Chapter 1: A bizarre Birthday

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POV Jordan
I was quietly sleeping in my bed. The sun was already shining and a few rays came into my room. Everything was totally relaxed but then.....BOOM. My door was kicked open and my mom Jolyne was standing there pissed off in the doorway saying "Jordan, it's 7:30 get up now! School starts in 30 minutes!
"Five more minutes" I begged. "No, or I'll have to Ora you out of the bed." she said threateningly.
"Ok, you win" I said tiredly and dragged myself to the bathroom.
After a quick shower I got dressed and went down to the kitchen.
I was about to go in when my mom covered my eyes from behind "Mom what the?" I replied annoyed
But she just laughed and opened the door with stone free. When we went in she uncovered my eyes and I saw a birth cake on the table. At the table sat my father Anasui and my grandpa Jotaro.
"Happy birthday my baby" my mother said lovingly and kissed my cheek. I rolled my eyes as I remembered that I turned 18 today. My dad and grandpa laughed at my reaction.
Dad stood up, hugged me and said "Happy birthday son".
"Thanks dad" I said
Finally Grandpa Jotaro came and patted me on the back and said "I know exactly how awkward this is for you, I was the same way at your age".
I grinned at his comment. Grandpa was the only one who understood me. My mother rolled her eyes and said "why does he have to inherit your Edgelord attitude".
"Better than being in jail over 5 times at 19" Jotaro countered.
My father and I laughed while my mother blushed and replied "it's because you didn't pay enough attention to me".
My grandpa was about to answer but I intervened and said "Do we have to discuss this again? Can't we just eat?"
The arguing sighed and my father just nodded. He knew after 18 years of marriage it was better not to go between jolyne and jotaro. We sat down and started eating.
"Do you have to work today?" I asked my parents. They shook their heads and answered "we took the day off".
I smiled gratefully. My father was a gynecologist and my mother was a model. Therefore, the two have a lot to do. Often they had no time for me which I noticed especially in my childhood. That's why I had such a strong bond with my grandfather who used to take care of me.
Flashback 10 years before
It was Friday evening. My father had to push unfortunately once again night shift and my mother was because of a model order in Paris. She wanted to be back in the evening but so far there was no trace of her. I sat at home with Grandpa Jotaro. We watched a children's series about dolphins. Actually, I loved this series but tonight I had little desire to watch it because my parents were once again not home. My grandpa seemed to notice and asked, "Jordan, why are you sad?" I looked at him with googly eyes and answered "I miss mom and dad. Why are they gone so much? Don't they love me? My grandpa sighed and lifted me onto his lap and started talking "your parents are incredibly busy it's true. But they do it all for you so you can have a good life. Your parents had it very hard in the past. Your mom was in prison all the time because I was never there for her. Your father too. He hated everyone until he met your mother and he changed. I think they miss you a lot right now, but they're doing it all for you, remember that".
I nodded. He was right. I finally gave him a hug which he happily returned.
"Thank you grandpa" I said happily.
He smiled, which he very rarely does.
Just at that moment I heard the lock turn and the door open. My mother was standing in the doorway. She looked very tired.
"Mommy" I yelled happily and ran to her.
Her eyes lit up and she happily pulled me into a hug in her arms.
"Jordan my baby, I missed you so much. I'm glad you're awake after and waiting for your mommy."
Out of the corner of my eye I saw her looking gratefully at Grandpa.
Flashbacks Ends
"Now off to school," my mother shooed me.
My father and grandpa smirked at that.
School was out and I was again standing for our front door. I rang the doorbell and was surprised to see a familiar face open the door.
"Uncle Giorno!" I said, delightedly surprised.
He laughed and we hugged.
I looked at him. Although he was now in his mid-40s, he looked as young as ever. It was probably because of his father DIO (The Bastard). "What are you doing here?" I asked him. "I can hardly miss your 18th" he said with a grin. I grinned back and asked "is Uncle Mista here too?"
"Sure" the blond replied.
We went into the living room where Mista was talking to my parents. He stood up when he saw me and hugged me in greeting "all the best JoJo" he said smiling.
I rolled my eyes laughing. That nickname was passed down generations.
"Any more coming?" I asked.
My mother answered "we didn't invite any of your friends because this is supposed to be a family party. Your grandpa is picking up Joseph, josuke and okayusa from the airport.
"Yare Yare Daze" I replied
"DAWA.jordan is called DAWA" my mother replied sourly.
Yare Yare Daze, all joestars united.

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