A funny and adorable little creature "Pearl"

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The ocean is the world of all mysteries. A world that all earthly creatures cannot imagine. But the question everyone is asking is..... Why is the ocean so dangerous and why is it so mysterious?
What the legends say is that monsters invade the 7 seas but not only monsters the most dangerous and cruel creatures the world is still known for.....the Pirates!
These pirates are selfish, thieves, villains and they destroy everything in their path who dares to challenge them in a duel for treasure. Captain Jack Triton, the most naughty and cruel of all pirates, is looking for a treasure, the greatest and richest of all treasures and also the most dangerous...
He is sailing his boat and under his foot is a small pink sea creature very terrified of the nasty pirate and his crew, This creature is like a sea dog but there is still too much mystery about sea creatures, especially this adorable creature unfortunately captured by the most horrible of pirates.

(Yes it's Nessie from Ruby Teenage Kraken. But imagine it's a female with eyelashes and she's wearing a necklace with real precious pearls. You will be more after)

This poor baby creature doesn't understand why they captured her and these bad pirates separated her from her family. She tries to get out of the cage and luckily her skin is very wet she manages to get out of the cage and sneaks discreetly behind the captain to jump into the water.

Sailor - Captain! The creature is escaping!

The little creature looks at all the pirates in front of her, before they run towards her, the little sea creature jumps from the boat and is now in the water safe from the pirates. But she's not really safe all alone in a big ocean with a violent storm.

Sailor - Captain, what do we do now? That creature has escaped!

Jack Triton - Don't worry Blue, I'm sure she hasn't gone very far, she's still a baby, she'll never survive on her own and anyway where do you think she'll go?! (laughs evilly)

Crew - (laughing evilly)

<In Kingdom Trolls At Vacay Island>

The little baby creature manages to escape from the strong ocean currents but she is injured, tired hungry and terrified hearing the fireworks, she screams in fear and hides under a rock with a small hole and she cries in fear and hopes that her family will come and save her.

<With John Dory and BroZone>

We all know the leader and older brother of BroZone the most protective, courageous, determined and strong brother with his family they just finished their show and are watching the fireworks.

Spruce - (drinks milkshake and puts his hand on his older brother's shoulder) The fireworks idea was brilliant John! And thank you, it's the best gift in the world!

Clay - And why are you giving us fireworks?

JD - Oh I thought it would be cool to have fireworks as we finished our show. So what do you guys think?

Floyd - It's so amazing! (hug John) You promise me when it's my birthday you'll give me fireworks?!

JD - (laughs with a soft raspy voice and wraps his arm around Floyd) Of course Floyd, I promise.

Rhonda is very happy with these fireworks but without a smell that comes from the ocean, from the sea water that she does not know and even John Dory will not know while he travels everywhere in the world. She approaches John Dory and makes grunts of worry which means there are strangers near them.

JD - Hey what's wrong Rhonda? Calm down my girl, calm down. (caress her gently and she calms down)

Branch - John?

JD - She felt something... Strangers that worried her.

Rhonda puts her face against that of John Dory who comforts her and she asks him to follow her because she knows that a creature is in danger.

JD - I'll be back brothers it might be dangerous, stay safe. (leaves with Rhonda)

Floyd - John Dory!

The leader turns around and looks at his brothers who look at him with worries.

Floyd - Please be careful.

JD - Don't worry guys. I will come back I promise! (walk towards in the woods)

Branch - I hope it's not dangerous..

Clay - Don't worry guys, I'm sure it is not very dangerous.

Spruce - (looks worriedly at the forest where John has gone)

John Dory and Rhonda arrive on the other side of the small beach, they look around suspiciously if there is ever danger, the little pink sea creature looks at the exit under the rock where she hides from what is happening and when she saw John Dory and Rhonda she immediately hides under the seaweed and squeals with fear without paying attention to the fact that she is crying loudly, Rhonda hears and senses her and she approaches the rock very slowly and she happily growls at John Dory to come, John approached Rhonda and gently caressed her.

JD - That's good Rhonda, you're a good girl!

John Dory kneels down and looks through the hole and sees the little creature looking at him in fear while hiding under the seaweed and he is amazed to see these kinds of creatures and he feels bad for her to see her terrified and squealing in fear.

JD - Aww my poor girl, you must be really terrified here all alone. And where is your mom?

The little creature squeals in sadness and John Dory and Rhonda understand that she is separated from her family but they don't know that it's because of the pirates that she is separated from her family. John Dory steps back a little and gently extends his hand to show the creature that it is safe and not alone.

JD - (speak kindly and softly) Come here girl, don't be afraid, I promise I won't hurt you.

The little sea creature slowly comes out of the seaweed and looks at John's hand who seems to be very kind to the creatures, she approaches slowly and once out of her hiding place John Dory is surprised to see her closer but he remains gentle so as not to scare her and once she sniffs his hand she understands that she is now safe, she puts her head in contact with John's hand for him to caress her.

JD - (caressing her gently) So you see that I won't hurt you, my girl.

The little creature looks at John Dory but this time with a happy and confident look... Like a dog or earlier... A sea dog! The happy sea dog jumps on John's raised knee and begins to lick his face with joy and thanks.

JD - Hehe, hey take it easy my little girl, take it easy no need to thank me I have already saved lots of animals and creatures all my life. (gently carries the little creature) Wow I don't know what creature you are but you are so cute! (gives her a hug and the little creature snuggles against his cheek with a purr)

Rhonda approaches John Dory and the creature in his arms.

JD - Look Rhonda, let me introduce you to your new best friend!

Rhonda smells the little creature, she smells sea water but mostly she smells kindness and fear, Rhonda hugs the creature who purrs softly and hugs her back.

JD - Aww I knew you would be great best friends, my girls!

The little creature now becomes excited to be surrounded by good people who will protect it and take good care of it.

Rhonda - (sees the wound on the creature's leg and makes worried noises to John Dory)

JD - What's wrong Rhonda? (understands her concern and looks at the injured middle right paw) Aww you are hurt my poor girl. (checks the middle right paw) It's okay it's not a serious injury, I'm going to disinfect you and bandage your paw. (walks towards Rhonda to go home) Don't worry I'll take good care of you until you're a big girl!

The creature licks John Dory's face again and he chuckles at his new girl's licks and Rhonda is happy and relieved that her new best friend is not seriously injured and she knows that John Dory will take good care of her. Inside his armadillo bus, he gently places the little sea creature on the sofa who looks at John with joy and wagging her tail.

JD - Don't worry, my girl I'm going to get my first aid kit and my book on sea creatures, I'm coming back, stay good my girl. (goes into the bathroom)

John Dory finds the care kit and heads to the small library which talks about nature and all types of creatures. Coming back where he left the little creature on the sofa he saw it sleeping on the sofa.

JD - (smiles gently) Aww she must have gone through horrible things.

He sits on the couch and begins to treat the creature's paw and as soon as he has bandaged the paw and is about to open his book, the little creature wakes up and sits on John's lap and she looks at the book and snuggles up to John Dory in a hug.

JD - Hey my girl, sorry if I woke you up.

The little creature gently licks his cheek that she forgives him and is happy that he is there. She makes little squeaks and opens her mouth with her tongue hanging out of her mouth. (that means she's hungry)

JD - From this I see my pretty you are hungry, aren't you?

The creature nods her head and wags its tail.

JD - Mhm (opens his book and comes across the right page which talks about his little sea creature) Okay, so, I know that you are a sea dog. <Sea creature, the sweetest and kindest of the 7 seas, this creature is very intelligent and can understand the feelings of others even those who are good at hiding them.> Aww looks like Rhonda! <Sea dogs are very timid creatures, they only eat algae inside seafood shells.> (looks at the creature and notices that it doesn't have any teeth yet) And since you're still a baby it's going to be complicated to feed you (think and come up with an idea) Oh I know how to feed you!

He stands up and the little creature looks at him and tilts its head.

<With John's brothers>

It's been over 20 minutes since John left and his brothers are still waiting for him and they're starting to worry. Floyd hasn't moved and is still looking at the forest waiting for John to come back.

Floyd - John promised us he would come back and it's already been 20 minutes since he left... (turns towards his brothers who are putting away their concert clothes) You guys think John is in danger?!

Clay - Aww Floyd. (approaches his younger brother and pulls him into a hug) You know that John Dory knows how to fight and defend himself well, I'm sure he's fine.

Floyd - I hope you're right...

Spruce walks towards the forest and the other brothers look at him in confusion.

Clay - Spruce, where are you going?

Spruce - I'm going to go get John, he's been gone for over 21 minutes now and I'm so worried I can't wait long.

Branch - I agree with Spruce. He may be in danger.

Floyd - (joins Spruce and Branch) I'm coming with you guys!

Clay - Okay, I'm coming too, because it's now 22 minutes and it's really worrying! (joins his brothers and they walk in the forest) Plus he promised us he would come back, let's take him home!

The brothers leave the scene and find their brother.

<With John Dory>

John prepares the little creature's food and once it's finished and it's in Branch's old bottle, he extends the bottle to the little creature.

JD - Here girl, one as you don't have any teeth yet you are going to have to use the bottle. And as you are supposed to eat it with your mother's saliva and that you are separated from your family and that I found you and saved you... Ew luckily I still have Branch's bottle otherwise I would have had to chew the food and give it to you in your mouth with my saliva... (covers his mouth with a hand) I think I'm going to vomit...

The little creature drinks its food from the bottle and it enjoys it, it jumps into John's arms and it sticks to his cheek which is a sign of infection.

JD - I see you like it. (gently caresses his new friend's head who purrs and wags her tail) I should find you a name, what do you think, my girl?

The little sea creature finishes het meal and licks John's cheek and she is very happy that her friend is very nice, unlike the pirate.

JD - Hehe I know that means yes! (lift his new friend and think) Mhm... What am I going to call you..? (look at his friend and out the window looking at the sea) When do you think the name, Chelsea?

The little sea creature makes a disgusted look while sticking out its tongue, as if it had eaten something bitter.

JD - (giggles at his friend's behavior) I understand and unlike Ruby Gillman's Chelsea, you are very sweet, (gives her a eskimo kiss and she wags her tail) you're a good girl like Rhonda! You two are my good girls! (gets his nose licked and looks at the pearl necklace around the creature's neck) Wow your necklace is very pretty and... It looks like real pearls...

The little creature made a bark of joy when it heard the word "pearls"

JD - What do you have ? Hehe why are you so excited all of a sudden girl? Ooh do you love the name, Pearl?

She nodded and gave him a little lick on the cheek which made John Dory laugh.

JD - Okay, so hello Pearl, I'm John Dory and your great friend who is my girl is Rhonda, we're happy to meet you!

Pearl snuggles further into John's arms who hugs her back.

JD - Don't worry, I promise we will take good care of you and protect you from all predators, you don't have to be afraid anymore-

Spruce, Clay, Floyd & Branch - JOHN DORY!!!

Pearl jumps and hides, John Dory tries to catch her to calm her down until he gets tackled in a hug by his brothers.

Branch - Oh my gosh, we thought you were in danger! Please don't EVER scare us like that bro!

Floyd - (crying in John's shoulder) We *sniff* We were so scared for you John...

JD - Aww (hug Floyd and speak to him in a soft voice to reassure him) I'm sorry for scaring you guys, next time I'll be back as soon as possible, I promise.

Spruce - You better keep your promise, otherwise we'll stick you and hang on to your legs! Like when we did it when we were kids!

JD - (chuckle) Alright, alright! Come give your big brother a hug and I'm sorry for making you guys worry.

BroZone - (group hug)🩵💜💚🩷💙

Clay - And why did it take you so long?

JD - Oh yes (gently withdraws from the hug) I have to introduce you to Pearl!

Branch - Who?

JD - Pearl! (heading towards where Pearl is hiding) I found her at the beach she was terrified but I managed to relax her and I will try to calm her down again she is quite sensitive as a sea creature.

Spruce - A sea creature?! Um John...

JD - Yes but don't worry, she is very sweet. (kneels next to the bathroom curtain) And basically it's a sea dog.

By gently opening the curtain he sees her closer and she squeals in fear of seeing John Dory's brothers.

JD - Hey Pearl, don't be afraid, they're my little brothers, they're very nice, they won't hurt you. (gently extend his hand to Pearl to reassure her)

Pearl slowly approaches John and hides behind his leg while looking at John's brothers.

JD - (carries Pearl and caresses her gently to calm her) Guys, let me introduce you to Pearl, as I just told you, she's a sea dog who I don't know where it comes from because my book on creatures doesn't tell everything! And Pearl here are my little brothers, my little brother with purple hair is Spruce, my second little brother with lime green hair is Clay, my third little brother with magenta pink hair is Floyd and my fourth youngest brother with blue hair is Branch.

Spruce, Clay, Floyd & Branch - Hi Pearl.

Pearl sniffs them and starts wagging her tail and sticking her tongue out like a dog making the BroZone brothers laugh. John puts Pearl back on the ground and she starts running around the armadillo bus.

Clay - Wow you're right John, she really behaves like a dog.

Floyd - (giggle) Because she's a sea dog, Clay.

Clay - Hehe (wraps his arm around his younger brother) I know Floyd.

Branch - And your book doesn't say where it comes from?

JD - No unfortunately, but I'm going to do everything I can to find out where she came from and I'm going to take good care of her with Rhonda.

Floyd - (caress Pearl with Clay) Can we help you? Please Johnny say yes!!

Clay - Yeah we want to help you how you always helped us! Please bro!

Spruce, Clay, Floyd & Branch - pwease Johnny! (make puppy eyes) Say yes big brother!!

JD - (giggle) Of course you guys help me, we are brothers, the BroZone brothers and we will always be there for each other!

Rhonda makes happy noises upon hearing that John's brothers are going to help them take good care of Pearl. They come out of Rhonda and Pearl runs towards Rhonda wanting to play with her. The brothers watch Rhonda and Pearl play together, John Dory is proud to have helped his new mysterious sea creature, and what he would like to know is where she came from and how she got to Vacay Island.

Bruce - Oh I know your look John.

JD - I just want to know where she came from and what happened to cause her to be so far away from her family. And look, it's still a baby and baby sea dogs aren't good swimmers, we would have to wait at least 1 year for her to know how to swim.

Branch - I'm sure you'll help her. (puts his hand on his older brother's shoulder) We are with you, John Dory.

John Dory smiles at his brothers and watches Rhonda and Pearl play together like real sisters again.

To be continued...

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