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With (YN) arrive into my arms, and meeting DIO as well, we have became one happy family together, me and DIO raise (YN) like our own son together, I've took cared of him, bathe him, fed him and most importantly...loves him. DIO on the other trying, he can be intimidating with the boy, but surprisingly (YN) wasn't even scared of him, now matter how DIO can be menacing and intimidating, he just...smiles and laughs...which DIO seems surprise of...and I won't forgive him the fact DIO dyed his hair color like his...but I'll give him something that he actually cares for him...
However, as DIO left to Egypt, and for me alone to take care of (YN) as I promise...I still want to go over to Egypt and find DIO about the meaning of finding true heaven...but never happen, because the notebook he wrote on it was burned into none other than Jolyne's parents, Jocelyn and (Part 3 (YN)) Kujo...they laid eyes on the contents of the book that day. With it gone, it is sealed to them for ever, along with the man who aimed for heaven, Dio Brando himself...for the next 20 years I've waited patiently, for my chance to obtain one of Jolyne's parents memories so that I could relive the moment that he read the for (YN) growing up, he walked on his own, during his age of 17...
He wanted to know what happen to DIO, with me feeling guilty to even tell him...i didn't wanna tell him who killed him knowing I have to deal with Jolyne's parents I lied to him and that DIO was killed by an enemy stand user, but didn't said the name....
So, with that said, he promised me he find the one that killed DIO...and he did eventually...
And finally after decades, I've bump into Jocelyn, though not sure what happen to her husband, but doesn't matter, as long is one of them, it's all good. I have finally obtain her memories, alongside with her stand that surpass DIO, Star Platinum. I ensure that Jocelyn's body would wither and decay. And to realize to find out about her daughter to be so troublesome and behave in ways I never could have expected,'s all taken care of now. that I've bump into (YN) now,'s making my plans go wrong, I'd never expect him to work alongside with Jolyne to help her out...damn it! Why must this happen?! ...I just hope White Snake doesn't end up killing him...that boy is the only thing I have left in my life.


Down the hallway, (YN) was walking, making his way over to Jolyne...until suddenly...he heard loud gunshots...

(YN): What the, Gunshots?! ...No! Jolyne!!

As he makes a run for, Fulgore out of nowhere appears out...

(YN): Fulgore?! What are you-

Fulgore turns and to swing his blades, as White Snake dodges it and steps back...

(YN): Nrgh! White Snake!

White Snake: ...If I were you boy, I suggest you stop what you're doing, and you won't get hurt.

(YN): Tch, the fuck are you talking about?

White Snake: Just listen to what I'm about to say; Don't even think about helping Jolyne Cujoh, and you won't get hurt, but if you do...consequences will happen to you, be smart about this and think this through.

(YN): And why the hell should I listen to you?! You're the enemy here!!!

Fulgore rushes at White Snake and to began swinging his noses ferociously at White Snake as he began to dodge them, Fulgore manage to cut White Snake barely onto his cheek...

White Snake: ...This isn't what he wanted.

(YN): Now what are you babbling about?!

White Snake: Like I said, keep helping Jolyne, and consequences will come at you eventually.

Meanwhile, outside the courtyard, Jolyne thought she have met a SpeedWagon Foundation member to retired the disc to...but was wrong, it was more of a guard from here, who turn out to be working for White Snake, and to shoot Jolyne down to the ground...

Guard: Ah, now I know what was I doing here, the disc. I was given orders to get this back with no scratches at all. Also to make sure Jolyne Cujoh is finished off for good. Thing is, don't know who gave me these orders. Oh well, doesn't matter, all I remember is I was given orders to blast Jolyne with this gun and receive the disc. It's over now, Jolyne Cujoh!!!

As the guard was going to shoot Jolyne...suddenly, something hit him from the was a frog, a blue with lots of black spots frog, Poison Dart Frogs, and more of them started to fall from the sky, hitting the guard, splattering him as well...

This is happening all cause of Weather Forecast's stand, his stand's ability to to control the weather itself, and made to make it rain the years between 1887 and 1974, in the state of Florida alone, there were more cases saying about raining fish, snakes, and sheep's falling from the sky with Unbelievable numbers. It was caused by a tornado, at least that's what the rumors say. These Posion Dart Frogs live on treetops in Central and South America. They carry deadly poison under their skin that aboriginal Americans used for their blowguns. And with that said, the guard was being hit by them and for their poison to splat all over him and infecting him, making his body melt and infectious...
Back with Pucci, as he was making his way, the raining frogs crash through the window ceiling and for some glass to cut his hand...

Pucci: What the, Frogs?! Wait, judging from their color, their certainly poison frogs, Poison Dart Frogs! It takes less than few seconds for the poison to get inside the body, causing the heart and respiratory system to stop! That's why there's blaster fluid all over! Damn it, I have no choice....White Snake!

Back with (YN), White Snake heard his name called, as he quickly flies his way over to Pucci..

(YN): Huh?! Hey get back here! *No wait! Jolyne! she must've got shot from those gunshots I heard! She's more important!! I have to-

Then suddenly, the glass from the ceiling broke due of the frogs kept raining, and to crash through...(YN) quickly avoids from being hit from them and noticing them falling to the ground and splattering fluids...

(YN): The hell?! Frogs-no wait, poison frogs! And their raining!? What the actual hell is even going on!? Shit, doesn't matter now, I have to go after Jolyne! ..Just gotta find another way out!

As he goes and makes a run for to find another way to head outside the courtyard to get Jolyne, White Snake arrives and helps Pucci...

Pucci: But why all of the sudden? Why are frogs raining out of nowhere??! .....Wait, don't tell...his stand has the ability to control the weather? Weather Forecast...he should have lost his memory! Is he behind all this?! I have to get out here!

With Pucci trying to get out of the situation and to suddenly know Weather Forecast and his stand ability...(YN) makes a run for down the hallway to go after Jolyne...

(YN): Stay strong JoJo, I'm coming for you!


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