Chp.17 End Of Lang Rangler Pt.2

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Meanwhile, at a security room, guards notices the screen of the hallway showing something happen, which leads to Jolyne and the others being chased down by Lang Rangler...

Guard: There, Hallway 7B is currently in a situation!

Then, someone appears in the security room...and happens to be none other than Father Pucci...

Pucci: Did something unusual happen?

Guard: Not certain yet, however passage 7B is only meant for going to and from the factory. No possibility that it's on fire or a riot, no need to worry father.

Pucci: Oho no, I'm not worried. I maintain the utmost trust in the Dolphin Green Street Prison, it was noisy when I heard so I got unnecessarily curious and inquired.

Guard: do know there hasn't been an escapee that has happen during this prison over the past 20 years, correct? Plus the outside of the passageway is the courtyard, there won't be no one trying to escape from that.

Pucci: Hmm, you're certainly right about that.

Guard: We'll handle it, thanks father.

Pucci: Very well then....but another quick unnecessary question?  Is that clock coming up from the corner accurate?

Guard: Hm? Oh yeah, 11:58, almost lunch time.

What Pucci saw on the computer was odd...he sees a call that has happen on 11:51, a call recipe to the SpeedWagon Foundation...

Pucci: *That time, there was a call to the SpeedWagon Foundation...* I've got an usual ask, I want to listen this recording, play the audio, from the women's prison phone stand number 16, the call about 7 minutes ago.

Back at the factory room, Jolyne (YN) and Weather were in there, still on Rangler's zero gravity zone, floating around in the air, knowing he must be hiding somewhere in the room as well...

Jolyne: Since we're still in zero gravity zone, the bastard must be here still, we have to get the disc from him now!

(YN): I know JoJo, but we can't rush things like that, we must come up with a plan to find him and take him down without any problems.

Weather: ...That door over there...leads over to the courtyard. Your objective lies through that doorway, however seems to be locked. You might need to blast it away, or force it to open somehow.

(YN): Well alright then, let's find this thief and make our way-

Jolyne: U-Um...can..can it wait?? Just for a sec??

Weather and (YN) notice Jolyne seemingly to look...inpatient and yet to move body a bit, as if she is trying to hold onto something...

Weather: ??

(YN): Whats wrong Jolyne??

Jolyne: There's...a little problem. It's sort of hard to even say, but the thing's a personal matter. Although I am at a physical limit so Um...I don't know what it became a problem so suddenly, but happens to others too.

(YN): ....I'm not following you here.

Weather: Not even a bit.

Jolyne: It's like what I'm saying! It's related to your lower half! Begins with "u"! A biological urge you have when you're thinking "thank god it isn't number 2"!

Weather: ....

(YN) began to float around Jolyne, curious about what she means by that with his arms crossed...

(YN): Related to your lower half, begins with "u" urge to do so...and to think yourself that it isn't number tw- *sudden realization* ...........*face palms* you have to a take a leak?

Jolyne: *flustering* Y-You don't have to say it such comfort!!! And...y-yeah...I's getting really bad....

(YN): ...Pfft hahahahaha!!!

Jolyne: What?!? I-It's not funny idiot!

(YN): I-I know, I know! But I mean come on Jolyne, you could have said it straight away instead of just giving us hints...

Weather: ...If you gotta take a piss, I suggest to take it somewhere else.

Jolyne: Ugh, I shouldn't even bothering asking...especially from guys like you.

Weather: Already did it myself if you two want to know.

(YN): Aw sick man! You better not have your piss go all over my face!

Weather: ...There a reason why I too had to take a piss.

Jolyne/(YN): ???

Weather: When you find yourself in zero gravity, the blood in your body will suddenly collect at your head. That blood is usually down in the lower parts of the body. Cause of gravity. Between your sling and bones is flesh that's squishy and swollen with blood, which is called "Moon Face." However, it can be dangerous when too much blood goes into your head, and thus your kidneys will go weak on you to lessen the amount of blood on you. Thats why there's a severe diuretic effect. Removing sodium content through piss. Don't worry, my clouds will absorb your piss.

Jolyne: ....

(YN): Well, it's now or never JoJo, we have to move quick to find the bastard.

Jolyne: Okay Okay just...give me a sec.

Jolyne floats around the corner with Weather's clouds...and to take a leak...

Jolyne: Ah!! So gross!

(YN): ...

Weather: (YN), do you need to take a piss??

(YN): Nah, don't even have the urge to do so, took a piss before heading to the courtyard actually...but..hey, is it...just me it hard to...breathe in here..!??

Suddenly, (YN) notices that he was having trouble breathing all of the sudden...andthis force of wind that's coming from the windows and gaping holes from the walls...

(YN): Wh..What..the?! ...

Jolyne: Guys!! Somethings wrong!! My bloods being sucked into the wall seams!

Weather: Mine too from the wound earlier!

(YN): D-Damn it...hurts like hell!

Suddenly, behind Jolyne, little nail tools comes blasting full speed up to Jolyne..

(YN): Jolyne!!!

(YN) quickly summons Fulgore and to save her by slicing the bullets away from her...

Jolyne: Thanks! ...Shit, what gives?! What's with this wind!? Why is it sucking our blood and causing to breathe!?

(YN): ...A-Air!! Air doesn't stay out within zero gravity zone! We'll get pulled by surrounding gravity and then escape! We need to fill up the gaps!

Weather: No, besides of worrying of us being suffocating, we also need to worry about our blood about to boil. We'll die from that without air. It'll dry up within 20 seconds. Come on, let's go hide.

Jolyne: We can't! Our blood is still being sucked! And (YN) needs something to breathe! I-I'll find an oxygen tank to-

Weather: Weather Forecast!

Weather than emits clouds around Jolyne and (YN) and yet for everything around them then into fog....
Afterwards, Rangler flies over and to suddenly loose them in his zero gravity zone...he begins to look for them....
Then, somewhere around the zero gravity zone, Jolyne (YN) and Weather then were wearing astronaut suits that seem to be made by Weather Forecast's clouds...

Weather: Take good care to not breathe too heavily. I've only collected little remaining air was left within this room.

Jolyne: So this is a cloud suit??

(YN): Feels...soft and...really warm!

Weather: Mm, seems like this spot here is nothing but a vacuum. These clouds hold all the oxygen left.

(YN): So how long can we breathe??

Weather: I don't wanna answer it, but I say 2 minutes. It's a cloud suit on the verge of death.

Jolyne: Thats enough time to look for that man and defeat him to retire my mom's disc.

Weather: Right, now where is he??

Then, Jolyne spots something odd from a distance, some battles that were floating around and yet to keep attach to the ground...

Jolyne: Hey, somethings off.

(YN): What is it?

Jolyne: Those barrels attach to the floor, why aren't they floating as well?? I've touched everything in this room to float, but those barrels aren't. Also our strange foe, how is that bastard possibly breathing inside the vacuum? Shouldn't his blood be boiling by now or too hard to breathe?

(YN): ...Now that you think of it, he was within close to us and yet given the circumstances, he didn't had a problem...unless....wait! I see now! That's his attack range distance! His zero gravity has a distance range and doesn't extend the whole room!

Jolyne: Attack distance.

Weather: So I'm guessing the area we are floating on is within 20 meters far, zero gravity ends there.

Jolyne: And if we go that way, there will for sure be air to breathe normally.

Then, they suddenly felt weird from their suits, as of they begin to shrink...

Jolyne: Shit! The pressure within our cloud suits is starting to become strange!

(YN): We have to go right now!!

And so, they flew their way to the end of the attack distance to get out of the zero gravity...(YN) manage to get out first as his cloud suit evaporates and yet to breathe normally...

(YN): Nice! Come on you two, only-

Suddenly, serval bullets launch out of nowhere, going after Jolyne and Weather behind...

(YN): Jolyne!! Weather behind ya!!

Jolyne turns and emits Stone Free and to throw punches to the bullets...and yet one of them manage to hit Weather's cloud suit and tear a hole...

Weather: No!

Rangler: No way in hell I'm letting either one of you get out of my zero gravity attack range zone!

(YN): Shit!! Hurry now!!

Weather manage to make it out on time...and Jolyne was close...but then, Rangler shot lore of those took bullets with Jumpin Jack Sparks..

Jolyne manage to block them with Stone Free's arm...but more kept coming...and the more they come, the faster Stone Free began throwing her punches....
But suddenly, one of those bullets manage to hit Jolyne's cloud suit and tear a hole and her blood to be sucked out...

Jolyne: Sh-Shit!!

(YN): JoJo!! Damn it!!

(YN) try to go after her, but Weather stops him from going...

Weather: Don't!

(YN): What?! Let go damn it!! She's in trouble!! I have to help her!

Weather: If you are let me make you another-

(YN): No time Damn it!! She's gonna die!!

(YN) shoves Weather away from him and to step into the zero gravity zone again...

Jolyne: (Y-YN) no!! Get out now!!

(YN) again began to have trouble breathing, but can't step back now, he's gonna have to hold it and go help Jolyne..he then floats over to her as Rangler spots him...

Rangler: Ha!! You dumbass, You're making my job easier!

He then shoots more bullets from his wrists at (YN)...but as he does, Jolyne pops a hole from her suit with her stand, to go fleeing towards (YN) and to push him away and getting hit with those bullets...

(YN): J-JoJo..!!!


(YN) sees Jolyne bleeding more and her suit about to evaporate, shes hurt bad from the bullets Rangler shot...(YN) quickly grabs Jolyne and to push her out from the zero gravity zone as Weather catches her and lays her on the ground...

Weather: Jolyne, you okay??!

Jolyne: I-I'm fine...wait, (YN)!!

Jolyne notices (YN) in the zero gravity zone with no cloud suit at all, still holding onto himself and to go gliding towards Rangler...

Jolyne: (YN) don't!!

Rangler: It's over!! I'm already aware you stand no chance!! My rotation bullets contains high speed and easily flicked away!! With you trying to hold your breathe that long and fight, you won't do both!! So die!!

Rangler again shoots more bullets from his wrists...and yet he manage to hit some to (YN) as he then began to grunt and blood to spill out from his mouth while trying not to breathe at all...

Jolyne: (YN)!!!

Rangler: Gotcha!!

(YN) was gliding and bumps into a he did, he clenched his hands, and to then place his feet onto the wall and give himself a mega boost to go after Rangler...

Rangler: Wha?!? No way!! How-


(YN) emits Fulgore, and for Fulgore to strike a vicious punch to Rangler...

Rangler: U-URRCK!!

Fulgore: Muda!! Muda Muda!! Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda MUDA!!!!

With Fulgore throwing some rapid punches to Rangler, ending up beating him into a pulp, he sends him flying crashing towards a garbage can....and for the disc to fall off from his pocket and (YN) retrieving it...

Jolyne: He...He did it! He defeated the enemy!

Weather: Thats good...but, I've notice something from him.

Jolyne: H-Huh?? What is it??

Weather: ...I took a little glimpse of (YN) when he was inside the zero gravity zone with no suit cloud I gave him, however, there was mist of clouds around him, and was able to breathe...which got me clueless, how did he do that if only my stand can do so.

Jolyne: O-Oh, see, his stand Fulgore, not only it's great in combat, but it's ability is able to mimic other stands I guess he used Fulgore to quickly scan your stand's abilities and used it to himself to save me.

Weather: ...I see, interesting. His stand, really cool.

Jolyne: Yeah, he' cool.

and with Rangler defeated, the zero gravity zone is no more and the area is able to breathe normally, (Yn) lands on the floor and to rush over to Jolyne and Weather...

(YN): Weather, JoJo, you alright??

Weather: I'm fine, just minor wounds.

(YN): Good, and you-OOF!

Suddenly, Jolyne quickly rushes to (YN) and giving him a hug...

(YN): Jo..Jolyne??

Jolyne: You idiot...don't ever pull something like that, you scared me!

(YN): ...I only did it to save you, you were in danger, if I hadn' would've died.

Jolyne: ...Yeah, but...promise me you'll be more careful next time?

(YN) gently smiles and to pat Jolyne on her head...

(YN): I'll keep that in mind.

Jolyne gently smiles and blushes...and notices (YN) retrieve the disc...

Jolyne: Oh! You got it!

(YN): Oh, yeah. You think we still got time to meet up the SpeedWagon Foundation?

Jolyne: Possible, I think we have little time, let's go.

The three jogged their way tot he doorway that leads to the courtyard...but as for Weather, due to the wounds he's got from the bullets and the zero gravity zone from the wind vacuum as well, he's lost so much blood and can barely walk, so he sits down and leans towards the wall...

(YN): Okay, on the other side of this door, there's a passageway. Alongside the right wall, there are windows that lookout to the courtyard, there we will be able to see a revolting doors gate, which is the gate to the courtyard. I heard During daytime hours the gates unlocks and free access.

Weather: But the problem is how are you going o open it? Surely you have a badge of your own since you're disguised as a guard, Emporio told me so.

(YN): Yeah, I do, I still have that guard's badge that got killed some couple days ago by JonhGalli A, but not only that, I'm gonna need a guard to open it up for me too.

Jolyne: So I guess we're gonna have to wait until a guard shows up and opens it for us then.

Weather: Mm, clever....but, that would mean you and Jolyne must use force against the guards that'll be in your way to your path, right? Good plan and all, but...not will you have the crime of attempting to escape, you'll also be put on isolation for half a year, left on a small room where you won't be able to stretch nor exercise, and (YN) won't do anything about it and get his cover blown from his disguise.

Jolyne: ...Doesn't matter, we're going to the courtyard and handing the disc over to the SpeedWagon Foundation. Right's my life's goal and only objective.

Suddenly, they heard footsteps on the other side of the door....

(YN): A guard's coming. Weather, we'll handle this for now, go and hide somewhere here, you're wounded, and if they see you covered in blood, they'll quickly have a major lockdown for good.

Weather: I get it, you're right.

Weather stood up and to quickly hide behind the he does, Jolyne began to bang on the door to get the guards attention...and so it did...the guard speaks through the speaker monitor attach to the wall...

???: Something wrong, why are you banging on the door?

(YN) inserts the badge to scan and to reveal the badges face and full name of the other guard....

???: Oh, I see, apologies sir, I don't come no trouble, for I am looking for someone here, guess he isn't.

Jolyne and (YN) both looked at each other, knowing that this guard was expecting for Lang Rangler here in the room...

???: Hold on, I'll open the door now.

The guard then opens the door as the door slowly opens, Jolyne and (YN) emits their stands, preparing to launch an attack if this guard tries to do something funny....
And as the door open completely...this "guard" wasn't just a was more of a priest who stepped into the was none other than Enrico Pucci, the priest father...

Pucci: Apologies again sir, I've expected someone else here for a meet up, but I guess I'll have to contact him somewhere else to visit a place of worship.

Jolyne Mind: It's...not a guard?!?

Pucci looks around the room, and sees nobody...

Pucci: What the?? Wasn't there- *gasps*

Then...he spots Jolyne and (YN) he gave out this surprise utter jaw dropping look on his face...

Jolyne: *N-No, he's not even a guard at all...this man isn't a guard nor a prisoner...his's like he's a...priest!!* O-Oh! I...I Uh...I am soooo sorry father, please forgive me, you see, this guard here was gonna take me

Suddenly, Jolyne notices Pucci was dead silence, still giving out a surprise look on his face, and wasn't even looking at her at all..instead, his focus was on (YN) mainly, as she looks at (YN), also noticing he gave this little surprise look too....

Jolyne Mind: What...What the hell!? (YN) too?? Why are they looking at each other like that?? It's like if they-

Pucci: My goodness...could this be...really you??! My god...(YN), my son, is that...really you??!

(YN): Father...Pucci..??!

Jolyne Mind: WHAT??! They...know each other!!?


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