile Dina came out of the house.

You raised your eyebrows in surprise at the sight of her.

"There's a baby.", you remarked, looking at the sleeping infant nestled in her arms.

The little guy had hair just as dark as Dina's, but his skin was a bit lighter and from the features of his face you could tell that the man who had taken part in his making probably had to be of Asian ethnicity.

Without hesitation Ellie rushed to her side and took the child to press a kiss on his little forehead.

"I was as surprised as you are now just when I found out.", Dina chuckled. "The father and I are separated."

"Ellie is the father.", with an amused look in Ellie's direction Joel settled down next to you and grabbed a piece of bread. "Besides...we're not going back to Jackson anyways."

You frowned.

"You left the safe fortress?", your eyes wandered over the facade of the house.

It was easy to notice that people lived in this building. But to hide from a horde of infected ones, this farm could not keep up with Jackson.

It was risky to live here.

If nothing terrible had happened, then there would be no reason to trade this security. Especially now that there was a baby who was going to grow up to be an adult.

Clearing his throat, Joel rubbed the back of his neck.

"The city didn't do us any favours.", he grumbled. "They wouldn't take us back for fear Owen would be out for revenge."

"And Tommy did his part, too.", Dina added in a sarcastically bitter tone.

With an amused smirk and a raised eyebrow you asked the silent question.

Ellie had to stifle a laugh as she indicated with her eyes that she was going to check the harvest with the little one and turned her back on you.

"He insulted half the town and then walked out of the community with his middle fingers raised.", she noted before disappearing. "That's putting it mildly, of course. Besides, they were no help. No one followed you and Joel to save me. And when you needed medical help, they wouldn't give any."

With an understanding hum, you nodded.

"Then this is the new family mansion?", you pointed to the house. "Do you mind if I stay in one of the rooms until everything is working again?"

Demonstratively, you tapped your legs, which were still as stiff and weak as rotten wood. You feared that they would never work again, but the movements in your toes gave you reason to hope.

When your gaze returned to Joel, however, you faltered.
There was a gleam in his eye, a hope burning on his soul.

"You can stay as long as you want.", he assured you. "Even when everything is back to normal."

For a moment you looked at him. This time the offer sounded even more tempting than the first time. A soft smile appeared on your face, you let your head fall back and sighed.

"I won't say no to that.", you huffed.

With a smile and raised eyebrows, Dina turned away, following Ellie.

"I'll leave you two on your own.", she said but couldn't suppress the amusement that was shimmering in her dark eyes.

Blushing, you avoided her gaze. But as your eyes met Joel's, you blushed even harder.

He noticed, smiling softly and took your face into his hands to make you look at him.

"I never had the chance to thank you.", he breathed a kiss onto your lips. "You saved my daughter."

Swallowing thickly, you leaned towards him and closed your eyes to steal another kiss. It tasted so sweet, so perfect as if this was the reward for all those years of suffering and agony.

"What are you smiling about?", Joel asked, pressing his forehead against yours.

You shook your head.

Your eyes wandered into the distance, out into the golden fields and up it the bright sun that covered your skin with kisses.

"It's nothing.", you mumbled and locked your fingers with his as if you were afraid he could fade like a dream soon after waking up. "I'm just... enjoying this."

"Are you?"

"Yes. After a long time... I can say I am at peace. And happy."

"I'm glad. Because I understand what you mean. I feel the same.", he kissed you again. "Let me make you happy for as long as possible."

You smiled, closing your eyes.

"I'd love that."

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