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"Now what the fuck was that, Joel?", Tommy asked angrily, while white clouds were dancing from his lips. "You almost got us in big trouble."

Sighing, Joel rolled his eyes and tightened the saddle of his horse. The animals fit was covered in snowflakes, making the brown mere look as white as winter.

But despite the winter cold, the horse was sweating a bit. That was considered a good sign, because it meant the body temperature was high enough to prevent freezing.
As Joel gave his trusted companion a gentle pat a bloody print was left, pressed onto the fur.

Tommy noticed.

"You're still bleeding?", he asked and wanted to take a look at the hand.

But Joel freed himself, a bit harsher than intended.

"It's just a scratch.", he repeated. "No need to worry about it."

A sigh left Timmy's lips, but he knew exactly it would be no use to argue about it.

"It's bleeding a bit too much for my liking."

"And it's bleeding not at all, in my opinion. I'll manage. We can fix it once we are back in Jackson."

"Hm.", Tommy nodded and climbed onto his horses back. "But we need to find Ellie first. Her group hasn't said anything in a while."

He tapped the communicator that was hanging on his shoulder.

Agreeing, Joel hummed and ordered his horse to start walking.

"Do we know where they were supposed to patrol?", he asked and threw a last gaze over his shoulder.

In that moment, he spotted you in the distance, standing in front of the workshop.

Slowly raising your hand, you caught his attention and made him watch as you pointed into the sky, right at the top of the hill that was peaking through the clouds.

You smiled at him, empty and without any warmth, just so he would understand that this wasn't meant to be a threat.

Confused, he frowned.

"Joel!", Tommy called his name as if he was annoyed.

Snapping out of his thoughts, he blinked a few times.

"Huh?", he tore his eyes away from you, over to his brother.

Tommy grinned, amused.

"Are you even listening? I said Ellie and the others might be stuck further up the hill. In the mansion, remember? Why are you looking at me like this? Seen a ghost?", he asked. "What are you looking at?"

Curious, he turned his neck to try and see what had caught Joel's attention for so long.

But as his eyes fell onto the exact point you were gone.

Instead, all he saw was a bunch of snow and the building that looked so wrecked and deserted. Confused, he frowned, threw his brother a quick glance as if he had gone mad and turned back again to order his horse to pick up a quicker pace.

"So we're taking a look at the mansion?", he asked to be absolutely sure.

Joel nodded, but couldn't help and throw one last glance over his shoulder. There was this feeling that he just couldn't shake off.

It seemed as if you were watching him. But maybe he was just slowly turning insane.

As he turned his eyes back to Tommy, the feeling of being watched crawled up his neck. But he refused to look another time.

"Let's be quick.", Joel said and passed his brother. "They might be in trouble."

An amused smirk appeared on Tommy's face.

"Getting sensitive now?", he asked and tied to keep pace. "You're getting softer and softer for her the older you get."

Joel huffed, but did not try to deny it.

"She's my daughter. Why wouldn't I be worried?"

"Hm. Agreed. Then let's go. I don't want to keep my niece waiting."

His words brought a light chuckle up in Joel.

Ellie had become a second daughter to Joel. Despite not sharing the same blood, he did not think of her to be any different from Sarah, his actual daughter.

After she had been shot, Ellie had taken a huge part in him getting over the past. Now, he felt at ease again, like a father, but would never forget his little girl.

Joel did not wish to ever feel pain like this again. He didn't want to loose another daughter. Not if he could prevent it from happening.

The sheer thought of loosing Ellie as well send shivers down his spine. A shaky breath got stuck in his throat. All of a sudden the pain of the past returned and made his chest pull together. It hurt so much, he had to hold onto the saddle to not fall of the back of his horse.

"Tommy.", Joel gasped in a hoarse voice. "We should hurry. I have a bad feeling."

Throwing a quick glance over his shoulder, Tommy nodded. He did not need to question the sudden change of heart because he knew all too well that his brothers gut feeling never failed.

If Joel felt something was off, Tommy knew something was about to happen.

Something bad.

"Ah shit.", he hissed and ordered his horse to run. "We should split up. I'll take the backside of the house, through the garage."

Joel nodded, also ordering his horse to pick up the quickest pace possible.

"Fine. We will meet in the main hall then.", he tossed a bag with supplies to Tommy before giving him one last warning. "And stay quite if somebody is in there. No fighting."

"Same goes for you. Even if Ellie is in danger. We will figure it out when we're there."

Biting his lips, Joel forced himself to keep calm.

"You know I can't do that.", he said. "If Ellie's in danger I will do everything I can."

For a moment, Tommy seeped to be lost in thoughts. His eyes were fixed onto the path before him, the white landscape that seemed to have no end.

"Joel.", he finally said. "If Ellie's in danger, do what you must. But make sure she will be safe and sound. Don't die for nothing, okay?"

The older brother nodded.

"I'll make sure that won't happen."

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