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With nervous eyes you looked around before opening the gate to the farm.

The two men followed you. Both held a gun in their hands, not threatening but always ready to shoot you in the back if necessary.

Your mind was running, thinking about all the options you had.

The feeling of blood stuck to your skin. You had to somehow pretend to them that you were just a traveler in distress. The best thing would be for Joel to take the role of a victim as well. But you weren't sure if he could quickly get involved in such situations.

He might be caught off guard and ruin the whole story you had told the men in a makeshift way. But at that moment you had no choice but to hope for his quick reactions.

"Looks nice.", remarked one of the men, a young one with brown hair, pointing with his head to the house.

"We found it by chance.", you said, and gave him a smile that couldn't have been better acted.

"We?", the other man raised an eyebrow skeptically.
You nodded.

"I told you, didn't I? My husband is with me."

"Your husband is not violent, is he?"

You laughed.

"No, Mark is peaceful. I do most of the killing."

"Then why were you out alone?"

The younger of the two grabbed your hand before you could open the door.

You faltered, but didn't let him know that his behavior was irritating your already tense nerves.

"I was patrolling.", you said, as if you were the most innocent person on the planet. "To check the area."

The man laughed, visibly making fun of you.

"That almost killed you."

With a grin, he flicked against your cheek, over which long, deep wounds now stretched.

At his touch, a sharp pain ran through your face, making your lips numb and your eye water.

Growling, you pulled your head away.

"It will heal.", you said as if it didn't bother you and smiled at him. "Come in. Mark is probably already waiting with the food."

Your hand touched the doorknob. But before pushing it open, you pretended it would be stuck to give Joel a heads-up before entering with the two strangers.

Surprise appeared on his face as he noticed. He got up, tabbing the dirt off his pants and threw you a quick questioning gaze.

With a helpless expression, you silently begged him to play along and grabbed his face with both your hands.

You smiled at him.

"Mark.", you said the name as clear as possible for him to get the hint. "I'm back."

He nodded, relived, wrapped his arms around your waist and placed a kiss on your forehead. But his expression quickly changed as he noticed the blood.

"You're hurt.", Joel said and grabbed your chin with two fingers so he could have a better look at it.

The concern in his voice sounded so real that you almost though he was seriously worried about you.

"Don't worry, it's just a scratch."

"Half of your face is bleeding."

"I just need to clean it. The wounds aren't deep."

With a pained expression on his face he bend down and placed a kiss on your lips.

Struck by surprise, you buried your fingers in his shirt and closed your eyes.

The touch of his lips was cold and harsh. He had rough lips, not very soft nor smooth. The kiss tasted of whisky and honey while his wooden smell filled the air.

As he pulled back, a surprised gasp escaped your lips.

"Don't do this ever again.", he said, looking you deep in the eyes. "I can't loose you."

Swallowing hard, you nodded. It was strange to see him this way. But what was even stranger was that your heart was beating like crazy.

His hazel eyes jumped up to the two men that had been watching the two of you.

The way they looked suggested that they were buying the little show.

"Who are you?", Joel asked and pushed himself in front of you. "I've never seen your faces before."

The younger one shrugged, his hands folded over the riffle while it hung loosely on his shoulder.

"We're just trespassers.", he said and pointed at you. "Found your lover in the forest. Almost got killed by an infected one."

Joel hummed.

"Then I should give you my thanks."

The older one shook his head.

"We don't need that.", his dark eyes wandered through the house, obviously looking for guns of weapons that could be used against him and his partner. "We just need to restock some stuff and then leave again."

"Are you hungry?", Joel pointed at the pot, which was sitting on the stove. "Got the gas going again. Would be a shame to let you go without anything in return."

The two men exchanged a gaze.

Then they nodded.

"Won't kill us.", the younger one flashed a strangely evil smile and let himself fall onto the armchair which was standing next to the door. "We will take what we can get."

Understanding, Joel nodded and pulled you with him into the half open kitchen. He placed you in front of the stove, himself slightly next to you, and began to prepare some plates.

In this position the men were able to see the both of you but were too far away to know what was whispered.

With a quick glance, Joel eyes you, asking for an explanation.

You shrugged.

"They saved my life.", you admitted, kind of embarrassed.

He rolled his eyes.

"And suddenly you're a social butterfly?", he asked in a sarcastic manner. "Should have saved you too. Then we would be friends now."

"Joel. They are not here because I like them."

"Then let me in on your plan."

He handed you a plate with beans and some mashed potatoes.

Quickly, you threw a glance over your shoulder.

"Do you see their uniform?"

He checked.

"Nothing common, well armoured. Military?"

"I don't think so. But there is only one group that is this well equipped."

"The fireflies."

You nodded.

"Or somebody who's similar to them. Abby is a trained soldier. She would never go remotely close to such powerful enemies."

"Unless they are no enemies."

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