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There once was a man named Johnathan, but everyone called him John. His full name was Johnathan Marcus William Smith. Being about twenty-six with brown hair not too light and not too dark. He had brown eyes and a lighter skin but closer to tan. Also was quite fit for his age and he wouldn't back down. Los Angeles, California was what he called home. He was much a city man being very nice and loved to help people when they needed it. Working at a hotel you'd think he was a manager or supervisor or even the owner with all the hard work he did in school. Nope, he works in room service. His boss's name was Mr.Carter. Mr.Carter's full name though was Robin Jackson Carter. He was fifty-three and always wore a tailored suit and had hair as white as snow. He had kind vibrant blue eyes and a nice smile that fit perfectly with him. He was in fairly good shape for a fifty-three year old man. John was a very lonely man other than his german shepherd dog, he had never been married and the only time he had a girlfriend was in tenth grade when he was sixteen. You will learn more about the girl later in the story so be patient.

So one day while John was working he heard from other hotel workers that Mr.Carter's daughter was coming to stay at the hotel for a couple of weeks for her summer vacation. This was surely news to John he never knew the boss had a daughter let alone that she was coming to the hotel.

After work John drove home in his midnight blue colored truck. He lived in a very simple two story home, which was just as blue as his truck was. The entire front of his house was practically all windows. He absolutely loved the sunlight, he rarely ever turned on a light. He always had all the blinds open except at night,because he hated the dark. This started when he was little.

One night, when he was just the age of seven, his mother had asked him to go into the basement of the house to get some cake mix. It was almost midnight. Why was he up so late at a time as late as this, you might be thinking. Well it was his birthday in a couple of days and he was so excited and his mother so busy she had let him stay up with her to help cook for when everyone arrived. His birthday was on September 25 of the year 2137, and yes they still had basements. He said, "alright" cause he loved to help so he didn't have to think twice about it. Plus he had been in the basement so much he could practically go down there blindfolded.

This time was different though. There was a storm outside and it was dark and creepy. You could hear the sound of the wind, like the screams of the lost. The branches of trees clawed at the windows trying to find shelter from the terrible storm. Lightning flashed and roared along with the thunder as they had their terrible brawl. As the lightning and thunder fought and the trees clawed the windows and the screams of the lost filled the basement, John saw a shadow. He didn't know what it was. "wh-who's there?" he stuttered from fright and fear. No answer. He waited for what seemed like hours to in but was in reality only matter of minutes. He ran up the stairs as if being chased by a giant monster with three heads, long sharp fangs, claws and anything that seemed nightmarish to a seven year old. As he reached the top of the stairs he slammed the basement door shut and slowly sat against it panting like he had run a three mile race. That my dear reader is how Johnathan Marcus William Smith became afraid of the dark.

The next morning he did his usual routine. Get up, eat breakfast, brush his teeth, comb his hair and put on one of his daily waiter outfits for work. Then he would take Lucky, his german shepherd, out for a short walk and then head out for work. As he walked in he thought there was a bit extra clamor then there usually was amongst the workers. "What's going on? Why is everyone so excited?" he asked. "Mr.Carter's daughter will arrive at noon!" said a very excited maid. The excited maid started talking to another worker but the only thing John wished to know is who she was. Well the lesson here would be, "be careful what you wish for!"

Everyone was assigned jobs and posts to work at, John was assigned to help the young lady with whatever she asked. Now this was a job he could do and do it well. He had to wait until she came so he waited patiently. The day was fairly normal up till noon. Soon a car started to pull into the reserved spot in the parking lot. He was so excited almost as excited as the maid was. By now everyone had waited patiently and now everything seemed to be going crazy waiting to see what she looked like and how she acted. The car was parked and a nice looking young lady stepped out. She had golden blond hair, blue eyes and a fairly light skin tone. Johnathan stopped and thought he had lost his mind for a moment. As the woman walked in Johnathan waited and was practically frozen to the spot. Her father came out, Mr.Carter and gave his daughter a giant hug. "How has my princess been doing lately?" he asked in a nice kind tone. Everyone in the room was taken back by the way he was acting. "I've been great dad how about you?" she said very simply. "Great!" he replied. Johnathan had practically choked on the air in the room. He had known this woman when he was only in tenth grade. Can you guess who she is? I know I can. When she stepped out of the embrace she almost fell over by what she was seeing. "John?" she said staring right at him. "Abigail?" he replied. "You two know each other?" Mr.Carter asked, "Yes, we were in tenth grade together." was all Abigail replied unable to say anything else and not willing to share the past with her father. Unable to do anything else John made a bow. She smiled "I see you are still as polite as ever." Abigail said and made a curtsy back. Both of them were standing tall now and smiling wide as ever.

As you know Johnathan had a girlfriend in tenth grade yes, and he knew Abigail in the tenth grade. Put two and two together and what do you get? Did you figure it out if not i'll tell you anyway. Abigail was Johnathan's girlfriend. I hope you saw that coming if not better for me, now shall we keep on reading or not?

Neither John nor Abigail had seen each other since grade ten. That would be about ten years. A long time dontcha think? Both were happy, excited, surprised and confused. Way too many emotions to be feeling at once. Plus since he would be her waiter the entire time she was there they could get to know each other... again. He thought, maybe if he got to know her and her, him then maybe they could get back together. What do you think about his strategy? I think it might just work! They both look alot different then in tenth grade. Johnathan used to have glasses and wore plaid. Everyone called him a nerd but out of the class he was the smartest and knew to just ignore them, so he did. Abigail used to have her hair always up in a ponytail and was a paleish blonde. She also had glasses, as well as freckles and naturally curly hair. Now she didn't have glasses, her freckles were faded and her hair was still curly but, nice and a golden blonde. She had blue eyes, deep and kind just like her father's. She, as well as John, liked to help people as much as she could and most of the time would ask to help. Her father on the other hand seemed to like helping people as long as they helped him as well. John and Abigail helped each other out and talked a lot. As the week went by each got to know each other and to them it felt like they were in tenth grade for a second time, falling in love all over again. When Abigail asked for help John was always the first there, when John required assistance Abigail would help glady smiling the whole time. Abigail's father wasn't sure what to think. "They care for each other I can see that clearly but, I don't know if i'm ready to give up my princess yet." he contemplated his decisions and what he should do for hours on end. Eventually he had come to a decision. "Mr.Smith," Mr.Carter said, "I need to have a little talk with you." Johnathan had no idea what he had done. He had listen and obeyed what Abigail had asked or told him to do. "John," he said, now Johnathan had never been addressed as John by his boss so he knew this must be big, "I can tell you have feelings for my daughter." he waited to see if John would reply but John only nodded slightly. "I have decided that it will be her choice of who to be with so if she chooses you I will be happy so long as she is." John relaxed quite a bit. "But, if you, in anyway, harm or hurt my daughter you will be sorry!" he warned. "I would never dream of hurting her." John said straight faced totally serious. "Then in that case there is only one more thing to be said, good luck!" John smiled and got up and left after bowing politely to his boss. John couldn't help but smile as he walked back to where Abigail sat waiting. "So?" Abigail said as John walked in, "how'd it go?" "Pretty well, I didn't get yelled at." "Did you do anything wrong?" " No." "Good! What did you talk about anyway?" Abigail asked very curious, "oh, not much." John replied. "Ok." Abigail said letting the matter go. John was going to wait til the last day, which was only the day after tomorrow, to ask if Abigail wanted to be together again.

On the last day Abigail had said goodbye to her father and the staff now it was John's turn. She gave a big hug, just as big as her father gave her, and said "i'll miss you." "May I ask you something before you go?" John said with a quizzical look. "Yes." she replied looking up at him, "would you like to be my girlfriend once again Abigail?" she grinned and hugged him tighter, "Yes!" she said. Both were beaming soo much, if you could get electricity from happiness they could have powered the entire hotel. They eventually got married and had two kids a boy and a girl named, Stephanie and Jack, they were twins. Stephanie was older by a couple of minutes, Jack was the younger twin of the two. Stephanie was also more mature than Jack. Both were loved dearly by their parents who loved each other just as much.

And they lived Happily Ever After

The End

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