Prologue- The Beginning of a Bizarre Adventure

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(Hello Everyone! *a thousand shotguns point his way* Woah, Woah! No need to get violent! Yes, I know you want me to update my Betrayal Story, but I can't think of anything, and I thought, "Why not make a Pokémon and JoJo Crossover?" so yeah, here we are. Enjoy the story!)

( SPOILERS: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 3-I HIGHLY suggest you check out JoJo-Stardust Crusaders before reading this)

(3rd Person POV: JoJo Universe)

The 5 Crusaders were just about to get on the cruise ship to take them to Egypt within a few weeks, now that they have Polnareff on their side after Avdol burned him to cinders essentially. Yeah, Polnareff's still mad about that.

Anyways, the Crusaders were boarding the ship, with Jotaro going first. This seemed like a normal day, at least, as normal as it can get for a bunch of stand users going to Egypt to save someone's daughter. 

They were about to board the ship and head off to Egypt, but suddenly, a rip of the time-space continuum appeared under Jotaro, pulling him in, Joseph tried to pull him out of the hole with Hermit Purple, only he was falling at such a velocity that Joseph got pulled in as well. The others tried to help and, I think you can guess how well those attempts went. They all fell in, mostly because the rip had some sort of weird suction. Unbelievably, this was happening everywhere, DIO's Mansion, most Stand users were pulled in a rip. Yes, including Holly Kujo. Don't ask.

After a fall of what seemed like a thousand miles, the rift ended, and dropped them into an unknown world, in the distance, Jotaro could see other rifts and people, he could see that one of them was DIO coming from it, he gritted his teeth, knowing that innocent pedestrians were probably gonna get hurt in the process of finding and fighting DIO. But as of now, they were in a mysterious world, with mysterious creatures, and mysterious people.

(3rd Person POV: Pokémon Universe)

Ash was just getting back from Alola after becoming the champion after his triumph over Tapu Koko, the Melemele Island Guardian. After a good night's rest, due to his exhaustion, he went to Professor Oak's Lab to celebrate, along with Gary.

After an entire day of having fun with friends and family, Ash decided to take a walk with most of his Pokémon, (I say most because he has released Pokémon and some of them stayed at the lab.) Talking about his previous adventures and how he has finally won the league. Eventually, Gary joined in, talking about, well, Pokémon. After a little bit, Gary goes back to the lab, socialize with the others that came to the party.

After a while, Ash sees the rift the Crusaders came through. Ash, upon seeing this, becomes curious, wanting to check it out, but Ash didn't let curiosity get the better of him, as he kept walking on the road, chatting with his Pokémon along the way.

(??? POV)

I smile as I pull the bowstring of a bow with a very particular arrow. Most people will die when being pierced with this arrow, so I could use this to search out suitable stand users.

Oh, is that a boy I see, with those weird creatures along side him. Can you tame them? Eh, none of my expertise.

As the boy gets ever closer, I pull the string back more, bit by bit, and then, I let go of the bowstring, letting it fly and then landing straight in his leg. Seems my job here is done, let's see if he survives.

(Jotaro's POV)

Me and the other Crusaders were trying to find our way through this thick forest, while trying to avoid these strange creatures in case they got territorial. Speaking of the Crusaders, we found my mom falling from one of those strange rifts, which Gramps caught her. Makes sense, because she's his own daughter. he said something about how this was never meant to happen, or something like that, I just kept trying to find an exit to this maze of a forest. No time to weep when we still need to find the god-forsaken exit of this goddamn forest.

After what seemed like forever, I finally found the goddamn exit, I yelled into the forest to tell the other Crusaders, "Hey, I found the exit!" I think they all heard me because I heard footsteps coming my way from the forest. As I waited for them, I went outside to take a little stretch, a few hours in a forest where you couldn't stand up right really cramps your back, you know.

As I was taking a stretch, I saw a boy talking to some of those weird creatures, I'm guessing you can tame them because otherwise those animals would be all over him, attacking. While I was waiting for the others to catch up, I crack open a pack of cigars and start smoking, I'm bored, what can I say?

Anyways, when the others were just starting to spill out of the forest. I saw something out of the corner of my eye, I took a closer look with Star Platinum, and it looked like a guy, holding a bow and arrow. Do they have bows and arrows here? Maybe. So I just ignored the guy until I realized what the bow was pointing at. The boy in front was what he was pointing at.

I tried to rush in and catch the arrow, but I was just a little to late, as he let go of the bowstring already. The arrow hit him square in the leg, causing him to scream in pain and the creatures to look in panic and some of them to even run around panicked. Yes, definitely tamed. Anyway, just as the others finished coming out of the forest, Gramps was last, due to him carrying his daughter, and they immediately saw the problem at hand, but the boy answered, "No! Stay back! I can handle this." 

He then ordered the green bipedal of his tamed animals to pull it out gently, which he did so. Then, he grabbed his backpack and grabbed a first-aid kit from it, I guess he has it all the time in case he has an injury or needs to treat someone. He wrapped a bandage around his leg, and then fell over unconscious, blood loss, I guess. The others started panicking, until a big one out of his group told the others to calm down, I'm guessing because the others calmed down after that.

After a little while of discussing what to do, the creatures turned to me, and told me something. Only, I didn't understand, because I don't understand how these creatures talk and how to comprehend it. Until, a rat-like animal of the group, with a pencil and paper on hand, stated to scribble something on the paper with the pencil. When he showed it to me, it showed some literate words, not really complex words, but enough to tell me what to do.

Here is what he wrote: "Can you please bring Ash to *a drawing of a hospital sort of thing*" So the boy's name is Ash, interesting. So asked if this 'Ash' taught him to write. He wrote "A little" and I was sorta surprised, I was surprised because these creatures can become literate if they are taught correctly.

It seems Kakyoin caught a glimpse of the paper on hand, because he proceeded to grab Ash and head toward the direction of the hospital, with the help of the others. The other Crusaders followed hot on his trail. I stayed back, to think of some questions that popped up in my mind. Are we gonna be stuck here? What are these creatures? Why were we sent here in the first place? And many, many more. But I kept walking, waiting for answers to my questions. I could see the sun in the sky. I wondered if maybe, just maybe, we could get used to this place. All I know is, this journey is gonna be very bizarre.


Hello everyone! This is the start of a new saga! So stayed tuned for the next part! See you next time!


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