Chp.11 F.F. Part 1

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As we left off, (YN) is fighting off the stand that dragged him to the water, he notices the stand is fast, but not as fast as Fulgore, the stand enemy rushes to Fulgore, Fulgore vanished and quickly appears behind the stand and to use his neon blades to slice its back behind....but every slash he swings, the stand regenerates...

(YN): Damn it, it's gonna be tough to take this down, it's no use to mimic its abilities, don't think it doesn't even have any special ones, So it's only fare just to fight it off, Hope Jolyne and Ermes found the user.

Meanwhile, back with Jolyne and Ermes, the two started to feel suspicious with the three female prisoners, knowing one of them might be the enemy, but aren't sure at what did Jolyne do? She emits Stone Free, and to strike a punch at the black hair inmate down...

Ermes: Woah! Jolyne, how did you know it was her??

Jolyne: To be honest, I have no idea if it was here, that's why...I'm going to knock all three of them!

As Jolyne was going to swing punches at them, suddenly, the blonde hair inmate stops Jolyne, grabbing her hand, and to glare her down...and yet, her eyes were pitch dark...

Blonde Hair Inmate: You bitch! Who the fuck you think you are?!

Purple Hair Inmate: Now my plans ruined, I wanted to kill you separately. I was gonna get in the water and tear you up in shreds!

Black Hair: But your little trick surprised me, I really didn't think you'd get out of that situation, but that thread power of yours is a pain in the ass.

Ermes: Wh-What the hell?! Don't tell me it's three of them?! It doesn't make sense! Who amongst them is the user?!


Stone Free throws barrage punches to the blonde hair inmate, knocking her she does,  Jolyne and Ermes notice the black hair and blonde hair inmates bodies began to dry up, and black goo started coming out from their mouths and eyes...and the purple inmate was standing only, and says...

Purple Inmate: Stand's are special powers, each user gets only one. The girls who were actually here from the very beginning were the ones with the black hair and blonde one! They decided to go near the tractor, so I kill them and took over their bodies and intellect. On the other hand, this body of mines is....the body I created from the scarps of flesh left over from the missing prisoners!

The purple inmate began to dry as well, as her body tones apart, and for the actual enemy stand appear out from it...

The black good that were coming out from the female inmates is part of the enemy stands bodies...

FF: I did use my body for disguise, and is now whole again. If it is to protect the power and memory that White Snake discs most graciously bestowed upon me, I am willingly to do anything what it takes. It is my mission to get rid of anyone who gets near that tractor and grab the discs, I owe him very much debt.

Jolyne: So...That thing itself is the user then.

Ermes: Really??

Jolyne: Yeah, it's alive. The thing is a living organism born in the water, and from the discs, it gains power. And the one guarding them is no one to begin with.

Ermes: N-No way! So you're telling me that plankton look alike stand (YN) is fighting is the stand and this living organism is the user!?

Jolyne: Seem alike it yea, so there isn't water plenty at the storehouse, so it consumes the water from the bodies of the victims since our bodies are made out of 70% of water. So I'm order for us to defeat this thing, we have to make sure it doesn't get near the water.

Ermes: Okay but how in the world could that fucking thing be talking to us?!

FF: I am known as FF! You will call me by that name or not at all! And you two aren't getting near that storehouse!!

FF makes a run for to the store house...

Jolyne: Shit, not good! It's trying to go and hide the discs somewhere new! If it manages to bury it, it'll be gone forever! We have to stop it!

Ermee: Yeah, but we got a problem! If we go after it, we'll go further more than 50 meters away from the guard and will activate the bracelets and will explode!! So how are we going to deal with that?!

Jolyne: ...Okay! I got it, Ermes, I'll go after the user, while you carry the guards body and haul his body within my range so my cuffs won't go off and blow me up, no time to explain!

Jolyne makes a run for it after the user at the storehouse as Ermes then quickly grabs the guards body, carries him and make her way over to be within Jolyne's range....
Meanwhile, (YN) was fighting the stand still, as he uses Fulgore to stab the stand and tossing him away from him and to get off the water...the stand then grunt in anger and splashes water to him...

(YN): Really? A simple splash? Give me a break. Anyways, I gotta go help Jolyne and-

With (YN) behind wet from the splash, the stand suddenly separates its body's and to go over for its body to separate and be attach by (YN) due to the water it splash at him...

(YN): Shit!! Just fucking great!!

(YN) tried fighting it off to get it off, but it was attach and wouldn't come off...

(YN): Damn! How am i suppose to get rid of it now?! *Wait! ...I notice that I was fighting this thing on water only, and didn't bother coming out when I got out...and yet this thing hasn't touch the dirt floor since it's on me! So...The dirt must be it's weakness then!*

(YN) emits Fulgore our, as Fulgore uses his blades to scrape the dust all over (YN), and for the dust to hurt the stand and to begin melting...

(YN): That outta absorb whatever water is left over on me. Should dry up like a desert, now get the fuck off me!

Fulgore swings his blades, slicing the stand getting it off from (YN), and for the stand to melt to the dirt and isn't no longer to be seen anymore...

(YN): Phew, that's taken care off.

(YN) looks over to the storehouse and see Jolyne close to arrive towards it...

(YN): Wonder what's going on now, have to go!

As (YN) makes a run for over to the storehouse...meanwhile, Jolyne arrives at the storehouse, and to see FF pouring water on the floor with a hose, making a puddle around it and to be near the tractor, holding the wheel with the discs in them...

FF: Hmph, you actually made it. I was going to kill you anyway. My original plan was the hide these discs somewhere else and ask you question. But no matter. But answer me this...are you going to step into this puddle I've made around me, or run for your life?

Jolyne didn't care, she takes a step onto the puddle ...

Jolyne: Like if you think I'll back down, no way in hell I'll let you get away with this, now tell me, do you know who's behind all this? Who exactly is White Snake? And by gathering all the discs, what is it its trying to achieve?

FF: My, you're an interesting one.  I can understand your motive behind fighting to protect yourself, or protect your friends, but that's not something that I can relate to, but I can se why you'd do it. I just don't get why you come here and ask for death. Also, as for the one you talk about, White Snake, unfortunately I don't know who he is nor who the user is-


Jolyne rushes and emits Stone Free against FF, but FF manages to block her punches with an ease...

FF: Did you think that your work?! Well guess what?! I'll end you here and now!! Since your in my puddle, it's already my entire body!

FF fuses it's body to the water, and to summons several puddle tentacles around Jolyne, and to grab her body and neck...

Jolyne: N-NGH!! Damn it!!

FF: Hmph, seems you failed, what a futile. I have full understandings of my power and created an environment for myself where I have no weakness. Now, that body of yours seems useful, perhaps I'll use it to fit comfortably for a while.

Jolyne was in deep trouble, FF was about to take over Jolyne's body and kill her to have it for it's own....until...

(YN): Hey freak.

FF: Huh??!

FF looks behind and notices (YN) behind...and the tractor gone, and see riding slowly towards the soil dirt away...

(YN): Seems like you aren't doing your job right, hehe.


FF let's go of Jolyne and makes a run for over to chase after the tractor, (YN) catches Jolyne from being fallen...

(YN): JoJo, you okay??

Jolyne: Y-Yeah, I'm fine, thanks, you saved me there.

(YN): No, that living thing is the user??

Jolyne: Yeah, so I guess that thing you fight back there is the stand spirit after all

(YN): Seems like it yeah.

Then, Ermes appears and puts the guard on the floor..

Ermes: Jolyne, (YN).

Jolyne: Ermes, thanks for the help too.

Ermes: Any time, but that things going after the discs! We gotta stop it!

Jolyne: That won't be necessary.

Ermes: Huh??

(YN): Keep watching.

They then see FF chasing after the tractor still, and suddenly...FF began to lose its body parts when it touched the soil dirt, like if the soil is consume the liquid body off from FF...

Ermes: I see now, Soil in the fields are lot softer than the area near the wetlands.

Jolyne: Yup, the more it runs, the more water it loses.

(YN): and no water is around soil

FF began to lose more body parts, and to stop the tractor with its hands...but still, it lost its entire body, and to be with only head only, laying on the soil dirt....

Ermes: Alright! We got the fuck! Now let's go get the discs and end that little shit-

Jolyne: Hold on Ermes, don't do anything.

Ermes: Eh??

(YN): What is it now Jolyne??

Jolyne makes a run for over to FF, Ermes and (YN) goes as they do, Jolyne approach to FF's head, and to give it water from the soak coat she has on from the puddle...

Ermes: Jolyne the hell you're doing?!!

Jolyne: I'm saving it of course...this thing was never truly protecting the discs cause White Snake wanted it to do, I can see it clearly. Even it didn't care about the soil it ran up to to go after the tractor, it still continue go after it no matter what. It was protecting the discs as a way of protecting its own identity.

(YN): So, what you're getting I'm at is that it puts its life on the line out of gratitude for being able to exits in this world as an intelligent life form?

Jolyne: Yup, it doesn't give a damn about White Snake or what they want.

Ermes: Hold up a sec!! Jolyne, you do realize this thing murders five people! And top of that, it's a living thing, not human at all!

Jolyne: Exactly, thing about what you said. If it's not human, it isn't guilty either.

(YN): The one fault here is actually White Snake. The bastard only passed along enough information to allow full control over the situation.

Jolyne: Besides, that is not the only thing I want to help it out....Okay, FF...

FF: ??

Jolyne: ...Let us make a deal, protect the discs, continue to do what you've been doing this entire time, but instead, you'll do it for us. To protect them from White Snake. So let me be clear, I have no intention of tryin to to steal the discs from you, only discs I want are my mothers. Also, I wanna know every detail about White Snake's agenda so, how about it? Wanna help us out?

FF: ...I don't quiet understand what your saying,  or understand them very well...but I do understand is that I don't wanna fight anymore, and now...I've been, I guess I can help.

Jolyne: Good, it's a deal then.

(YN): Right, well let's head back to the storehouse, I'll drive the tractor over there.


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